Graphics development with vplot

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This document has been originally distributed together with vplot as pens/docs/vplothacker.doc . It has been placed on this wiki for enhanced readability, for version control and for easy editing which will increase its chances of being kept up to date. All relative file paths referred to in this document refer to the location mentioned above. More information may be found in SEP report nr. 60.

Hacker's guide to the innards of the Pen programs,
What you need to know to support a new device well

Joe Dellinger and Charles R. Karish
Stanford University School of Earth Sciences


This documentation is what you should read if you want to support a new device under Vplot. Note that this documentation is NOT complete in itself. It refers to the various vplot manual pages, and more importantly, to several include files. Where I have had particular trouble with people missing important points, I have USED CAPITALS to help snap people out of their trances.


The pen software package, developed by students in the Geophysics department at Stanford University over many years, allows graphical data produced by computer programs to be displayed on a wide variety of output devices, including terminals and hard copy devices. Both vector and raster output are supported. The filters allow the user to control the size, aspect ratio, and position on the page independent of the program which produces the data. Pen programs read files written in the vplot graphics metalanguage and write commands appropriate to the various output devices. The pen programs are all filters, and can be run in pipelines without loss of function. Only rudimentary provisions for interaction are provided.

Terminals now supported include color Tektronix and emulators (4105), monochrome Tektronix and emulators (4010) (GraphOn, Selanar, Retrographics), Envision, DEC Regis (Gigi, VT125, VT220), Imagen, PostScript (e. g., Apple LaserWriter), Printronix printer, suntools, X, NEWS, and Rastertek.


The source for the pen filters is located in .../vplot/filters and subdirectories. All include files (files ending in .h) are kept in .../vplot/filters/include. Fonts are kept in .../vplot/filters/include/vplotfonts. Each pen filter has an associated

device-dependent subroutine library, which is kept in a subdirectory of

.../vplot/filters. For example, the Envision pen filter "envipen" uses the directory .../vplot/filters/envilib.

Program structure[edit]

The philosophy behind vplot and pen has been to have users' programs write output in a device-independent language, and to present the results in a compatible manner on all devices. All the filters share a common user/operating system interface routine, called frontend, and a common vplot command interpreter, dovplot.c. Frontend consists of 3 parts: main_vplot, init_vplot, and proc_vplot. The routines in utillib.a are mostly low-level and device independent. Genlib.a is a set of generic routines which is capable of providing all or almost all of the functions needed to support a GKS vector output package. The programmer is free to use these routines in a device driver, or to substitute calls to high-level hardware capabilities. Loclib.a contains a subset of the seplib library, including routines for writing/reading vplot and for receiving parameters from the command line and initialization files.

The heart of the device support system is the file <dev>conf.c where <dev> is the name of the device. Inspired by the file /usr/sys/machine/conf.c which configures the UNIX operating system to accept peripheral devices, this file is composed of three parts:

  1. Declaration of the variables necessary to do self-documentation:
    char name[] = "Filter name";
    char *documentation[] = {...documentation...};
    int doclength = {sizeof documentation / sizeof documentation[0] };

    You may wish to include "gendoc.h" as part of your documentation string.

  2. Declaration of the routines which have been chosen/written to provide the various functions. All the routines named in part 3 must be declared, as well as all the routines which they may call.
  3. Initialization of a structure of pointers to the routines which do the work. Since this structure is read directly by dovplot.c, it is vital that the all entries be filled in order. Each subroutine name can be one of three types:
    1. A device-specific subroutine name such as "envipoint". (Note the first 4 characters of the name are a unique identifier for the device, and the rest of the name tells which routine in the table this is. The 4 letter identifier is usually tacked onto "pen" to give the pen filter name (such as "envipen") and onto "lib" to give the subdirectory name (such as "envilib").)
    2. A generic subroutine name such as "genpoint". Generic subroutines simplify the device's work by handling things in software. They in turn call other, simpler, device routines. Generic routines are useful because by using them it is very easy to rapidly support all the primitives on a device. If the device can do things in hardware, however, it is usually preferable to write a device-specific routine to use that capability since that is much more efficient.
    3. The do-nothing subroutine "nulldev". Nulldev is an all-purpose generic subroutine that simply returns. It can either be used as a place holder for routines your device doesn't use, or it can be used in cases where there is simply no reasonable way to handle that particular primitive on that device.

The usual procedure for creating a new driver has been to steal as much code as possible from a driver for a similar device, or from the generic library. For a Tektronix emulator, this can be as simple as checking that the mode changes are handled properly by and dev.close, and writing a devconf.c with the proper subroutine names. For a start, it should be possible to get a less-standard device going with devopen, devclose, and devplot routines, relying on generic routines for all other functions. Figure 1 contains the device structure for the Envision 220.

struct device   dev =
 /* control routines */
    enviopen,		/* open */
    envireset,		/* reset */
    envimessage,	/* message */
    envierase,		/* erase */
    enviclose,		/* close */

 /* high level output */
    genvector,		/* vector */
    genmarker,		/* marker */
    gentext,		/* text */
    genarea,		/* area */
    genraster1,		/* raster */
    envipoint,		/* point */
    enviattributes,	/* attributes */

 /* input */
    envigetpoint,	/* getpoint */
    geninteract,	/* interact */

 /* low level output */
    enviplot,		/* plot */
    envistartpoly,	/* startpoly */
    envimidpoly,	/* midpoly */
    enviendpoly		/* endpoly */

/* Figure 1: device structure for envipen */


The following variables are used to communicate information between dovplot and the device routines.

These variables must be initialized in either or dev.reset:

int dev_xmax, dev_ymax, dev_xmin, dev_ymin;

These variables should give the device coordinates of the lower-leftmost and upper-rightmost pixels on the device screen. It is assumed that the device X axis is horizontal and the device Y axis is vertical, and that dev_xmax > dev_xmin and dev_ymax > dev_ymin. If this is not true for your device, it is up to the device routines to transform the device coordinate system so it is true. (Examples of devices that do this are gigipen and ipen.)

float pixels_per_inch, aspect_ratio;

Pixels_per_inch gives the number of pixels per inch on the device in the horizontal direction. Aspect_ratio gives the height to width ratio of the pixels. (Aspect_ratio > 1 means that the pixels are tall and skinny, and thus that the resolution is less in the vertical direction than in the horizontal direction.)

int num_col;

Num_col is the number of settable colors that the device has. Colors that can't be reset from the host don't count. Currently num_col can be at most 256, because this is all the raster routines can handle (due to use of unsigned char's). If mono=y is set, init_vplot will set num_col to zero.

The following variables are set by dovplot but may be reset in (NOT dev.reset) if the default value is not appropriate. For the most part, resetting these variables is for the purpose of making a device-dependent default; the user is given a chance to override the value the device sets them to.

int size=RELATIVE;

Large hardcopy devices (the kinds that make wallpaper plots) should set this to size=ABSOLUTE, or else people will regularly make 5 foot tall graphs with 6 inch high labels. Normal devices, like terminals or laserprinters, should just take the default.

int mono=NO;

If mono=NO, then the device is assumed to have color EVEN IF num_col is zero. If mono=YES, then the device is monochrome. (The user cannot override mono=YES, but can mono=NO.) See comments about the effects of mono and num_col on color in dev.attributes below, and on raster in dev.raster. Mono=YES forces num_col=0.

int invras=YES;

This variable is only used in the utility routine "greycorr.c". Invras is meant to be used with dithered raster. Raster is only dithered if mono=YES and dither>0. Normally such devices draw in black on a white page, which is the reverse of what is normal for screen devices, and so invras=YES. If the background color is BLACK then invras should be NO. Devices which dither for themselves do not need to do the inverting; it is done before the raster is passed to the device routine.

int dither=1;

Default dithering style to use for this device. See vplotraster(9) for the different values to be explained.

float greyc=1.;

This variable is used only when dithering is being performed, and really should only be used for hardcopy devices. It alters the grey scale so that grey rasters come out on paper with the same nonlinear appearance that is perceived on display devices. See vplotraster(9) for a discussion of the parameter and how to use it.

float pixc=1.;

This variable is used only when dithering is being performed, and also should only be used for hardcopy devices. It alters the grey scale to correct for pixel overlap on the device, which (if uncorrected) causes grey raster images to come out much darker on paper than on graphics displays. See vplotraster(9) for a discussion of the parameter and how to use it.

int txfont=DEFAULT_FONT, txprec=DEFAULT_PREC;

Default text font, precision, and overlay mode. Text fonts of less than NUMGENFONT are reserved for genvector fonts. If you want the device to by default use some nice hardware font, you can reset txfont to the appropriate device-dependent font number. Alternatively, if the device is one in which plotting speed is not a problem, txfont can be set to DEFAULT_HARDCOPY_FONT. Txprec is pretty much ignored by genvector. Fancy output devices should set txprec to DEFAULT_HARDCOPY_PREC to enable ligatures. Txprec may be used by device-dependent text routines. Txprec must be in the range 0 through 2.

float hshift=0., vshift=0.; int rotate=0;

These values are in addition to whatever the user may set from the command line. This provides a way for a device to rotate or translate all plots.

int shade=YES;

If shade=NO, then no attempt will be made by vplot to ask the device to shade the interiors of polygons due to the vplot `a' and `A' commands. Instead it will just outline them with vectors whenever it tries to fill a polygon. This option is for devices that CAN fill but are very slow to do so.

int wantras=YES;

If wantras=NO, then no attempt will be made by vplot to ask the device to handle raster due to the vplot `r' and `R' commands. Instead it will just shade the raster area solid white using dev.area. This option is for devices that CAN do raster but are very slow to do it.

float fatmult=1., patternmult=1.;

If fat lines are too slow, you can set fatmult=0. and disable line fattening. The user can still turn it on again by overriding with fatmult=1 from the command line. Patternmult can be used to scale up or down patterns by default on a specific device.

int endpause=NO;

If the device needs a pause at the end of the plot (via dev.close(CLOSE_PAUSE) and then dev.interact(INT_F_PAUSE)) then endpause should be set to YES.

int cachepipe=NO;

If the device may need to reread files it will have problems with pipes. If cachepipe is set to YES any piped input will be copied to a temporary file. This allows reverse seeks on the file. On the other had you incur the overhead of the copy so the user may want to turn it off for humongous files. This option is currently set to YES in vppen, xvpen and sunpen.

int allowecho=?;

Allowecho controls whether echoing is turned off for the duration of plotting. Allowecho=NO turns off echoing. If the sets allowecho, dovplot assumes that it knows what it's doing and leaves it alone. Otherwise, dovplot tries to decide whether allowecho should be YES or NO depending on where the output stream pltout goes. If after calling pltout and stderr point to the same place, then it assumes that allowecho should be NO. The user can force allowecho to be YES from the command line if the device or dovplot set it to be NO, but the user cannot force it to be NO.

int (*message)()=genmessage;

Dovplot decides where to send messages (such as error messages, for example) in the same way that it decides how to set allowecho. Before has been called, the device is not open and dev.message cannot be called. Instead, it is assumed that it is safe to send all messages to stderr by calling genmessage instead. After has been called, dovplot checks to see whether stderr and pltout point to the same place. If they do, then from then on all messages are routed to dev.message. However, if they do NOT point to the same place, then it is assumed that it is still safe to route them to stderr and messages are still handled by genmessage. If this logic is incorrect for your device you will need to reset this variable to dev.message in So far the only devices for which dovplot's logic has been wrong have been virtual ones. The user cannot determine where messages are to be sent.

The following variables can usually be left at their default values, but may have to be reset for some devices. They cannot be changed by the user.

int need_end_erase=NO;

Some devices use the "erase" routine to do things such as write out a rasterized plot image as well as for erasing. For such devices it is convenient to have dev.erase called one last time before the device is closed (via dev.erase(ERASE_END)). To get this, set need_end_erase=YES.

int buffer_output=YES;

If for some reason buffering the output to your device is a bad thing to do, set buffer_output=NO. This only applies if you use the FILE *pltout that dovplot provides.

int smart_clip=NO;

If smart_clip=NO, then dovplot will do all clipping for you, with the exception of polygons supported at the dev.area level. If you can do your own clipping, then set smart_clip=YES. You must then handle dev.attributes(SET_WINDOW)!

int smart_background=NO;

If smart_background=YES, then dovplot will handle the background command for you by drawing a borderless polygon of color 0 to exactly fill the plottable area. If your device already handles setting the background color to match whatever color 0 has been redefined to, then you can set this variable to "YES". Dovplot will then call dev.erase(ERASE_BACKGROUND) when it encounters this command, which the device can use to implement the command if needed. Devices that naturally honor changes to color 0 can ignore this command.

int smart_raster=NO;

If you can stretch AND clip your own raster, then set smart_raster=YES. It is then up to you to do all the stretching and clipping (and possibly dithering) of raster in the dev.raster routine, as dovplot will not then do it for you.

The following variables may be useful to refer to in, so that one pen filter can support multiple devices:

char callname[]="filename";
char wstype[]="default";

Callname gives the name the person invoked to run this pen filter. (The leading path is stripped for you if present.) If the person has "wstype=work_station_type" as a command line option, then wstype will be set to the string "work_station_type". Otherwise, it will be set to "default". Note that the only routine that REALLY has to be defined in dev.conf is, and the only routines that REALLY have to be defined in are dev.close, dev.reset and dev.message. However, by the time dev.reset returns everything had better be defined. Thus you can decide inside which subroutines to plug into the device table, after looking at wstype and callname to tell you which device you are supporting.


All sizes and locations are in device units unless stated otherwise. Dovplot() uses its notions of the vplot environment (resolution, origin) and the device resolution (pixel size and shape) to call with the appropriate values. Subroutines may write to the external FILE *pltout which dovplot initializes, which may be a terminal, a pipe, or a text file, or they may open their own output file if pltout is not appropriate. In general, if the user is redirecting stdout, then that's where the output should go and no plot should actually appear anywhere. If the user is not redirecting stdout, then the user wants a plot to appear on the appropriate device. Pen filters should not easily be made to dump binary garbage out onto your screen!

We will list each routine in the device table in order. We will also list all associated generic and utility routines at the same time.

Control routines[edit]

Initialize device-dependent variables (see above) and emit hardware initialization strings. This routine is guaranteed to be the first called, and it is only called once.


Reset the terminal. It is guaranteed that this will be called once after the first call to before any other routine is called. The one exception is in case of certain errors, in which case dev.reset is never called and instead dev.close(NOTHING) followed by dev.close(DONE) are the only other calls after the initial call. (This is the "No input?" error, which you've probably seen.)

dev.message(command, string)
int command;
char string[];

Choose a command from mesgcom.h to position the cursor, set the proper text mode, and print out a message. Displaying a message will require several calls to dev.message, one per command. The meanings of the various commands are given by comments inside mesgcom.h.

Generic routines: genmessage.c Genmessage prints all messages to stderr. It doesn't try to do anything at all fancy, although it does beep as the best available completely device-independent way of "highlighting text". It beeps twice because some devices silently eat single beeps.

int command;

Choose an erase mode from erasecom.h, and erase the screen. The meanings of the various commands are given by comments inside erasecom.h.

int status;

Choose a close status from closestat.h, and close the workstation. The meanings of the various commands are given by comments inside closestat.h.

High level output routines[edit]

dev.vector(x1, y1, x2, y2, nfat, dashon)
int x1, y1, x2, y2, nfat, dashon;
/* These can be declared by including extern.h */
extern float dashsum, dashpos;
extern float dashes[/* dashon*2 */];

Draw a (possibly) fat (possibly) dashed line from device coordinate (x1,y1) to (x2,y2). The fatness of the line is given by nfat. Nfat=0 means the thinnest possible line. Each increase of 1 means to fatten the line by one device pixel WIDTH (the height could be quite different, depending on the value of aspect_ratio). Nfat < 0 should be checked for, and no vector should be drawn at all in that case.

If dashon>0 then a dashed line should be drawn. The pattern consists of dashon dash-gap pairs. The pattern is defined in the array dashes[2*dashon]. (ie, dashes[0] is the first dash length, dashes[1] is the first gap length, dashes[2] is the second dash length, etc.) Dovplot will call dev.attributes(NEW_DASH,...) whenever the values in this array are changed.

Dashsum gives the total length of the dash-gap pattern (ie, dashsum = summation i=0;i<dashon*2;i++ of dashes[i]). The position in the dash pattern at the start of the vector is given in dashpos (it is the responsibility of dev.vector to update dashpos after each vector is drawn. The only time dovplot ever touches it is to reset it back to zero after "move" commands or when the pattern is reset). Dashpos, dashsum, and dashes are all measured in INCHES. (You should get the same size dash pattern on different devices even if they have different-sized screens!) If you are not sure whether you have supported dashed lines correctly, try using dashvec (described below) to do the dashing and see if the results are compatible.

Thus, you can support dashed lines in one of 3 ways:

  1. You can use the generic routine dashvec to do the dashing for you

in software, and just ignore all this mess;

  1. You can refer to dashon, dashsum, dashpos, and dashes on every call

to dev.vector and use what you find to do the dashing, all the while making sure to keep dashpos up to date;

  1. You can keep track of the current dash pattern via calls to

dev.attributes(NEW_DASH,...), and let the dashing take place in hardware. Note that just because a dashed pattern has been put in effect DOES NOT mean it will always be used on all calls to dev.vector. Dev.vector can still be asked to draw continuous lines (ie, those for which dashon=0) WITHOUT WARNING AT ANY TIME. All you are guaranteed is that IF you are asked to draw with a dash pattern, it will be the pattern last sent to dev.attributes(NEW_DASH,...). If the pattern last sent to dev.attributes(NEW_DASH,...) was just a continuous line (ie no dashing at all) then dev.vector is guaranteed to only be called with dashon=0, until dev.attributes(NEW_DASH,...) is called again and a new pattern is set.

Just as in the case of dashing, dev.attributes(NEW_FAT,...) warns when the "current fatness" has been changed. But dev.vector can still be asked to draw a line with a different fatness (such as for a polygon border) without warning at any time. If your device does hardware fattening, the best thing to do is to check "nfat" versus the current hardware fatness at the beginning of every call to dev.vector to see if the hardware fatness needs to be reset. (Dev.attributes(NEW_FAT,...) is probably of use only to vppen.) If your device can't do hardware fattening, use the utility routine fatvec described below.

Utility routines associated with dev.vector: These routines are meant to be called from a device-dependent dev.vector routine as utility functions.

fatvec(x1, y1, x2, y2, nfat, dashon)
int x1, y1, x2, y2, nfat, dashon;

Fatvec should ONLY be called if nfat>0. Fatvec will apply Glenn Kroeger's line-fattening algorithm to the given fat vector, replacing it with several non-fat vectors. Fatvec will thus repeatedly call dev.vector with nfat=0. (That's why it is important that your routine only call fatvec if nfat>0!) Fatvec ignores the dashon argument.

dashvec(x1, y1, x2, y2, nfat, dashon)
int x1, y1, x2, y2, nfat, dashon;

Dashvec should ONLY be called if dashon>0. Dashvec will apply Joe Dellinger and Steve Cole's line-dashing algorithm to the given dashed vector, replacing it with several non-dashed vectors. Dashvec will thus repeatedly call dev.vector with dashon=0. (That's why it is important that your routine only call dashvec if dashon>0!) Dashvec ignores the nfat argument.

Note that if both dashvec and fatvec are called, dashvec must be called FIRST.

int clip(x1, y1, x2, y2)
int *x1, *y1, *x2, *y2;

Clip will clip the vector {(x1,y1),(x2,y2)} to the bounds set by {(xwmin,ywmin),(xwmax,ywmax)}. If the line is completely out of bounds and is clipped away to nothing, clip returns 1. Otherwise, clip returns 0. The standard way of using clip is:

if(clip(&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2)) return;

Generic routines for dev.vector: genvector.c This routine will do all required clipping, fattening, and dashing. It will also keep track of the previous position, and breaks up strings of vectors for you into moves and draws. (It does this in a tricky way, re-ordering the incoming vectors and even discarding moves that can be done with draws. The idea is to make the plot come out as efficiently as possible on the device.) It calls dev.plot(x,y,flag). No other routine calls dev.plot, so if you do not use genvector then dev.plot should be nulldev.

dev.marker(npts, mtype, msize, coor)
int npts, type, size;
int coor[/* npts*2 */];

Draw npts symbols centered at device coordinates (coor[0],coor[1]), (coor[2],coor[3]),...,(coor[npts*2-2],coor[npts*2-1]).

Mtype is an integer from 0 to whatever, defining the type of symbol to draw. Mtype of 0 through 5 is defined as in GKS:

  • 0,1: Smallest possible dot on the device.
  • 2: Plus sign
  • 3: Asterisk
  • 4: Circle
  • 5: Cross
  • 6-19: Reserved by GKS, but currently undefined.

These are as used in Vplot:

  • 20: Square
  • 21: Triangle (flat side on bottom)
  • 22: Diamond
  • 23: 5-pointed Star

For values that make sense as ASCII, something that looks like the corresponding ASCII character should be used. For ridiculous values of mtype, at least plot a point.

Msize is the vertical height of the symbol in VERTICAL device units. (Ie, msize says how many pixels tall the letter `A' should be.)

Generic routines: genmarker.c Genmarker calls dev.point, dev.text, or gentext.c as needed to produce the desired symbols. For ASCII symbols the current font is used, which could either be a device-dependent font or a gentext font depending on the font number. Marker types 2 through 23 are drawn using the MATH and MISC gentext fonts.

dev.text(string, pathx, pathy, upx, upy);
char *string;
float pathx, pathy, upx, upy;
/* These can be defined by including vplot.h and extern.h */
extern int txfont, txprec, txovly;
struct txalign {int hor; int ver;};
extern struct txalign txalign;
extern int fat;
extern int xold, yold;

Print the text in string at the point (xold,yold) in device coordinates. Upon return, xold and yold should be reset to point to the END of the text. (IE, for the normal text justification mode (TH_LEFT, TV_BASE), if the dev.text routine is called twice in a row the two printed strings should fit together nicely, as if produced by one call to dev.text with the two strings concatenated.)

The text should have fatness `fat', as defined in the section for dev.vector above.

The text should be justified according to the values of txalign.hor (for horizontal alignment) and txalign.ver (for vertical alignment.) See vplot.h and for descriptions of how text justification should work and to enumerate the various justification modes. (Our modes follow GKS, but with a couple of extensions thrown in to handle symbols and mid-text font and size changes.)

The text font value to use is given by txfont. Device-dependent text fonts start at font number NUMGENFONT. For txfont less than this, dovplot will NOT automatically call gentext. Device-dependent text routines, except for certain special cases, should begin by: if (txfont < NUMGENFONT) { gentext(...pass on all arguments here...); return; } The text precision value can be used by device-dependent text routines to control the quality of text produced. (You should either follow the GKS conventions or simply produce good text and ignore this parameter.) The three different precisions are enumerated in vplot.h

The text overlay value controls whether or not an area is shaded out under the text before it is drawn, and whether or not a box should be drawn around it. The shading should be to the current background color, color 0. The box should be of the same color and fatness as the text. Which value of txovly corresponds to what action is defined in vplot.h. It is up to the device to decide how big a box around the text is appropriate for a given font. (It is probably a good idea to follow gentext's example in this.)

Pathx, pathy, upx, and upy define the size, shape, and orientation of the text. Pathx and upx are in HORIZONTAL device units, and pathy and upy are in VERTICAL device units. (This distinction is important if your device does not have aspect_ratio=1..) Note that all 4 values are FLOATS, not ints.

The vector (pathx,pathy) defines the text path, and the vector (upx,upy) defines the character up vector. (This is just like in the GKS text notation conventions.) To understand the meaning of these two vectors, consider normal horizontal text with a height of 100 pixels. (We'll assume our device has square pixels for the moment.) For this text, (pathx,pathy) = (100.,0.) and (upx,upy) = (0.,100.). Now the position of any point on this text can be expressed as a linear combination of the path vector and the up vector. This is how dev.text should represent all text internally. In this way, if we linearly transform just the path vector and the up vector, then we do the transform to every point of the text too. If we rotate both the path and up vectors, the text rotates. if we multiply both the path and up vectors by two, the text gets twice as big. If the path and up vectors are not orthogonal, the text gets sheared.

To test a device-dependent text routine, try switching between a device-dependent font and one of the gentext fonts (txfont<NUMGENFONT). If your device-dependent test routine is correctly working, the text should always appear the same as far as height, direction, and position in both cases.

Generic routines: gentext.c Gentext.c produces text by mixing vectors and filled areas. It calls dev.vector, dev.area, and dev.attributes. It also recognizes many special escape sequences in the text. Gentext is documented in vplottext(9).

#include "vertex.h"
#include "pat.h"
dev.area(npts, verlist)
int npts;
struct vertex *verlist;
/* These can be defined by including extern.h */
extern int xwmin, xwmax, ywmin, ywmax;
extern int overlay;
extern int ipat;
extern struct pat pat[];

Dev.area fills a polygon with a user-defined pattern. The even-odd rule should be used to determine whether a point is inside or outside the polygon. (Draw a line from the point in question out to infinity. If it crosses the border of the polygon an odd number of times, it's inside; an even number of times, it's outside.) Npts is the number of vertices in the polygon. The coordinates of the vertices themselves are stored in the doubly-linked list "verlist". You should not change the values of these coordinates, as they may be used later by dovplot to draw a border around the polygon.

Note that if you use dev.area, it is up to the device to clip the polygon, REGARDLESS of the setting of smart_clip. The lower-leftmost displayable point is (xwmin,ywmin) and the upper-rightmost displayable point is (xwmax,ywmax). Alternatively, keep track of the current clipping window via dev.attributes(SET_WINDOW,...).

The "raster overlay mode" (which is set by the variable "overlay") controls the transparency of pixels of color 0 in polygon fill patterns. Refer to dev.attributes(NEW_OVERLAY,...) and also to dev.raster below.

Here is vertex.h, which defines how a vertex is represented: struct vertex { int x; /* X coordinate of vertex */ int y; /* Y coordinate of vertex */ struct vertex *next; /* pointer to next vertex */ struct vertex *last; /* pointer to last vertex */ struct vertex *soft; /* pointer to some other vertex */ }; All coordinates are in device pixel units.

The pattern to fill with is given in the external pat[ipat], which is a structure of type pat. You can either look in pat[ipat] fresh every time you need it, or use dev.attributes(NEW_PAT,...). Here is pat.h: struct pat { int ydim; /* Slow dimension */ int xdim; /* Fast dimension */ int ydim_orig; int xdim_orig; int patbits[/*xdim*ydim*/]; /* Array of color numbers */ }; Pat.patbits is an array of pat.xdim by pat.ydim color values, with one element in the array for each device pixel. The pattern is repeated to fill the polygon. The position of the origin of the pattern does not matter, but should not depend on the particular polygon. (In other words, if two polygons tiled with the same pattern overlap, the pattern should be continuous across the two.)

The horizontal dimension of the pattern is length pat.xdim. This is the fast axis. The vertical dimension of the pattern is length pat.ydim. This is the slow axis. The pattern is scanned on the screen TV-style. (In other words, pat.patbits[0] is at the upper-left hand corner, pat.patbits[pat.xdim-1] is the upper-right hand corner, and pat.patbits[pat.ydim*pat.xdim-1] is the lower right hand corner.)

If either pat.xdim or pat.ydim is 0 for a given polygon, dev.area is never even called and so no filling is done. If your device has color and cannot fill with an arbitrary pattern, it is OK to fill solidly with the current color instead.

The VP_OLDAREA command requires dovplot to generate its own pattern. Pattern number 0 is reserved solely for this purpose. User-defined VP_AREA-style patterns run from 1 up to NPAT.

For a VP_OLDAREA polygon on a color device, dovplot will generate a 1 by 1 pattern consisting of a single pixel of the current color, regardless of the requested pattern (this is part of the definition of the VP_OLDAREA command). Xdim_orig and ydim_orig will contain the values that xdim and ydim would have had if the device had been monochrome. This is provided so that no information needed to reconstruct the original vplot command is lost (vppen uses this).

For a VP_OLDAREA polygon on a monochrome device, dovplot will generate an xdim by ydim pattern consisting of all zeroes except for the last pixel, which will be of the current color. If your device is monochrome and cannot use loaded patterns but does have grey levels it is permissible to use the proportion of pixels turned on in the pattern as the grey level to shade with. You are especially encouraged to do so for VP_OLDAREA polygons with xdim = ydim.

Dovplot will call dev.attributes(NEW_PAT,ipat) whenever the pattern defined by pat[ipat] is loaded or updated by the user. VP_OLDAREA patterns (ipat=0) will NOT be defined in this way. It is also permissible for the user to use a pattern that was never defined. Refer to attrcom.h for more details about these cases. You only need to worry about this if you only keep track of patterns via dev.attributes(NEW_PAT,...). If you look at the contents of the "pat" structure fresh each time, you don't need to worry about whether the user defined the pattern or not, whether it is a VP_AREA or VP_OLDAREA pattern, etc, etc.

Generic routines: vecarea.c, genarea.c, genpatarea.c Vecarea fills the polygon with the current color by drawing vertical and horizontal vectors. It shows the size of the pattern by the line spacing. Vecarea calls dev.vector and dev.attributes.

Genarea clips the given polygon (if smart_clip=NO), possibly generating more than one polygon out of the pieces. It then calls dev.startpoly, dev.midpoly, and dev.endpoly to do the actual filling of the polygons. These three routines are documented below.

Genpatarea fills the polygon with the correct pattern one raster line at a time by calling dev.raster. It uses the "dumb" format for dev.raster, so you cannot use genpatarea if smart_raster=YES.

Dev.raster has 2 formats, depending on the value of smart_raster.

If smart_raster=NO, then the raster will be stretched to device coordinates, clipped (regardless of the value of smart_clip), color mapped, dithered (when appropriate), and broken up into individual scan lines. Dev.raster will be called once for each scan line of the raster image.

If smart_raster=YES, then the raster will be read in and color mapped (which for monochrome devices using dithering means converted to grey levels, pixc'd, greyc'd, and inverted if necessary), but nothing else. It is up to the device to dither it (depending on the value of the global variable dither), stretch it, and clip it. The entire block of raster will be passed with one call to dev.raster.

The "raster overlay mode" (set by the external integer "overlay") controls the transparency of pixels of color 0 in raster. If overlay=NO, then raster (and polygon fill patterns) should completely obscure anything previously plotted underneath. If overlay=YES, then background-colored pixels (color 0) should be considered transparent, allowing things previously plotted underneath to "show through". If your device cannot do this, you can ignore this variable. You can also keep track of the current overlay mode via dev.attributes(NEW_OVERLAY,...).

/* Dumb format, smart_raster=NO */
dev.raster(count, out_of, xpos, ypos, rlength, orient, raster, dummy1, dummy2)
int count, out_of, xpos, ypos, rlength, orient, dummy1, dummy2;
unsigned char raster[/*rlength*/];
/* Including "extern.h" defines this. */
extern int overlay;

Draw a line of raster, starting at the point (xpos,ypos) and extending for a total of length pixels in a direction determined by orient. Orient is measured in units of 90 degrees clockwise from the device's X (horizontal) axis. Thus for orient=0 you draw the line right, for orient=1 you draw down, for orient=2 left, and for orient=3 up.

The line of raster itself is in the array raster, which is of dimension rlength. Each element of the array is a color number which determines the color of one device pixel.

Some devices may be able to handle more than one line of raster at a time. The variables count and out_of are provided so that the device can know how many dev.raster calls will be made in a row. Count is zero for the first call, and increases by 1 each time until it reaches out_of-1 on the last call. (Thus out_of is the total number of raster lines.)

Scanning is done TV-style. (Thus, for orient=0, ypos decrements by 1 for each call; for orient=1, xpos decrements by 1 for each call; for orient=2, ypos increments by 1 for each call; for orient=3, xpos increments by 1 for each call.) Genraster1 gives you a good example of how to write a routine that builds up blocks of raster over several calls.

Dummy1 and dummy2 are not used; they are provided only so that both forms of the command have the same string of arguments.

Generic routines, dumb format: genraster.c, genraster1.c Genraster does vector draws along scan lines to produce raster output. It does one raster line at a time. Some fast but stupid devices can actually do raster reasonably fast this way. Genraster calls dev.attributes (to set the colors) and dev.vector.

Genraster1 attempts to be a little smarter than genraster. It saves up many lines worth of raster at a time, and sorts the vectors by color and length. It does all the vectors of one color at a time, so as to save on calls to dev.attribute to change the color. It also finds the parts of the image that can be more efficiently drawn via dev.point, and makes a second pass for those. (If the device has a point mode this is considerably more efficient.) Genraster1 calls dev.attributes, dev.vector, and dev.point.

/* Smart format, smart_raster=YES */
dev.raster (xpix, ypix, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax,
	raster_block, orient, dither_it)
int xpix, ypix, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, orient, dither_it;
unsigned char raster_block[/*xpix*ypix*/];
/* Including "extern.h" defines these. */
extern int xwmin, xwmax, ywmin, ywmax;
extern int overlay;
extern int ras_allgrey;

Draw the block of raster in the array raster_block. If dither_it=NO, raster_block is an array of color numbers. If dither_it=YES, raster_block is an array of grey levels. (0 is the background color, 255 is the opposite of that; if you have a device with a white background and black ink this results in a plot that is inverted from what you would get on most screen devices, which have a black background. See the variable "invras" described above on how to have dovplot invert the grey-levels for you so that the final plot matches what you would get on screen devices.) If possible, you should refer to the global variable "dither" and dither the grey levels by the same method the utility routine "dithline" would use.

The external variable "ras_allgrey" is available for color devices to check in smart-format dev.raster. If nonzero, the device can safely assume that this raster block is entirely grey-scale. This may allow the filter to sometimes use a more efficient special-case device command that draws grey-scale-only raster.

Raster_block has dimensions xpix times ypix, with xpix the fast axis. If orient=0, the raster is painted on the screen TV-style. The first array value is the upper-leftmost point. Each line of raster (xpix long) fills from left to right. Each new line of raster (ypix lines in all) is below the previous one.

If orient=1, we rotate the raster 90 degrees clockwise. Thus the first value is the upper rightmost point, and the raster fills in top to bottom and then right to left. For orient=2 we rotate another 90 degrees and fill in right to left and then bottom to top. For orient=3 we fill the raster in bottom to top and then left to right.

The lower-leftmost pixel in the raster image should appear on the screen at device coordinate (xmin, ymin) (assuming it isn't clipped, of course). The raster image should be (xmax-xmin) horizontal device units wide and (ymax-ymin) vertical device units tall. Thus, the pixel (xmax,ymax) is not the upper-rightmost pixel in the raster image, but is the first pixel above and to the right of the one that is. (I know this sounds strange. But when you actually code this up you'll see that it makes sense to do it this way, and that this is probably what you actually would have done even if I had told you to make sure that the point (xmax,ymax) was in the image.)

Finally, the resulting image must be clipped so that (xwmin,ywmin) is the lower-leftmost pixel that can appear, and (xwmax,ywmax) is the upper-rightmost pixel that can appear. (Note that this time the corner IS in the image. Just trying to be confusing.)

Generic routines: NONE

dev.point(x1, y1)
int x1, y1;

Change the pixel at device coordinate (x1,y1) to the current color.

Generic routines: genpoint.c Genpoint calls dev.vector with zero length. Somethings wrong with the dev.vector for your device if it doesn't do anything in this case.

int dev.attributes(command, value, v1, v2, v3)
int command, value, v1, v2, v3;

Set various attributes (color table, current color, clipping window, etc) using device-specific routines. Commands are defined and DOCUMENTED in the include file attrcom.h (So GO PRINT IT OUT RIGHT NOW!). Value and v[1-3] are used to pass parameters as needed. Sometimes some of the 4 will be dummy arguments. This routine must return with an integer return value, which is normally zero.

Comments about color: The device tells dovplot how many colors it has by setting num_col and mono. Num_col is the number of settable colors. The color for color table numbers num_col and up will never attempt to be defined by dovplot. If num_col is zero, the device has no settable colors, and dev.attributes(SET_COLOR_TABLE,...) will never be called at all.

Devices with no settable colors can still have color. If mono=NO, dovplot assumes that colors 0 through 7 correspond to the standard Vplot colors (as listed in vplot.h). Dovplot will not attempt to set the current color outside of the range 0 through 7 if num_col=0. (There is no provision for devices with more than 8 colors but no settable colors.)

Rather than forcing people to change the colors on their terminal to have vplot's colors come out right, you should map the color numbers dovplot asks for onto the correct device color numbers so that the factory default setting gives the correct colors. (Don't forget to similarly map the color table numbers too.)

Calls to dev.attributes(SET_COLOR,...) by dovplot will only set colors in the range 0 through MAX(7,num_col-1).

If mono=YES, dovplot will force num_col=0 and will only ever try to set the current color to be either 0 (meaning background) or 7 (meaning NOT background).

Calls to device routines should NEVER upset the current color. If for some reason they should change it, they should always put it back again when they are done. (Dovplot keeps track of the current color, and only calls dev.attributes(SET_COLOR,...) when necessary.) Calls to generic routines are guaranteed to never (permanently) change the current color.

Color tables should usually be set to factory default settings at the beginning of every plot, if it is possible to do this in such a way that the former settings can be restored again afterwards.

Every device should AT LEAST keep track of whether or not the current drawing color is color 0 or not. Color 0 always defines the background color. If the device cannot draw (or rather undraw) in the background color, then it SHOULDN'T DRAW AT ALL when the current color is 0.

Generic routines: NONE

Input routines[edit]

int dev.getpoint(termout, x, y)
FILE *termout;
int *x, *y;
int status;

return status;

Turn on the cursor and let the user pick a point. Return the device coordinate of the picked point in (*x,*y), and return 0. If the user indicated that he doesn't want to pick any more points, return 1. (The value in (*x,*y) is then considered to be junk by dovplot.) Returned values should be in the normal range of device coordinates. If (*x,*y) is returned unchanged, this will also indicate that no point was picked and no more points should be picked.

Termout is a stream pointer reading from "/dev/tty". You can use it if it is convenient and correct to do so, or ignore it.

Generic routines: nulldev Linking in nulldev for this routine will simulate a user that always declines to enter any points at all, since (*x,*y) is returned unchanged.

int dev.interact(command, termout, string)
int command;
FILE *termout;
char string[];

This routine handles string input from the user and pausing. The various possible commands and return values are defined and DOCUMENTED in ".../vplot/filters/include/intcom.h".

(Normally the return value will just always be (int) 0.)

Generic routines: nulldev, geninteract Linking in nulldev will rudely zoom past all prompts to the user without waiting. This is a reasonable thing to do for hardcopy devices. It is a very rude thing to do for screen devices.

Geninteract will read the required input from termout, which is connected to read from "/dev/tty". If you find it convenient to use termout, make sure it isn't NULL before trying to use it (see geninteract for an example). Termout == NULL means "/dev/tty" could not be opened for reading.

Low level output routines[edit]

(only called by certain generic routines)

int lost = YES;
dev.plot(x, y, draw)
int x, y, draw;

Move or draw to device coordinate (x,y). Draw=0 for move, 1 for draw.

This routine MUST declare the global flag "lost". It is the responsibility of all the device routines to set this to YES whenever anything happens that may cause genvector's idea of the "current device pen position" to be wrong. (For example, printing an error message, doing hardware text, filling a polygon, etc.) Generic routines do not present a difficulty, since they can't output anything directly to the device.

When lost is set to YES, it is guaranteed that the next call to dev.plot will by a move, and not a draw.

When genvector's idea of the current position is correct again (for example when dev.plot has been called) lost should be set to NO. THIS IS IMPORTANT; genvector only looks at the value of lost, it doesn't set it. Leaving lost YES all the time will greatly slow down plotting by forcing one move for each draw!

Generic routines: nulldev Link in nulldev here as a placeholder if you didn't use genvector as your vector routine.

int npts;

int x, y;

int last;

Polygon-drawing routines called only by genarea.

Dev.startpoly is called once at the beginning of every polygon. Npts gives the number of points in the polygon. After dev.startpoly has been called, then dev.midpoly is called once for each point in the polygon. (x,y) gives the device coordinate of the vertex.

Dev.endpoly is called once at the end of each polygon. Genarea may fragment one polygon into several. If this polygon just defined is the last polygon in a set of polygons that were fragmented from one, then last will be 1. If there are more fragments in this set to go, last will be 0. It is guaranteed that no other routines but these three will be called after the first dev.startpoly call and before dev.endpoly(last=YES) is called.

The genarea algorithm will fail for certain very complicated crossed polygons, unless the multiple polygons fragmented from the one original one are shaded as a unit. Some devices such as the Tek4105 allow this to be done. That is why the "last" flag is provided. There is no great harm in shading each polygon as it comes. Occasionally interior voids will be filled twice instead of not filled at all, that's all.

If the device can fill with an arbitrary pattern, it should do so. The pattern is available to these routines in the same way as described under dev.area. If the device cannot fill with a user-defined pattern, filling solidly with the current color is the next best thing.

Generic routines: nulldev.c If you did not use genarea as your dev.area routine, then none of these routines are ever called so you just need to put in nulldev as a placeholder.

External variables and programming technique[edit]

He who assumes that any external variables he can get his hands on he is free to change will get what he deserves: BUGS. In general, even if you THINK you know what a global variable used by the vplot device-independent routines does, if it isn't specifically documented here that you can use it, LEAVE YOUR HANDS OFF OF IT! (Well, occasionally you may have good reason to tweak a few variables; vppen does this. In general, though, be careful!) If there were some way to limit globals to certain groups of routines in C, I would have done it for many variables; but there isn't, so I didn't.

In particular, if you need to keep track of the device's state, don't rely on variables associated with the device-independent routines to do it for you. They may not match with the actual state of the device. Do it yourself, with your own set of device-dependent variables! Don't assume that you know exactly how the device-independent code works!

Handling errors[edit]

Device routines SHOULD NOT simply exit when they get a fatal error! All errors should be handled via the provided utility routine "ERR"!

#include "err.h"
ERR (type, filter, fmt, a1, a2, a3)
int type;
char *filter;
char *fmt;
double a1, a2, a3;

"Type" is one of the possibilities from "err.h". Currently there are three possibilities: COMMENT, WARN, FATAL. Case COMMENT is just for making remarks, not really error messages per se. Case WARN should be used when something is wrong, but the filter can take reasonable corrective action. Case FATAL is for errors that should cause abnormal termination of the program. Calls to ERR with type FATAL will not return.

"Filter" should be the name of the filter generating the error or comment as you want it to appear in the message. Normally this should just be the variable "name" defined in <dev>conf.c.

From here on ERR has the same syntax as "printf", except that ERR will automatically throw a carriage-return line-feed on for you (so you don't want to end with "\n").

After ERR has been called with type FATAL, dovplot and frontend will do necessary cleaning up, in the process calling dev.close. Device-dependent cleaning up should be done by that routine at that time.

The define ERR is used so that conflicts with other subroutines named "error", "err", etc, can be avoided. Currently "ERR" is defined to be "filtererror", a name we haven't had any trouble with.

Being efficient[edit]

Nobody likes waiting for plots. In order to make your Vplot pen filter pleasant to use, you should consider what you can do to make the plot come out as fast as possible for the kinds of plots you make most often. The first thing you have to ask yourself is what is the limiting factor likely to be for each kind of object you typically draw?

The answers I usually get, in order of importance, are:

  1. The communication link between the device and the host computer
  2. The device's speed at plotting
  3. Your time as a programmer
  4. The host computer's speed at calculating

Let's go through these point by point.

1) My experience is that whenever you have a tty line between the computer and a device, that is the weakest link. This means you should put some effort into making the output data stream as parsimonious as possible.

Here are some ideas about what you can do:

FASTER LINK: Usually the most helpful thing to do is to simply get a faster communication channel! Ethernets are better than AppleTalk Networks are better than fast tty lines are better than slow tty lines...

COORDINATES: Many devices will let you pick the coordinate system you want to work in. You should try to pick a coordinate system in which the coordinates are as short to represent as possible. Usually this means one integer unit for each pixel on the screen, but not always.

CLIPPING: Sometimes it is better to let Vplot do the clipping for the device, even if the device can clip efficiently in hardware. You don't want to spend your time waiting while graphical objects are being laboriously transmitted to the device, which then takes one look at them and throws them all away.

MACROS: Some devices let you define your own commands to use when talking to the device. Use this to make new commands better tailored to what you want than the primitives that come with the language.

RASTER: Let the device do dithering and pixel replication on board, if possible. This is especially important if your raster plots normally have less resolution than the device you output them on.

VECTORS: Most devices have some alternative to simply always drawing vectors. Moves and draws are almost always better to use than vectors because most of the time you draw CURVES rather than unconnected line segments (Move-draw-draw-draw-... versus Move-draw - Move-draw - Move-draw - ...). If you don't want to use genvector you should at least examine it as a starting point because it does several sorts of tricky things to try to be efficient.

Once you've got the vectors processed into moves and draws, most devices will further allow various sorts of compaction. A favorite one is "relative moves and draws", where you give the offset from one point to the next rather than always specifying the complete global position of every point. Many devices have a "Tektronix emulation mode" which may be worthwhile to look into using for drawing vectors because Tektronix has a particularly good scheme for encoding coordinates into a minimal number of bytes. (Of course, if there is no way to escape out of Tektronix mode so you can plot things besides vectors on the same plot this is useless.)

Some devices will let you link together strings of vectors into "paths". This is just "move-draw-draw-draw-..." under a different name.

It is usually worth it to do fattening and dashing in hardware when possible.

TEXT: Although vector text is more flexible and predictable, hardware text is usually MUCH faster than vector text, and hence should be made the default whenever possible. Hardware text usually looks better, too.

POLYGONS: Hardware polygons are usually much faster than any software attempt at filling polygons with vectors.

2) Watch out for semi-buggy devices. By "semi-buggy" I mean that in certain special cases the device will take an exceptionally long time to produce the correct result (or if the device is simply "buggy" an incorrect result, or nothing at all). You want to avoid such problems if you can.

Typical causes of such problems:

  • Drawing the vertices of a polygon in the "wrong" direction.
  • Filling a polygon that is "too long and skinny".
  • Filling a polygon with "too complicated" a fill pattern.
  • Filling a polygon that doesn't end on the same point it started.
  • Filling a polygon that does end on the same point it started.
  • Doing "too many" draws in a row without a move.
  • Hitting the same point several times in the same set of moves and draws.
  • Drawing "too near" the edge of the page.
  • Drawing lines "too close" together.
  • Drawing "too complicated" a plot.
  • Trying to use the machine immediately after somebody else's job on it has bombed.
  • Having 2 computers try to talk to the same machine at the same time.
  • Processing "too many" jobs without powering off and on the machine.
  • Trying to do things that are more complicated than the simple examples in the documentation.
  • Trying to use the device at its rated baud rate.

Sometimes you can get around these problems in software, by checking for these situations and having a special case to get around them. Sometimes yelling loudly at the company that makes the equipment works, too, but usually not.

Don't expect that it is always faster to do something in hardware, even when it is "working perfectly". On some brands of terminals filling polygons by drawing vectors is actually FASTER than using the hardware polygon filling commands.

3) Don't spend too much time trying to be tricky, especially if the communication link between the device and the host computer is very fast. It seems every device will have weird bugs you have to get around; if the communication link is fast it is usually easier and better to just treat the device as being completely stupid and let all the generic routines do the work.

4) If you wait a few years you'll get a faster computer to replace the one you have now, AND it will fit under your desk...

Being tricky about the order things are plotted[edit]

The external variable

extern int (*genreader) ();

can be changed in to point to your own routine for processing input files. You should only need to change this variable if for some reason you want to be able to change the order or way in which input files are handled, or if you want to know the actual file names of the input plot files. (You might find this handy if you are creating an interactive vplot editor, for example.)

The default input file handling routine, which is what you get if you ignore this section of the documentation, is the following. Frontend already does the job of finding all the input files, verifying that they exist, and opening them for reading.

gen_do_dovplot (nn, inpltin, innames)
int     nn;
FILE ** inpltin;
char    innames[][MAXFLEN+1];
    int     ii;

    for (ii = 0; ii < nn; ii++)
	pltin = inpltin[ii];
	strcpy (pltname, innames[ii]);
	dovplot ();
	fclose (pltin);

"Nn" is the number of input files. "Inpltin" is an array of nn stream pointers each of which point to an open (but unread-upon) input stream. "Innames" is the corresponding array of strings giving the associated name of the input file for each of the streams in inpltin.

The external integer "buffer_input" can be set to NO in to assure that all the input streams are unbuffered. The external integer "allow_pipe" can be set to NO in to assure that all the input streams are seekable on.

It is possible to change most variables set by command line arguments between calls to dovplot without ill effect. There are comments in init_vplot at the end of the section of code where command line arguments are processed listing which variables have been explicitly set up to be changeable in this way.

Variables controlling the mapping between the device's and vplot's coordinate system can also be changed, but the subroutine "reset_parameters()" in frontend must be called afterwards to reinitialize all the related variables that may need it.

./filters/vplib/vpdovplot.c is an example of a routine that makes 2 passes through a vplot file, doing things differently the second time around.

Things that get reset between frames (and things that don't)[edit]

Vplot has many "global" parameters. Some of these get reset between frames (or between input files); a few don't.

The following parameters get reset (by reset()) at the start of every new frame: clipping windows, drawing fatness, current drawing color, text alignment mode, text font, text precision, text overlay mode, raster overlay mode, dash line pattern.

The plot style also gets reset at the start of every new frame, but it is handled separately.

The following DO NOT GET RESET AT ALL: color tables, current pen position

The global vplot origin command is another special case. Generally, this command is only used when you are creating a figure "by hand" using plas. It is reset when reset_parameters() is called, but is global otherwise. It has no libvplot command on purpose.


The begin-end group commands are provided so that a "MacDraw"-like vplot editor may be created. The device knows when groups are opened and closed, and their positions within the current plot file, via the dev.attributes(BEGIN_GROUP,...) and dev.attributes(END_GROUP,...) calls. You can use fseek to reposition the plot stream to the beginning of a desired group, and then call dovplot to plot the group again. When the group open (number one, not zero) command is processed, the device gets a chance to reset global attributes from their "initialized" values. (For example, to change the color.) When the group close (number one) command is processed, the device gets a chance to to reposition pltin to the end of the file and so cause dovplot to think it's done and return.

It is possible for the user to violate the grouping laws, ie: begin-group and end-group commands must be paired within a file, erases and breaks may not be contained within a group. Dovplot will warn the user if this happens. How the device handles such an error, however, is up to it. Caveat user.

A group number 0 is generated by dovplot itself for each plot frame. The group name gives the file name it came from with an appended number counting multiple frames within one file. A frame begins whenever the screen is erased or there is a "break" command, which may be either when an erase or break command within the vplot file is processed or when a new file is opened. The 0-level group consists of everything in the plot frame excepting erases and breaks. Erases and breaks lie between groups. Groups generated by the begin-end group commands in the vplot file are numbered from 1 on up.

The external integer "group_number" gives the number of currently open groups.

SEPlib tricks[edit]

If you don't use the seplib versions of the filters, you can ignore this section.

Pen filters have to do some tricky things with SEPlib since the standard defaults are inappropriate. Normally seplib wants to send the header to standard out. Since the output of Pen filters are usually not redirected, this would dump the header on your screen and possibly interfere with your plot. By the same token, the data output usually SHOULD go to your screen, instead of being saved in a file or sent down a pipe. The normal SEPlib method of self-documenting also has to be subverted in order to be consistent between the SEP and non-SEP versions of the programs.

To accomplish this, several things are done:

A library "tseplib" is provided that contains routines for which the standard seplib versions had to be modified. This should be linked AHEAD of seplib so that the modified versions get taken. The routines are documented as to how they differ and why.

"OUT" and "HEAD" are defined to be the external variables "sepoutwhere" and "sepheadwhere", respectively. These are normally "/dev/tty" and "/dev/null". (These values are grabbed from the routine "sepwhere" in tseplib.) If these values are inappropriate for your filter (unlikely to be the case for most filters; see Vppen for an example of one) you can create your own version of this routine and make sure it gets linked in ahead of tseplib.

If head=/dev/null and this was the default in sepheadwhere and standard out is redirected, then it is assumed the user really wants some sort of header despite the fact that the Pen filter killed the real one and so a "fake" one will be created for them by frontend. Frontend will only actually write something into it if "out" is not standard out (to avoid mixing header and data). The device-dependent code may do so if it wishes, though (see Raspen for an example). The device should only use "Puthead" to write to the header, to make sure everything is done properly. The "fake" header has the advantage that information can be added to it at any time. Normal SEPlib headers must be closed before any data can be written. Thus only fake headers can have "n3=number_of_frames" added onto the header. (This is why Raspen uses fake headers.)

Frontend, and doing it yourself[edit]

The system-user interface is split among three routines, which together are called the "frontend".

Main_vplot is responsible for finding the input files and opening them, deciding where the output should go for devices that aren't strong-willed enough to insist on figuring it out for themselves, setting up signal catching, interfacing with SEPlib, and doing self-documentation. It also calls the other 2 routines, init_vplot and proc_vplot.

Init_vplot initializes all variables and calls to open the device.

Proc_vplot processes the input files.

It is possible to skip main_vplot and call init_vplot and proc_vplot yourself directly. However, init_vplot and proc_vplot expect certain things to be set before they are called.

Init_vplot expects:

Xargc and xargv are just copies of main's argc and argv, but declared globally so that other routines (namely getpar) have access to them. Xargc and xargv should be declared in the calling program.

Callname is a string which gives the "pen filter name" of the set of device-dependent routines you want. It should have the path stripped. The device-dependent code may want to know callname in order to pick between similar devices. Callname should be declared external.

Pltout is just a copy of stdout. It is an external FILE *.

Proc_vplot expects:

Infileno gives the number of input files. It is an external integer.

Pltinname[infileno] gives the names of the input files. It is an external array of pointers to chars.

Pltinarray[infileno] gives the already-open stream pointers for the afore-mentioned files. It is an external array of FILE *'s.

That's it. It is also possible to bypass even calling proc_vplot. See sample.c in .../vplot/filters for an example of how to do this.


The present generation of pen filters were created by Joe Dellinger. The original pen programs were written by Jeff Thorson and Rob Clayton. Glenn Kroeger and Michel Debiche cleaned up the organization of the code. Wes Monroe, Chuck Karish, Rick Ottolini, Doug Wilson, and Jean-Luc Guiziou have added support for new devices. Steve Cole added dithering. Stew Levin has found and fixed obscure bugs.


Vplot is copyrighted. Please read the copyright in the accompanying "Vplot" manual page. The copyright is not very restrictive. If you want to include vplot (or derivatives thereof) as part of some other "public domain" or "nearly public domain" package, we can probably work something out. The desired effect of the copyright is to permit widespread distribution without somebody trying to grab control of it for themselves or trying to sell it.

See also[edit]

vplot(L) pen(L) plas(L) pldb(L) seplib(L) getpar(L)