| |
bool aa=y [y/n] | Antialiaing flag
int apx=onx/2 | Apperture half-width in x direction
int apy=ony/2 | Apperture half-width in y direction
string cxcy= | File with midpoint coordinates (auxiliary input file name)
int dbtr=-1 | Desired number of traces per block of threads
bool diff=y [y/n] | Differentiation flag
string gxgy= | File with receiver coordinates (auxiliary input file name)
int maxtri=13 | Maximum half-length of the antialias filter
string sxsy= | File with shot coordinates (auxiliary input file name)
bool time=n [y/n] | Total time measurement time
float trfact=4.0*(0.5*(odx + ody)/dt) | Trace factor for antialias filter length calculation
bool verb=n [y/n] | Verbosity flag
string vrms= | File with RMS velocities (auxiliary input file name)