A sign of reproducible research becoming a mainstream idea is six different events happening this year:

  1. Minisymposium The Digitization of Science: Reproducibility and Interdisciplinary Knowledge Transfer at AAAS Annual Meeting in Washington (organized by Victoria Stodden from Columbia University) on February 19:
  2. Minisymposium Verifiable, Reproducible Research and Computational Science at SIAM CSE conference in Reno (organized by Jarrod Millman from UC Berkeley) on March 4:
  3. Minisymposium Reproducible Science and Open-Source Software in the Geosciences at SIAM Geosciences conference in Long Beach (organized by Bernd Flemisch from University of Stuttgart, Kristin Flornes from IRIS, and Atgeirr Rasmussen from SINTEF) on March 22-23:
  4. Special session Reproducible Research at Interface 2011 (Statistical, Machine Learning, and Visualization Algorithms) in Cary (organized by Jürgen Symanzik from Utah State University) on June 1:
  5. Workshop Reproducible Research: Tools and Strategies for Scientific Computing at Applied Mathematics Perspectives conference in Vancouver (organized by Randall LeVeque from University of Washington, Ian Mitchell from UBC, Cleve Moler from Mathworks, and Victoria Stodden from Columbia University) on July 13-16:
  6. Minisymposium Reproducible Research in Computational Science: What, Why and How at ICIAM in Vancouver (organized by Randall LeVeque from University of Washington, Ian Mitchell from UBC, and Victoria Stodden from Columbia University) on July 18-22: