from rsf.proj import * #============================================================== # job running parameters xv0=12.192 zv0=0 par = dict( ns=1376, dt=0.0008, isep=0, ihomo=0, itaper=1, # tapertype="DaveHale", # tapertype="Sinc", # tapertype="Cosine", tapertype="TTI", # tapertype="None", nstep=2, nxv=1400, ox=xv0, lx='x', ux='km', nzv=1320, oz=zv0, lz='z', uz='km', ) # ============================================================= # download Hess VTI models from '' # Depth grid: 1501 # Horizontal grid: 3617 # Vertical and horizontal spacing are both 20ft. from import hessvti #hessvti.get_smallmodel('vp vs epsilon delta') hessvti.get_model('vp vs epsilon delta') ft2km = 0.0003048 dx = 20*ft2km dz = 20*ft2km for mod in Split('vp vs epsilon delta'): Flow(mod+'1',mod, ''' put d1=%g d2=%g unit1=km label1=Depth unit2=km label2=Distance unit=m/s | window n1=%d min1=%g n2=%d min2=%g ''' % (dx, dz, par['nzv'],par['oz'], par['nxv'],par['ox'])) Flow('vs_hess','vp_hess', ''' math output="input*0.5" ''') # ============================================================= # produce vp0 & vs0 model by scaling vp model Flow('vp0','vp1', ''' math output="input*1000" | smooth rect1=5 rect2=5 ''') Flow('vs0','vs1', ''' math output="input*1000" | smooth rect1=5 rect2=5 ''') Flow('epsi','epsilon1', ''' smooth rect1=3 rect2=3 ''') Flow('del','delta1', ''' smooth rect1=3 rect2=3 ''') # ============================================================= # produce vp0 & vs0 model by scaling vp model Flow('hessvp0','vp1', ''' math output="input*1000" ''') Flow('hessvs0','vs1', ''' math output="input*1000" ''') Flow('hessepsilon','epsilon1', ''' math output="input" ''') Flow('hessdelta','delta1', ''' math output="input" ''') name0=''' hessvp0 hessvs0 ''' name00=''' hessepsilon hessdelta ''' Result('vp0', ''' grey color=g scalebar=y screenht=4 screenwd=10 barreverse=y wanttitle=n} ''') for ff in Split(name0): Result(ff, ''' grey color=g scalebar=y screenht=4 screenwd=10 barreverse=y wanttitle=n} ''') for gg in Split(name00): Result(gg, ''' grey color=g scalebar=y screenht=4 screenwd=10 barreverse=y wanttitle=n} ''') # grey color=j scalebar=y screenratio=0.47 allpos=n barreverse=y wanttitle=n} ################################################################ # Stage I:Forward modeling with real SV0 ################################################################ name1=''' PseudoPurePx PseudoPurePz PseudoPureP ''' Flow(['PseudoPurePx', 'PseudoPurePz', 'PseudoPureP'], 'vp0 vs0 epsi del', ''' vti2dpseudop vp0=${SOURCES[0]} vs0=${SOURCES[1]} epsi=${SOURCES[2]} del=${SOURCES[3]} PseudoPurePz=${TARGETS[1]} PseudoPureP=${TARGETS[2]} ns=%d dt=%g isep=%d ihomo=%d itaper=%d tapertype=%s nstep=%d ''' % (par['ns'],par['dt'],par['isep'],par['ihomo'],par['itaper'],par['tapertype'],par['nstep']) ) for qq in Split(name1): Result(qq, ''' grey polarity=n scalebar=n screenratio=1 wanttitle=n ''') ################################################################ # Stage II:Forward modeling with finite SV0 ################################################################ name2=''' PseudoPurePxFsv0 PseudoPurePzFsv0 PseudoPurePFsv0 ''' Flow(['PseudoPurePxFsv0', 'PseudoPurePzFsv0', 'PseudoPurePFsv0', 'Fvs0'], 'vp0 epsi del', ''' vti2dpseudopfvs0 vp0=${SOURCES[0]} epsi=${SOURCES[1]} del=${SOURCES[2]} PseudoPurePz=${TARGETS[1]} PseudoPureP=${TARGETS[2]} Fvs0=${TARGETS[3]} ns=%d dt=%g isep=%d ihomo=%d itaper=%d tapertype=%s nstep=%d ''' % (par['ns'],par['dt'],par['isep'],par['ihomo'],par['itaper'],par['tapertype'],par['nstep']) ) for qq in Split(name2): Result(qq, ''' grey polarity=n scalebar=n screenratio=1 wanttitle=n ''') ################################################################ # Stage III: Coverted the RTM (cjb-SU) data to RSF format and plot ################################################################ dx=6.096*2/1000 dz=6.096*2/1000 nx0=3617 # Not really reproducible, just display from import server Fetch('','hess',server) Flow('hessrtm','', ''' datasucjb2rsf2d fn=$SOURCE | window n2=1809 min2=0 | put d1=0.012192 d2=0.012192 unit1=km label1=Depth unit2=km label2=Distance ''') Result('hessrtm', ''' grey pclip=96 color=e polarity=n scalebar=n screenht=6 screenwd=10 wanttitle=n ''') End() |
sfsegyread sfscale sfput sfmath | sfcat sfdd sfheadermath sfmask | sfcp sfwindow sfsmooth sfgrey | sfvti2dpseudop sfvti2dpseudopfvs0 sfdatasucjb2rsf2d |