Reflection moveout approximations are commonly used for velocity
analysis, stacking, and time migration. We introduce a novel
functional form for approximating the moveout of reflection
traveltimes at large offsets. While the classic hyperbolic
approximation uses only two parameters (the zero-offset time and the
moveout velocity), our form involves five parameters, which can be
determined, in a known medium, from zero-offset computations and
from tracing one non-zero-offset ray. We call it a generalized
approximation because it reduces to some known three-parameter forms
(the shifted hyperbola of Malovichko, de Baziliere, and Castle; the
Padé approximation of Alkhalifah and Tsvankin; and others) with
a particular choice of coefficients. By testing the accuracy of the
proposed approximation with analytical and numerical examples, we
show that it can bring several-orders-of-magnitude improvement in
accuracy at large offsets compared to known analytical
approximations, which makes it as good as exact for many practical