| |
bool disp=y [y/n] | if n, give phase velocity instead of dispersion relation
float edash=0.1 | elliptical approximation dash
bool ellipse=y [y/n] | if use elliptic approximation
bool group=y [y/n] | if n, give group slowness instead of group velocity
float groupscale=1. | scales only the group stuff
float inc=0.5 | increment of phi sub w in degrees
bool info=y [y/n] | if print in small letters the elastic constants across the top
bool line=n [y/n] | if draw lines to indicate some important angles. (Angles at
which triplication "first" occurs, and angles at which pure P
and Sv modes exist)
string only= | (Pdisp, SVdisp, SHdisp, P, SV, SH)
bool particle=n [y/n] | if show particle motion directions
float phasescale=.5 | scales only the phase stuff
float vrscale=1. | scales everything by a factor