
You can choose to download either the latest stable release or the current development version (which is frequently updated).
Stable release[edit]
Download the source code distribution from Sourceforge, then unpack the directory with
gunzip < madagascar-*.tar.gz | tar xvf -
bunzip2 < madagascar-*.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -
The bz2 file is smaller but takes longer to unpack.
Next, follow Installation instructions to install.
Current development version[edit]
You can access the most recent Madagascar source code at the GitHub repository
To download the source repository using Git, run
git clone RSFSRC
Replace RSFSRC with the path where you want to put the Madagascar source code.
Next, follow Installation instructions to install.
Other packages[edit]
Two other packages might be useful in conjunction with Madagascar:
Reproducible figures[edit]
Using Git, run
git clone $RSFROOT/share/madagascar/figs
This installs a large coalition of thousands of reproducible figures. It may take a long time to download and about 20 GB of disk space. The figures are preserved for regression testing whenever the software or the environment changes.
You can reproduce the figures (excluding those generated with proprietary data or additional software) by running scons lock in individual project directories or by going to RSFSRC and running
sfbooklist command="scons lock" book
LaTeX package[edit]
SEGTeX is a LaTeX package for geophysical publications. It can be used with Madagascar for writing reproducible papers.