A previous entry ranked most popular Madagascar programs by the number of projects they are used in. A different approach to ranking is to use network analysis algorithms. If we declare that the two programs are linked if they are used in the same project, then all links define a network, and we can use the PageRank algorithm devised by Google to find the largest “hubs” in the network. Similarly, two projects are linked if the use the same program, which defines a network and ranking among projects. The admin/rank.py script does the job. In reverse order, the 10 top ranked programs in Madagascar are:
10. sftransp Transpose two axes in a dataset.
9. sfput Input parameters into a header.
8. sfgraph Graph plot.
7. sfcat Concatenate datasets.
6. sfspike Generate simple data: spikes, boxes, planes, constants.
5. sfadd Add, multiply, or divide RSF datasets.
4.sfdd Convert between different formats.
3.sfmath Mathematical operations on data files.
2.sfwindow Window a portion of a dataset.
1.sfgrey Generate raster plot.
More documentation on these and other programs – in Guide to Madagascar programs. The three top ranked programs in the “generic” category (signal processing programs applicable to any kind of data) are smooth (Multi-dimensional triangle smoothing), sfnoise (Add random noise to the data), and sfbandpass (Bandpass filtering). The three top ranked programs in the “seismic” category (signal processing programs applicable to seismic data) are sfricker1 (Convolution with a Ricker wavelet), sfmutter (Muting), and sfsegyread (Convert a SEG-Y or SU dataset to RSF).
The following projects share the top rank in terms of being hubs for programs:
- bei/vela/vscan
- cwp/geo2007StereographicImagingCondition/flat4
- cwp/geo2007StereographicImagingCondition/gaus1
- cwp/geo2007StereographicImagingCondition/sigsbee2
- cwp/geo2008InterferometricImagingCondition/circle
- cwp/geo2008InterferometricImagingCondition/sact1
- cwp/geo2008NumericWEMVAoperators/flatWEMVA
- cwp/geo2008NumericWEMVAoperators/saltWEMVA
- cwp/jse2006RWEImagingOverturningReflections/sigsbee
- data/amoco/fdmod
- data/marmousi/fdmod
- data/pluto/fdmod
- data/sigsbee/fdmod2A
- data/sigsbee/ptest
- gpgn658/fdmod/exercise
- gpgn658/rtmig/exercise
- jsg/atten/enerd
- jsg/attr/vecta
- jsg/nmo3/azimuthtest
- rsf/rsf/sfawefd
- rsf/school/complex
- rsf/school/sigsbee
- rsf/school/single
- sep/burg/gtens
- sep/fmeiko/tri
- sep/precon/cube
- sep/stoltst/imps
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