To compensate for attenuation in seismic images, Zhu et al. (2014) and Sun et al. (2015) proposed the -compensated RTM (-RTM). -RTM in general can be formulated as follows:
We propose to replace the original viscoacoustic RTM with -RTM
as the backward operator. The true model defined in equation 19 can be equivalently expressed as:
Additionally, an RTM image may contain low-frequency noise, which can be efficiently removed by a Laplacian filter (Zhang and Sun, 2009). We propose to cascade the -RTM operator with a Laplacian filter to help with the least-squares inversion and speed up the convergence rate. Correspondingly, the inverted model is expressed as
Instead of looking for the preconditioner , we simply replace with . Note that, theoretically, the inverted matrix in equation 25 is Hermitian. The new formulation (equation 23), however, makes the inverted matrix numerically non-Hermitian. One complication with equation 23 is that because the square matrix being inverted is no longer Hermitian, iterative methods for Hermitian positive-definite matrices are not optimal (Saad, 2003). Therefore, we implement a complex-valued restarted generalized minimum residual algorithm, GMRES(m), which solves a least-squares system by searching for the vector in the Krylov subspace with minimum residual (Saad and Schultz, 1986). We refer to the method of solving equation 23 by GMRES(m) as -compensated LSRTM or -LSRTM. As demonstrated in the numerical examples of the next section, -LSRTM is capable of achieving a significantly faster convergence rate than conventional LSRTM, and, in practice, produces the desired image within only a few iterations.