NM task-centric program program list
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List of Numerical Methods programs in Madagascar. An overview of all task-centric pages can be found in the main Task-centric program list.
All program names below should be prefixed with "sf".
Operation on file content[edit]
- Generate simple data (spikes, boxes, planes, constants): spike
- Mathematical operations on data files: math
- Add, multiply, or divide RSF datasets: add
- Add, multiply, or divide RSF datasets (fast, OMP-enabled): paradd
- Create a mask: mask
- Scale data: scale
- Rotate a portion of one or more axes in the data hypercube: rotate
- Zero a portion of the dataset: cut
- Extend a dataset by duplicating in the specified axis dimension: spray
Complex number operations[edit]
- Convert real data to complex (by adding zero imaginary part): rtoc
- Extract real part of a complex dataset: real
- Extract imaginary part of a complex dataset: imag
- Create a complex dataset from its real and imaginary parts: cmplx
Statistical operations on files[edit]
- Display dataset attributes: attr
- 1-D histogram: histogram
- Computes what clip value corresponds to a given pclip: quantile
- Clip the data: clip
- One- or two-sided data clipping: clip2
- Percentile clip: pclip
- Threshold float/complex inputs given a constant/varying threshold level: thr
- Soft thresholding: threshold
- Construct incremental minimum or maximum lists from an RSF file: listminmax
- Sort a float/complex vector by absolute values: sort
- Element by element minimum or maximum of two RSF files: minmax
- Similarity measure between two datasets: similarity
- 2-D histogram (inputs from 2 files): hist2
Mathematics algorithms[edit]
Basic mathematical processes[edit]
- Causal integration on the first axis: causint
- Derivative along the first axis: igrad
- Fast Fourier Transform along the first axis (from real to complex): fft1
- FFT transform on extra axis (from complex to complex): fft3
- 3D FFT with centering and Hermitian scaling: fft3d
- Frequency spectra: spectra
- Frequency spectra in 2-D: spectra2
- 1-D Digital Wavelet Transform: dwt
- Multi-dimensional cosine transform: cosft
Linear Algebra[edit]
- Simple matrix multiplication: matmult
- Simple matrix multiplication for complex matrices: cmatmult
- Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric positive definite matrix: dmeig
- Kroneker product with square matrices: kron
- Generic conjugate-gradient solver for linear inversion: conjgrad
- Generic dot-product test for linear operators with adjoints: dottest
- Generic conjugate-gradient solver for linear inversion with complex data: cconjgrad
- Generic dot-product test for complex linear operators with adjoints: cdottest
- Stack a dataset over one of the dimensions: stack
- Transpose two axes in a dataset: transp