 | Weighted stacking of seismic AVO data
using hybrid AB semblance and local similarity |  |
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After the optimal NMO velocity with high fidelity is obtained that addresses the AVO anomaly, we propose to use the following local-similarity-weighted scheme to stack the NMO-corrected gathers using the optimal NMO velocity. The local-similarity-weighted stacking was initially proposed by Liu et al. (2009). Equations 3 and 4 show the calculation of conventional stacking (Mayne, 1962)
and weighted stacking with an arbitrary weighting function
, respectively:
is the number of
traces in one CMP gather,
is the
th sample amplitude
of the
th trace in the NMO-corrected CMP gather. The
local-similarity-weighted stacking substitutes the weighting
in equation 4 with the local correlation of each trace and the reference trace in the same CMP gather, where the local correlation should be implemented after the
soft thresholding (Donoho, 1995) and the final weighted
stack is averaged by the total number of the non-zero
weighted samples in this CMP gather. Appendix B gives a brief review of the calculation of local similarity. The algorithm of local similarity can be used for the calculation of signals in any dimension. For 1D signals, the meanings of equations B-4 and B-5 are intuitive. For 2D or higher-dimensional signals, each signal is first reshaped into a 1D signal and then follows equations B-4 and B-5 to calculate the local-similarity vector. The smoothing operator is applied to the 2D or multi-dimensional form of the original signal to enforce the smoothness in any dimension.
 | Weighted stacking of seismic AVO data
using hybrid AB semblance and local similarity |  |
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Next: The hybrid framework of
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Previous: NMO velocity analysis using