vplot2avi is a simple script for creating AVI movies from Vplot.
After creating movies, you can upload them to YouTube, Google Videos, etc. Here are some examples: A movie of fractal tree growth.
A movie of a 3-D data acquisition geometry that depicts one sail line with eight streamers
Trying to get this to work, I had mixed results.
On my Mac 10.5.6 I was not able to view correctly. Wrong codec(s) for QT, and VLC had a bad colormap and a horizontal wraparound like n2 was a new pixels too large.
On XP, WinMedia simply refused- codec problem I think. VLC plays it nicely.
Simply for making .ppt movies, the animated gif’s work well enough. A couple extra calls to gifsicle were nice to make the files smaller (scale), and eliminate the black background (transparent).
gifsicle –merge –loopcount=forever –optimize –scale 0.5 –transparent “0,0,0”