Madagascar Code Patterns

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All patterns are in C, unless otherwise noted.

Loop over ensembles[edit]

This is a simple loop over reading 1-D arrays ("traces"), 2-D ("gathers"), etc.

It is necessary in the case of algorithms that act on one ensemble at a time. Parallelizable with OMP.

I/O-optimized loop over samples[edit]

Description and usage[edit]

It consists of looping over an entire dataset and applying a given procedure to every single sample in a dataset, regardless of what "trace"/"frame"/"volume" it belongs to. Example: computing the sum of all elements of a dataset; computing a histogram; performing a clip operation; etc. It uses the BUFSIZ macro defined in stdio.h to ensure efficient stream I/O. Its occurences can be easily found by grepping for BUFSIZ in the codebase.


<c> int n; /* Total number of elements in dataset */ int nbuf; /* Number of elements in I/O buffer */ float *fbuf; /* I/O array */ sf_file in=NULL; /* Input file. Here is stdin, but this is not compulsory */

in = sf_input("in");

n = sf_filesize(in);

/* This example uses float as data type. Any other data type (int, sf_complex, etc) can be used, as appropriate */ nbuf = BUFSIZ/sizeof(float);

fbuf = sf_floatalloc(nbuf);

for (; n > 0; n -= nbuf) {

   if (nbuf > n) nbuf = n;
   sf_floatread(fbuf, nbuf, in);
   for (i=0; i < nbuf; i++) {
       /* Do computations here */

} </c>

Potential for improvement[edit]

This pattern should be parallelized using OpenMP.

The GNU C Library documentation states that when doing I/O on a file (as opposed to a stream), the st_blksize field of the file attributes is a better choice than BUFSIZ.

OMP parallelized loop[edit]

Description and usage[edit]

Shared-memory parallelization using the OpenMP library.


Potential for improvement[edit]

Parallelized, I/O-optimized loop over samples[edit]

Description and usage[edit]


Potential for improvement[edit]