Guide to programming with madagascar
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<center><font size="-1">''This page was created from the LaTeX source in [https://github.com/ahay/src/blob/master/book/rsf/rsf/demo.tex book/rsf/rsf/demo.tex] using [[latex2wiki]]''</font></center> This guide demonstrates a simple time-domain finite-differences modeling code in RSF. ==Introduction== This section presents time-domain finite-difference modeling <ref>"Hello world" of seismic imaging.</ref> written with the RSF library. The C, C++, and Fortran 90 interfaces demonstrate the program. The acoustic wave-equation <center><math> \Delta U - \frac{1}{v^2} \frac{\partial^2 U}{\partial t^2} = f(t) </math></center> can be written as <center><math> \left[ \Delta U - f(t) \right] v^2 = \frac{\partial^2 U}{\partial t^2} \;. </math></center> <math>\Delta</math> is the Laplacian symbol, <math>f(t)</math> is the source wavelet, <math>v</math> is the velocity, and <math>U</math> is a scalar wavefield. A discrete-time step involves the following computations: <center><math> U_{i+1} = \left[ \Delta U -f(t) \right] v^2 \Delta t^2 + 2 U_{i} - U_{i-1} \;, </math></center> where <math>U_{i-1}</math>, <math>U_{i}</math> and <math>U_{i+1}</math> represent the propagating wavefield at various time steps. ==C program== [[Image:wavec.png|frame|center|Wave propagation snapshot.]] ==C program== <syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /* time-domain acoustic FD modeling */ #include <rsf.h> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { /* Laplacian coefficients */ float c0=-30./12.,c1=+16./12.,c2=- 1./12.; bool verb; /* verbose flag */ sf_file Fw=NULL,Fv=NULL,Fr=NULL,Fo=NULL; /* I/O files */ sf_axis at,az,ax; /* cube axes */ int it,iz,ix; /* index variables */ int nt,nz,nx; float dt,dz,dx,idx,idz,dt2; float *ww,**vv,**rr; /* I/O arrays*/ float **um,**uo,**up,**ud;/* tmp arrays */ sf_init(argc,argv); if(! sf_getbool("verb",&verb)) verb=0; /* verbose flag */ /* setup I/O files */ Fw = sf_input ("in" ); Fo = sf_output("out"); Fv = sf_input ("vel"); Fr = sf_input ("ref"); /* Read/Write axes */ at = sf_iaxa(Fw,1); nt = sf_n(at); dt = sf_d(at); az = sf_iaxa(Fv,1); nz = sf_n(az); dz = sf_d(az); ax = sf_iaxa(Fv,2); nx = sf_n(ax); dx = sf_d(ax); sf_oaxa(Fo,az,1); sf_oaxa(Fo,ax,2); sf_oaxa(Fo,at,3); dt2 = dt*dt; idz = 1/(dz*dz); idx = 1/(dx*dx); /* read wavelet, velocity & reflectivity */ ww=sf_floatalloc(nt); sf_floatread(ww ,nt ,Fw); vv=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); sf_floatread(vv[0],nz*nx,Fv); rr=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); sf_floatread(rr[0],nz*nx,Fr); /* allocate temporary arrays */ um=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); uo=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); up=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); ud=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) { for (iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) { um[ix][iz]=0; uo[ix][iz]=0; up[ix][iz]=0; ud[ix][iz]=0; } } /* MAIN LOOP */ if(verb) fprintf(stderr," "); for (it=0; it<nt; it++) { if(verb) fprintf(stderr,"\b\b\b\b\b %d",it); /* 4th order laplacian */ for (ix=2; ix<nx-2; ix++) { for (iz=2; iz<nz-2; iz++) { ud[ix][iz] = c0* uo[ix ][iz ] * (idx+idz) + c1*(uo[ix-1][iz ] + uo[ix+1][iz ])*idx + c2*(uo[ix-2][iz ] + uo[ix+2][iz ])*idx + c1*(uo[ix ][iz-1] + uo[ix ][iz+1])*idz + c2*(uo[ix ][iz-2] + uo[ix ][iz+2])*idz; } } /* inject wavelet */ for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) { for (iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) { ud[ix][iz] -= ww[it] * rr[ix][iz]; } } /* scale by velocity */ for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) { for (iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) { ud[ix][iz] *= vv[ix][iz]*vv[ix][iz]; } } /* time step */ for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) { for (iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) { up[ix][iz] = 2*uo[ix][iz] - um[ix][iz] + ud[ix][iz] * dt2; um[ix][iz] = uo[ix][iz]; uo[ix][iz] = up[ix][iz]; } } /* write wavefield to output */ sf_floatwrite(uo[0],nz*nx,Fo); } if(verb) fprintf(stderr,"\n"); exit (0); } </syntaxhighlight> #Declare input, output and auxiliary file tags: <tt>Fw</tt> for input wavelet, <tt>Fv</tt> for velocity, <tt>Fr</tt> for reflectivity, and <tt>Fo</tt> for output wavefield. <syntaxhighlight lang="c"> sf_file Fw=NULL,Fv=NULL,Fr=NULL,Fo=NULL; /* I/O files */ </syntaxhighlight> #Declare RSF cube axes: <tt>at</tt> time axis, <tt>ax</tt> space axis, <tt>az</tt> depth axis. \tiny <syntaxhighlight lang="c"> sf_axis at,az,ax; /* cube axes */ </syntaxhighlight> #Declare multi-dimensional arrays for input, output, and computations. <syntaxhighlight lang="c"> float *ww,**vv,**rr; /* I/O arrays*/ </syntaxhighlight> #Open files for input/output. <syntaxhighlight lang="c"> Fw = sf_input ("in" ); Fo = sf_output("out"); Fv = sf_input ("vel"); Fr = sf_input ("ref"); </syntaxhighlight> #Read axes from input files; write axes to output file. <syntaxhighlight lang="c"> at = sf_iaxa(Fw,1); nt = sf_n(at); dt = sf_d(at); az = sf_iaxa(Fv,1); nz = sf_n(az); dz = sf_d(az); ax = sf_iaxa(Fv,2); nx = sf_n(ax); dx = sf_d(ax); sf_oaxa(Fo,az,1); sf_oaxa(Fo,ax,2); sf_oaxa(Fo,at,3); </syntaxhighlight> #Allocate arrays and read wavelet, velocity, and reflectivity. <syntaxhighlight lang="c"> ww=sf_floatalloc(nt); sf_floatread(ww ,nt ,Fw); vv=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); sf_floatread(vv[0],nz*nx,Fv); rr=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); sf_floatread(rr[0],nz*nx,Fr); </syntaxhighlight> #Allocate temporary arrays. <syntaxhighlight lang="c"> um=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); uo=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); up=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); ud=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); </syntaxhighlight> #Loop over time. <syntaxhighlight lang="c"> for (it=0; it<nt; it++) { </syntaxhighlight> #Compute Laplacian: <math>\Delta U</math>. <syntaxhighlight lang="c"> for (ix=2; ix<nx-2; ix++) { for (iz=2; iz<nz-2; iz++) { ud[ix][iz] = c0* uo[ix ][iz ] * (idx+idz) + c1*(uo[ix-1][iz ] + uo[ix+1][iz ])*idx + c2*(uo[ix-2][iz ] + uo[ix+2][iz ])*idx + c1*(uo[ix ][iz-1] + uo[ix ][iz+1])*idz + c2*(uo[ix ][iz-2] + uo[ix ][iz+2])*idz; } } </syntaxhighlight> #Inject source wavelet: <math>\left[ \Delta U - f(t) \right]</math> <syntaxhighlight lang="c"> for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) { for (iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) { ud[ix][iz] -= ww[it] * rr[ix][iz]; } } </syntaxhighlight> #Scale by velocity: <math>\left[ \Delta U - f(t) \right] v^2</math> <syntaxhighlight lang="c"> for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) { for (iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) { ud[ix][iz] *= vv[ix][iz]*vv[ix][iz]; } } </syntaxhighlight> #Time step: <math>U_{i+1} = \left[ \Delta U -f(t) \right] v^2 \Delta t^2 + 2 U_{i} - U_{i-1}</math> <syntaxhighlight lang="c"> for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) { for (iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) { up[ix][iz] = 2*uo[ix][iz] - um[ix][iz] + ud[ix][iz] * dt2; um[ix][iz] = uo[ix][iz]; uo[ix][iz] = up[ix][iz]; } } </syntaxhighlight> \newpage ==C++ program== <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp"> // time-domain acoustic FD modeling #include <valarray> #include <iostream> #include <rsf.hh> #include <cub.hh> #include "vai.hh" using namespace std; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Laplacian coefficients float c0=-30./12.,c1=+16./12.,c2=- 1./12.; sf_init(argc,argv);// init RSF bool verb; // vebose flag if(! sf_getbool("verb",&verb)) verb=0; // setup I/O files CUB Fw("in", "i"); Fw.headin(); //Fw.report(); CUB Fv("vel","i"); Fv.headin(); //Fv.report(); CUB Fr("ref","i"); Fr.headin(); //Fr.report(); CUB Fo("out","o"); Fo.setup(3); // Read/Write axes sf_axis at = Fw.getax(0); int nt = sf_n(at); float dt = sf_d(at); sf_axis az = Fv.getax(0); int nz = sf_n(az); float dz = sf_d(az); sf_axis ax = Fv.getax(1); int nx = sf_n(ax); float dx = sf_d(ax); Fo.putax(0,az); Fo.putax(1,ax); Fo.putax(2,at); Fo.headou(); float dt2 = dt*dt; float idz = 1/(dz*dz); float idx = 1/(dx*dx); // read wavelet, velocity and reflectivity valarray<float> ww( nt ); ww=0; Fw >> ww; valarray<float> vv( nz*nx ); vv=0; Fv >> vv; valarray<float> rr( nz*nx ); rr=0; Fr >> rr; // allocate temporary arrays valarray<float> um(nz*nx); um=0; valarray<float> uo(nz*nx); uo=0; valarray<float> up(nz*nx); up=0; valarray<float> ud(nz*nx); ud=0; // init ValArray Index counter VAI k(nz,nx); // MAIN LOOP if(verb) cerr << endl; for (int it=0; it<nt; it++) { if(verb) cerr << "\b\b\b\b\b" << it; // 4th order laplacian for (int ix=2; ix<nx-2; ix++) { for (int iz=2; iz<nz-2; iz++) { ud[k(iz,ix)] = c0* uo[ k(iz ,ix )] * (idx+idz) + c1*(uo[ k(iz ,ix-1)]+uo[ k(iz ,ix+1)]) * idx + c1*(uo[ k(iz-1,ix )]+uo[ k(iz+1,ix )]) * idz + c2*(uo[ k(iz ,ix-2)]+uo[ k(iz ,ix+2)]) * idx + c2*(uo[ k(iz-2,ix )]+uo[ k(iz+2,ix )]) * idz; } } // inject wavelet ud -= ww[it] * rr; // scale by velocity ud *= vv*vv; // time step up=(float)2 * uo - um + ud * dt2; um = uo; uo = up; // write wavefield to output output Fo << uo; } if(verb) cerr << endl; exit(0); } </syntaxhighlight> #Declare input, output, and auxiliary file cubes (of type <tt>CUB</tt>). <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp"> CUB Fw("in", "i"); Fw.headin(); //Fw.report(); CUB Fv("vel","i"); Fv.headin(); //Fv.report(); CUB Fr("ref","i"); Fr.headin(); //Fr.report(); CUB Fo("out","o"); Fo.setup(3); </syntaxhighlight> #Declare, read and write RSF cube axes: <tt>at</tt> time axis, <tt>ax</tt> space axis, <tt>az</tt> depth axis. <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp"> sf_axis at = Fw.getax(0); int nt = sf_n(at); float dt = sf_d(at); sf_axis az = Fv.getax(0); int nz = sf_n(az); float dz = sf_d(az); sf_axis ax = Fv.getax(1); int nx = sf_n(ax); float dx = sf_d(ax); </syntaxhighlight> #Declare multi-dimensional <tt>valarrays</tt> for input, output and read data. <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp"> valarray<float> ww( nt ); ww=0; Fw >> ww; valarray<float> vv( nz*nx ); vv=0; Fv >> vv; valarray<float> rr( nz*nx ); rr=0; Fr >> rr; </syntaxhighlight> #Declare multi-dimensional <tt>valarrays</tt> for temporary storage. <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp"> valarray<float> um(nz*nx); um=0; valarray<float> uo(nz*nx); uo=0; valarray<float> up(nz*nx); up=0; valarray<float> ud(nz*nx); ud=0; </syntaxhighlight> #Initialize multidimensional <tt>valarray</tt> index counter (of type <tt>VAI</tt>). <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp"> VAI k(nz,nx); </syntaxhighlight> #Loop over time. <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp"> for (int it=0; it<nt; it++) { </syntaxhighlight> #Compute Laplacian: <math>\Delta U</math>. <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp"> for (int ix=2; ix<nx-2; ix++) { for (int iz=2; iz<nz-2; iz++) { ud[k(iz,ix)] = c0* uo[ k(iz ,ix )] * (idx+idz) + c1*(uo[ k(iz ,ix-1)]+uo[ k(iz ,ix+1)]) * idx + c1*(uo[ k(iz-1,ix )]+uo[ k(iz+1,ix )]) * idz + c2*(uo[ k(iz ,ix-2)]+uo[ k(iz ,ix+2)]) * idx + c2*(uo[ k(iz-2,ix )]+uo[ k(iz+2,ix )]) * idz; } } </syntaxhighlight> #Inject source wavelet: <math>\left[ \Delta U - f(t) \right]</math> <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp"> ud -= ww[it] * rr; </syntaxhighlight> #Scale by velocity: <math>\left[ \Delta U - f(t) \right] v^2</math> <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp"> ud *= vv*vv; </syntaxhighlight> #Time step: <math>U_{i+1} = \left[ \Delta U -f(t) \right] v^2 \Delta t^2 + 2 U_{i} - U_{i-1}</math> <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp"> up=(float)2 * uo - um + ud * dt2; um = uo; uo = up; </syntaxhighlight> ==Fortran 90 program== <syntaxhighlight lang="fortran"> ! time-domain acoustic FD modeling program AFDMf90 use rsf implicit none ! Laplacian coefficients real :: c0=-30./12.,c1=+16./12.,c2=- 1./12. logical :: verb ! verbose flag type(file) :: Fw,Fv,Fr,Fo ! I/O files type(axa) :: at,az,ax ! cube axes integer :: it,iz,ix ! index variables integer :: nt,nz,nx real :: dt,dz,dx real :: idx,idz,dt2 real, allocatable :: vv(:,:),rr(:,:),ww(:) ! I/O arrays real, allocatable :: um(:,:),uo(:,:),up(:,:),ud(:,:) ! tmp arrays call sf_init() ! init RSF call from_par("verb",verb,.false.) ! Setup I/O files Fw=rsf_input ("in") Fv=rsf_input ("vel") Fr=rsf_input ("ref") Fo=rsf_output("out") ! Read/Write axes call iaxa(Fw,at,1); nt = at%n; dt = at%d call iaxa(Fv,az,1); nz = az%n; dz = az%d call iaxa(Fv,ax,2); nx = ax%n; dx = ax%d call oaxa(Fo,az,1) call oaxa(Fo,ax,2) call oaxa(Fo,at,3) dt2 = dt*dt idz = 1/(dz*dz) idx = 1/(dx*dx) ! read wavelet, velocity & reflectivity allocate(ww(nt)); call rsf_read(Fw,ww) allocate(vv(nz,nx)); call rsf_read(Fv,vv) allocate(rr(nz,nx)); call rsf_read(Fr,rr) ! allocate temporary arrays allocate(um(nz,nx)); um=0. allocate(uo(nz,nx)); uo=0. allocate(up(nz,nx)); up=0. allocate(ud(nz,nx)); ud=0. ! MAIN LOOP do it=1,nt if(verb) write (0,*) it ud(3:nz-2,3:nx-2) = & c0* uo(3:nz-2,3:nx-2) * (idx + idz) + & c1*(uo(3:nz-2,2:nx-3) + uo(3:nz-2,4:nx-1))*idx + & c2*(uo(3:nz-2,1:nx-4) + uo(3:nz-2,5:nx ))*idx + & c1*(uo(2:nz-3,3:nx-2) + uo(4:nz-1,3:nx-2))*idz + & c2*(uo(1:nz-4,3:nx-2) + uo(5:nz ,3:nx-2))*idz ! inject wavelet ud = ud - ww(it) * rr ! scale by velocity ud= ud *vv*vv ! time step up = 2*uo - um + ud * dt2 um = uo uo = up ! write wavefield to output call rsf_write(Fo,uo) end do call exit(0) end program AFDMf90 </syntaxhighlight> #Declare input, output, and auxiliary file tags. <syntaxhighlight lang="fortran"> type(file) :: Fw,Fv,Fr,Fo ! I/O files </syntaxhighlight> #Declare RSF cube axes: <tt>at</tt> time axis, <tt>ax</tt> space axis, <tt>az</tt> depth axis. <syntaxhighlight lang="fortran"> type(axa) :: at,az,ax ! cube axes </syntaxhighlight> #Declare multi-dimensional arrays for input, output, and computations. <syntaxhighlight lang="fortran"> real, allocatable :: vv(:,:),rr(:,:),ww(:) ! I/O arrays real, allocatable :: um(:,:),uo(:,:),up(:,:),ud(:,:) ! tmp arrays </syntaxhighlight> #Open files for input/output. <syntaxhighlight lang="fortran"> Fw=rsf_input ("in") Fv=rsf_input ("vel") Fr=rsf_input ("ref") Fo=rsf_output("out") </syntaxhighlight> #Read axes from input files; write axes to output file. <syntaxhighlight lang="fortran"> call iaxa(Fw,at,1); nt = at%n; dt = at%d call iaxa(Fv,az,1); nz = az%n; dz = az%d call iaxa(Fv,ax,2); nx = ax%n; dx = ax%d call oaxa(Fo,az,1) call oaxa(Fo,ax,2) call oaxa(Fo,at,3) </syntaxhighlight> #Allocate arrays and read wavelet, velocity, and reflectivity. <syntaxhighlight lang="fortran"> allocate(ww(nt)); call rsf_read(Fw,ww) allocate(vv(nz,nx)); call rsf_read(Fv,vv) allocate(rr(nz,nx)); call rsf_read(Fr,rr) </syntaxhighlight> #Allocate temporary arrays. <syntaxhighlight lang="fortran"> allocate(um(nz,nx)); um=0. allocate(uo(nz,nx)); uo=0. allocate(up(nz,nx)); up=0. allocate(ud(nz,nx)); ud=0. </syntaxhighlight> #Loop over time. <syntaxhighlight lang="fortran"> do it=1,nt </syntaxhighlight> #Compute Laplacian: <math>\Delta U</math>. <syntaxhighlight lang="fortran"> ud(3:nz-2,3:nx-2) = & c0* uo(3:nz-2,3:nx-2) * (idx + idz) + & c1*(uo(3:nz-2,2:nx-3) + uo(3:nz-2,4:nx-1))*idx + & c2*(uo(3:nz-2,1:nx-4) + uo(3:nz-2,5:nx ))*idx + & c1*(uo(2:nz-3,3:nx-2) + uo(4:nz-1,3:nx-2))*idz + & c2*(uo(1:nz-4,3:nx-2) + uo(5:nz ,3:nx-2))*idz </syntaxhighlight> #Inject source wavelet: <math>\left[ \Delta U - f(t) \right]</math> <syntaxhighlight lang="fortran"> ud = ud - ww(it) * rr </syntaxhighlight> #Scale by velocity: <math>\left[ \Delta U - f(t) \right] v^2</math> <syntaxhighlight lang="fortran"> ud= ud *vv*vv </syntaxhighlight> #Time step: <math>U_{i+1} = \left[ \Delta U -f(t) \right] v^2 \Delta t^2 + 2 U_{i} - U_{i-1}</math> <syntaxhighlight lang="fortran"> up = 2*uo - um + ud * dt2 um = uo uo = up </syntaxhighlight> ==Python program== <syntaxhighlight lang="python"> #!/usr/bin/env python import sys import numpy import m8r c0=-30./12. c1=+16./12. c2=- 1./12. par = m8r.Par() verb = par.bool("verb",False) # verbosity # setup I/O files Fw=m8r.Input() Fv=m8r.Input ("vel") Fr=m8r.Input ("ref") Fo=m8r.Output() # Read/Write axes at = Fw.axis(1); nt = at['n']; dt = at['d'] az = Fv.axis(1); nz = az['n']; dz = az['d'] ax = Fv.axis(2); nx = ax['n']; dx = ax['d'] Fo.putaxis(az,1) Fo.putaxis(ax,2) Fo.putaxis(at,3) dt2 = dt*dt idz = 1/(dz*dz) idx = 1/(dx*dx) # read wavelet, velocity & reflectivity ww = numpy.zeros(nt,'f'); Fw.read(ww) vv = numpy.zeros([nz,nx],'f'); Fv.read(vv) rr = numpy.zeros([nz,nx],'f'); Fr.read(rr) # allocate temporary arrays um = numpy.zeros([nz,nx],'f') uo = numpy.zeros([nz,nx],'f') up = numpy.zeros([nz,nx],'f') ud = numpy.zeros([nz,nx],'f') # MAIN LOOP for it in range(nt): if verb: sys.stderr.write("\b\b\b\b\b %d" % it) ud[2:-2,2:-2] = \ c0* uo[2:-2,2:-2] * (idx + idz) + \ c1*(uo[2:-2,1:-3] + uo[2:-2,3:-1])*idx + \ c2*(uo[2:-2, :-4] + uo[2:-2,4: ])*idx + \ c1*(uo[1:-3,2:-2] + uo[3:-1,2:-2])*idz + \ c2*(uo[ :-4,2:-2] + uo[4: ,2:-2])*idz # inject wavelet ud = ud - ww[it] * rr # scale by velocity ud= ud *vv*vv # time step up = 2*uo - um + ud * dt2 um = uo uo = up if verb: sys.stderr.write("\n") Fo.write(uo) sys.exit(0) </syntaxhighlight> [[Image:wavepython.png|frame|center|Wave propagation snapshot.]] #Open files for input/output. <syntaxhighlight lang="python"> Fw=m8r.Input() Fv=m8r.Input ("vel") Fr=m8r.Input ("ref") Fo=m8r.Output() </syntaxhighlight> #Read axes from input files; write axes to output file. <syntaxhighlight lang="python"> at = Fw.axis(1); nt = at['n']; dt = at['d'] az = Fv.axis(1); nz = az['n']; dz = az['d'] ax = Fv.axis(2); nx = ax['n']; dx = ax['d'] Fo.putaxis(az,1) Fo.putaxis(ax,2) Fo.putaxis(at,3) </syntaxhighlight> #Allocate arrays and read wavelet, velocity, and reflectivity. <syntaxhighlight lang="python"> ww = numpy.zeros(nt,'f'); Fw.read(ww) vv = numpy.zeros([nz,nx],'f'); Fv.read(vv) rr = numpy.zeros([nz,nx],'f'); Fr.read(rr) </syntaxhighlight> #Allocate temporary arrays. <syntaxhighlight lang="python"> um = numpy.zeros([nz,nx],'f') uo = numpy.zeros([nz,nx],'f') up = numpy.zeros([nz,nx],'f') ud = numpy.zeros([nz,nx],'f') </syntaxhighlight> #Loop over time. <syntaxhighlight lang="python"> for it in range(nt): </syntaxhighlight> #Compute Laplacian: <math>\Delta U</math>. <syntaxhighlight lang="python"> ud[2:-2,2:-2] = \ c0* uo[2:-2,2:-2] * (idx + idz) + \ c1*(uo[2:-2,1:-3] + uo[2:-2,3:-1])*idx + \ c2*(uo[2:-2, :-4] + uo[2:-2,4: ])*idx + \ c1*(uo[1:-3,2:-2] + uo[3:-1,2:-2])*idz + \ c2*(uo[ :-4,2:-2] + uo[4: ,2:-2])*idz </syntaxhighlight> #Inject source wavelet: <math>\left[ \Delta U - f(t) \right]</math> <syntaxhighlight lang="python"> ud = ud - ww[it] * rr </syntaxhighlight> #Scale by velocity: <math>\left[ \Delta U - f(t) \right] v^2</math> <syntaxhighlight lang="python"> ud= ud *vv*vv </syntaxhighlight> #Time step: <math>U_{i+1} = \left[ \Delta U -f(t) \right] v^2 \Delta t^2 + 2 U_{i} - U_{i-1}</math> <syntaxhighlight lang="python"> up = 2*uo - um + ud * dt2 um = uo uo = up </syntaxhighlight> ==References== <references/>
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