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In reverse chronological order.

Madagascar-featured events

School in Delft 2009

Madagascar School on Reproducible Computational Geophysics

Coding Sprint in Golden 2008

Implementation Workshop Towards full automation and better robustness

School in Austin 2007

Short Course Using and Extending RSF/Madagascar.

School in Vancouver 2006

School and Workshop Reproducible Research in Computational Geophysics.

Conference presentations

Düsseldorf 2008 (Berlin 6)

Madagascar was mentioned in the special session on Open Data and Reproducible Research at the Berlin 6 Open Access Conference in Düsseldorf, Germany, on November 12, 2008. See presentation slides.

Mark Liberman provides a complete session program.

Austin 2008 (Texas Python Unconference)

New Directions in Literate Programming with Madagascar was presented at the Second Annual Texas Python Unconference hosted by Enthought Corporation on the UT campus on October 4, 2008. See presentation slides.

Austin 2008 (Scientific Software Days)

Madagascar was presented at the Second Annual Scientific Software Days at the University of Texas at Austin on May 15, 2008. See presentation slides and complete program.

Rio de Janeiro 2007 (SBGf)

Madagascar and reproducible scientific computing were presented at the 2007 Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society in Rio de Janeiro. See presentation slides.

Vancouver 2007 (AIP)

Madagascar was presented at a minisymposium on Software for Inverse Problems at the Conference on Applied Inverse Problems in Vancouver on June 29, 2007. See presentation slides.

Honolulu 2007 (ICASSP)

The paper Reproducible computational experiments using SCons was presented in the special session on Reproducible Signal Processing Research at the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing in Honolulu on April 18, 2007 . See presentation slides.

Patrick Vandewalle provides a complete session program.

Austin 2007 (Scientific Software Day)

Madagascar was presented at the First Annual Scientific Software Day at the University of Texas at Austin on April 2, 2007. See presentation slides.

New Orleans 2006 (SEG)

These advertising posters were prepared for the SEG Annual Meeting in New Orleans. The idea by Gilles Hennenfent, implementation by Scott Rodgers.

Vienna 2006 (EAGE)

RSF/Madagascar was first presented at the EAGE Workshop Open Source E&P Software – Putting the Pieces Together in Vienna on June 11, 2006. See presentation slides.

Joe Dellinger provides a complete workshop program with abstracts.