| |
bool barreverse=n [y/n] | if y, go from small to large on the bar scale
string cfile= | contours in a file
float dc= | contour increment
int dframe=1 | frame increment in a movie
bool flat=y [y/n] | if n, display perspective view
int frame3=0 | frame numbers for cube faces
float max3=o3+(n3-1)*d3 | data window to plot
float maxval= | maximum value for scalebar (default is the data maximum)
float minval= | minimum value for scalebar (default is the data minimum)
int movie=0 | 0: no movie, 1: movie over axis 1, 2: axis 2, 3: axis 3
int n1pix=n1/point1+n3/(1.-point1) | number of vertical pixels
int n2pix=n2/point2+n3/(1.-point2) | number of horizontal pixels
int nc=50 | number of contours
float point1=0.5 | fraction of the vertical axis for front face
float point2=0.5 | fraction of the horizontal axis for front face
bool scalebar=n [y/n] | if y, draw scalebar
bool yreverse=y [y/n] | if y, reverse the first axis