Programs of the Month

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Randomly-selected Madagascar programs get featured every month on the Madagascar blog. This page provides a summary list with links.


  • April: sfslant Time-space-domain Radon transform (slant stack).


December sbin
November sfthreshold 1-D ENO interpolation.
October sfsigmoid
September sfmax1
August sfstolt
July sfltft
June sfeikonal
May sfhelicon
April sfcostaper
March sflpad
February sfdipfilter
January sfinttest1


December sfcausint Causal integration on the first axis.
November sfremap1 1-D ENO interpolation.
October sfunif2 Generate 2-D layered velocity model from specified interfaces.
September sfpatch Patching (N-dimensional).
August sfai2refl Convert acoustic impedance to reflectivity.
July sftime2depth Time-to-depth conversion in V(z).
June sfwiggle Plot data with wiggly traces.
May sfvscan Velocity analysis.
April sfnmo Normal moveout.
March sfpow Apply power gain.
February sfpwd 3-D plane wave destruction.
January sfricker1 Convolution with a Ricker wavelet.


December sfhalfint Half-order integration or differentiation.
November sfbandpass Bandpass filtering.
October sfkirmod Kirchhoff 2-D/2.5-D modeling with analytical Green's functions.
September sfiwarp Inverse 1-D warping.
August sfpick Automatic picking from semblance-like panels.
July sffft3 FFT transform on extra axis.
June sfdip 3-D dip estimation by plane wave destruction.
May sfderiv First derivative with a maximally linear FIR differentiator.
April sfgrey3 Generate 3-D cube plot.
March sfspectra Frequency spectra.
January sfsmooth Multi-dimensional triangle smoothing.


December sfcontour Contour plot.
November sfenvelope Compute data envelope or phase rotation.
October sfagc Automatic gain control.
September sfclip Clip the data.
August sfgraph Graph plot.
July sfnoise Add random noise to the data.