| |
dabc=false | absorbing boundary
eps=1.e-4 | tolerance/accuracy
info=0 | verbosity of output info about revolve
jsnap=100 | snapshot interval
jump=1 | subsampling rate for lowrank decomposition
media=0 | media: 0-> iso, 1-> tti
migr=false | adjoint(migration) flag
mute=false | mute first arrival (modeling or imaging)
nbell=1 | source position z
revolve_snaps=64 | maximum num of snapshots allowed to be saved
roll=false | rolling v.s. fixed-spread acquisition geometry
sht_num=sht_num_total | shot number to process
sht_set=0 | starting shot index
sill=false | source illumination for rtm
snap=false | output wavefield snapshots
taper=0 | tapering interval for tti
thres=1 | tapering threshold for tti
vel_w=1500. | water velocity