sfstdplot (4.0)
Setting up frames for a generic plot.

        sfstdplot backcol= fillcol= dash= plotfat= plotcol= xreverse=xreverse1 yreverse=yreverse1 pad=pad1 scalebar=n barmove=n tickscale=0.5 tickscale1=tickscale tickscale2=tickscale tickscale3=tickscale tickscale4=tickscale min1=umin1 min2=umin2 max1=umax1 max2=umax2 font=-1 screenratio=VP_SCREEN_RATIO screenht=VP_STANDARD_HEIGHT screenwd=screenht / screenratio crowd=0.75 xinch= crowd1=crowd yinch= crowd2=crowd xll= xur= yll= yur= barwidth=0.36 axiscol=VP_WHITE framelabelcol=VP_YELLOW cubelinecol=framelabelcol labelsz=8. larnersz=0.0f labelrot=n grid1=transp? false: grid grid2=transp? grid: false gridcol=grid? VP_RED: framecol gridfat=1 griddash=0.0f titlesz=10. barlabelsz= framelabel1=(bool) (NULL != label1) framelabel2=(bool) (NULL != label2) framelabel3=(bool) (NULL != label3) axisfat=0 axiscol=7 labelfat=0 labelsz=8. wantaxis= screenratio=VP_SCREEN_RATIO screenht=VP_STANDARD_HEIGHT screenwd=screenht / screenratio crowd=0.75 xinch= crowd1=crowd yinch= crowd2=crowd xll= xur= yll= yur= transp=transp1 xreverse=n yreverse=yreverse1 labelrot=n min1= min2= max1= max2= wanttitle=y titlefat=0 titlesz=10. wantaxis= wantaxis1= wantaxis2= wantaxis3= labelfat= label1= unit1= label3= unit3= label2= unit2= nbartic= dbarnum= obarnum= wherebartics= n1tic= d1num= o1num= n2tic= d2num= o2num= n3tic= d3num= o3num= n4tic= d4num= o4num= wheretics= grid1= g1num0= g1num= grid2= g2num0= g2num= title= barlabelfat= barlabel= barunit= bartype= wherexlabel= whereylabel= formatbar= format2= format1= format3= wheretitle= wherebarlabel=

int axiscol=7

int axisfat=0

floats backcol=
string barlabel=
( barlabel bar label )(bar label)
int barlabelfat=
bar label fatness
float barlabelsz=
bar label font size
bool barmove=n [y/n]
adjust scalebar position, if bartype=h
string bartype=
[v,h] vertical or horizontal bar (default is v)
string barunit=
( barunit bar unit )(bar unit)
float barwidth=0.36
scale bar size
float crowd=0.75

float crowd1=crowd

float crowd2=crowd

int cubelinecol=framelabelcol
cube lines color
float d1num=
axis1 tic increment
float d2num=
axis2 tic increment
float d3num=
axis3 tic increment
float d4num=
axis4 tic increment
floats dash=
line dash type
0 continuos (default)
1 fine dash
2 fine dot
3 dash
4 large dash
5 dot dash
6 large dash small dash
7 double dot
8 double dash
9 loose dash The part after the decimal point determines the pattern repetition interval [n2]
string dbarnum=
scalebar tic increment
floats fillcol=
int font=-1
font to use in text
string format1=
tick mark format
string format2=
tickmark format ()
string format3=
tickmark format
string formatbar=
format for ticmark labels in the scalebar
bool framelabel1=(bool) (NULL != label1) [y/n]
to put numbers at frame ends
bool framelabel2=(bool) (NULL != label2) [y/n]
to put numbers at frame ends
bool framelabel3=(bool) (NULL != label3) [y/n]
to put numbers at frame ends
int framelabelcol=VP_YELLOW
frame labels color
float g1num=
grid mark sampling on first axis
float g1num0=
grid mark origin on first axis
float g2num=
grid mark sampling on second axis
float g2num0=
grid mark origin on second axis
bool grid1= [y/n]
to draw grid on first axis
bool grid2= [y/n]
to draw grid on second axis
int gridcol=grid? VP_RED: framecol
grid color
float griddash=0.0f
grid dash pattern
int gridfat=1
grid fatness
string label1=
label on the first axis
string label2=
label on the second axis
string label3=
label on the third axis
int labelfat=
label fatness
bool labelrot=n [y/n]

float labelsz=8.

float larnersz=0.0f
give the font size as a fraction of the total screen height,
this is based on Ken Larner's 1/20 rule.
Any positive larnersz value will overwrite labelsz with
the appropiate rule
float max1=

float max2=

float min1=

float min2=

int n1tic=
axis1 number of ticmarks
int n2tic=
axis2 number of ticmarks
int n3tic=
axis3 number of ticmarks
int n4tic=
axis4 number of ticmarks
int nbartic=
number of scalebar ticmarks
float o1num=
axis1 tic origin
float o2num=
axis2 tic origin
float o3num=
axis3 tic origin
float o4num=
axis4 tic origin
float obarnum=
scalebar tic origin
bool pad=pad1 [y/n]
pad plotting area
ints plotcol=
line color
7 white
6 yellow (default)
5 cyan
4 green
3 magenta
2 red
1 blue
0 black [n2]
ints plotfat=
line fatness [n2]
bool scalebar=n [y/n]
plot a scalebar
float screenht=VP_STANDARD_HEIGHT

float screenratio=VP_SCREEN_RATIO

float screenwd=screenht / screenratio

float tickscale=0.5
ticks scaling
float tickscale1=tickscale
ticks scaling on first axis
float tickscale2=tickscale
ticks scaling on second axis
float tickscale3=tickscale
ticks scaling on third axis
float tickscale4=tickscale
ticks scaling on fourth axis
string title=
( title plot title )(plot title)
int titlefat=0

float titlesz=10.

bool transp=transp1 [y/n]

string unit1=
unit on the first axis
string unit2=
unit on the second axis
string unit3=
unit on the third axis
bool wantaxis= [y/n]
if draw axes
bool wantaxis1= [y/n]
if draw first axis
bool wantaxis2= [y/n]
if draw second axis
bool wantaxis3= [y/n]
if draw third axis in cube plots
bool wanttitle=y [y/n]

string wherebarlabel=
where to put bar label (top,bottom,left,right)
string wherebartics=
( wherebartics where to put scalebar ticmarks )(where to put scalebar ticmarks)
string wheretics=
( wheretics where to put ticmarks )(where to put ticmarks)
string wheretitle=
where to put title (top,bottom,left,right)
string wherexlabel=
where to put horizontal axis (top,bottom)
string whereylabel=
checking to see if wantaxis is fetched (where to put vertical label (left,right))
float xinch=

float xll=

bool xreverse=n [y/n]

float xur=

float yinch=

float yll=

bool yreverse=yreverse1 [y/n]

float yur=