from rsf.proj import * from import hessvti par = dict( ns=1101, dt=0.001, dx=40*0.0003048, dz=40*0.0003048, seed=2011, eps=1.e-6, npk=50, ) # ============================================================= # download Hess VTI models from '' # Depth grid: 1501 # Horizontal grid: 3617 # Vertical and horizontal spacing are both 20ft. #import hessvti #xv0=1200*dx xv0=9.0 #xv0=0 zv0=0 ft2km = 0.0003048 dx = 20*ft2km dz = 20*ft2km par2 = dict( nxv=1400, ox=xv0, lx='x', ux='km', nzv=1320, oz=zv0, lz='z', uz='km', ) # nxv=1801, ox=xv0, lx='x', ux='km', # nxv=3600, ox=xv0, lx='x', ux='km', for bb in Split('vp vs epsilon delta'): Flow(bb,bb+'_hess', ''' put d1=%g d2=%g unit1=km label1=Depth unit2=km label2=Distance unit=km/s | window n1=%d min1=%g n2=%d min2=%g ''' % (dx, dz, par2['nzv'],par2['oz'], par2['nxv'],par2['ox'])) name0=''' vp ''' name00=''' epsilon delta ''' for ff in Split(name0): Result(ff+'-hess',ff+'_hess', ''' grey color=j scalebar=y bias=1.5 allpos=n barreverse=y wanttitle=n screenht=5 screenwd=14 ''') for gg in Split(name00): Result(gg+'-hess',gg+'_hess' ''' grey color=j scalebar=y allpos=n barreverse=y wanttitle=n screenht=5 screenwd=14 ''') # ============================================================= # produce vp0 & vs0 model by scaling vp model Flow('vp0','vp', ''' math output="input*1000" | resamp d1=%g d2=%g ''' % (par['dx'],par['dz']) ) Flow('vs0','vs', ''' math output="input*1000" | resamp d1=%g d2=%g ''' % (par['dx'],par['dz']) ) Flow('epsi','epsilon', ''' math output=input | resamp d1=%g d2=%g ''' % (par['dx'],par['dz']) ) Flow('del','delta', ''' math output=input | resamp d1=%g d2=%g ''' % (par['dx'],par['dz']) ) Flow('the','delta', ''' math output=0.0 | resamp d1=%g d2=%g ''' % (par['dx'],par['dz']) ) name0=''' vp0 ''' name00=''' epsi del ''' for ff in Split(name0): Result(ff, ''' grey color=j scalebar=y bias=1.5 allpos=n barreverse=y wanttitle=n screenht=4 screenwd=6 ''') for gg in Split(name00): Result(gg, ''' grey color=j scalebar=y allpos=n barreverse=y wanttitle=n screenht=4 screenwd=6 ''') ######################################################################################################## name1=''' ElasticxPSLR ElasticzPSLR ElasticPxPSLR ElasticPzPSLR ElasticSxPSLR ElasticSzPSLR ''' Flow(['ElasticxPSLR', 'ElasticzPSLR', 'ElasticPxPSLR', 'ElasticPzPSLR', 'ElasticSxPSLR', 'ElasticSzPSLR'], 'vp0 vs0 epsi del the', ''' tti2devectorlrsvd_double vp0=${SOURCES[0]} vs0=${SOURCES[1]} epsi=${SOURCES[2]} del=${SOURCES[3]} the=${SOURCES[4]} Elasticz=${TARGETS[1]} ElasticPx=${TARGETS[2]} ElasticPz=${TARGETS[3]} ElasticSx=${TARGETS[4]} ElasticSz=${TARGETS[5]} ns=%d dt=%g eps=%g seed=%d npk=%d ''' % (par['ns'],par['dt'],par['eps'],par['seed'],par['npk']) ) for qq in Split(name1): Result(qq, ''' grey color= polarity=n scalebar=n screenratio=1. wanttitle=n pclip=100 axisfat=5 axiscol=7 labelsz=10 ''') ######################################################################################################## name2=''' ElasticxKS ElasticzKS ElasticPxKS ElasticPzKS ElasticSxKS ElasticSzKS ''' Flow(['ElasticxKS', 'ElasticzKS', 'ElasticPxKS', 'ElasticPzKS', 'ElasticSxKS', 'ElasticSzKS'], 'vp0 vs0 epsi del the', ''' tti2devectorlrsvdkspace_double vp0=${SOURCES[0]} vs0=${SOURCES[1]} epsi=${SOURCES[2]} del=${SOURCES[3]} the=${SOURCES[4]} Elasticz=${TARGETS[1]} ElasticPx=${TARGETS[2]} ElasticPz=${TARGETS[3]} ElasticSx=${TARGETS[4]} ElasticSz=${TARGETS[5]} ns=%d dt=%g eps=%g seed=%d npk=%d ''' % (par['ns'],par['dt'],par['eps'],par['seed'],par['npk']) ) for qq in Split(name2): Result(qq, ''' grey color=j polarity=n scalebar=n screenratio=1. wanttitle=n pclip=99.5 axisfat=5 axiscol=7 labelsz=10 ''') ######################################################################################################## #name3=''' #ElasticxKSS ElasticzKSS ElasticPxKSS ElasticPzKSS ElasticSxKSS ElasticSzKSS #''' #Flow(['ElasticxKSS', 'ElasticzKSS', 'ElasticPxKSS', 'ElasticPzKSS', 'ElasticSxKSS', 'ElasticSzKSS'], # 'vp0 vs0 epsi del the', # ''' # tti2devectorlrsvdkspacesource_double # vp0=${SOURCES[0]} # vs0=${SOURCES[1]} # epsi=${SOURCES[2]} # del=${SOURCES[3]} # the=${SOURCES[4]} # Elasticz=${TARGETS[1]} # ElasticPx=${TARGETS[2]} # ElasticPz=${TARGETS[3]} # ElasticSx=${TARGETS[4]} # ElasticSz=${TARGETS[5]} # ns=%d # dt=%g # eps=%g # seed=%d # npk=%d # ''' % (par['ns'],par['dt'],par['eps'],par['seed'],par['npk']) # ) #for qq in Split(name3): # Result(qq, # ''' # grey color= polarity=n scalebar=n screenratio=1. wanttitle=n pclip=100 # axisfat=5 axiscol=7 labelsz=10 # ''') # ================================================================================= # FD modeling + vector decomp # ================================================================================= Flow(['ElasticxFD', 'ElasticzFD'], 'vp0 vs0 epsi del the', ''' tti2de vp0=${SOURCES[0]} vs0=${SOURCES[1]} epsi=${SOURCES[2]} del=${SOURCES[3]} the=${SOURCES[4]} Elasticz=${TARGETS[1]} ns=%d dt=%g eps=%g seed=%d npk=%d ''' % (par['ns'],par['dt'],par['eps'],par['seed'],par['npk']) ) name4=''' ElasticxFD ElasticzFD ElasticPxFD ElasticPzFD ElasticSxFD ElasticSzFD ''' Flow(['ElasticPxFD', 'ElasticPzFD', 'ElasticSxFD', 'ElasticSzFD'], 'vp0 vs0 epsi del the ElasticxFD ElasticzFD', ''' tti2delrdec vp0=${SOURCES[0]} vs0=${SOURCES[1]} epsi=${SOURCES[2]} del=${SOURCES[3]} the=${SOURCES[4]} Elasticx=${SOURCES[5]} Elasticz=${SOURCES[6]} ElasticPx=${TARGETS[0]} ElasticPz=${TARGETS[1]} ElasticSx=${TARGETS[2]} ElasticSz=${TARGETS[3]} eps=%g seed=%d npk=%d ''' % (par['eps'],par['seed'],par['npk']) ) for qq in Split(name4): Result(qq, ''' grey color=j polarity=n scalebar=n screenratio=1 wanttitle=n pclip=99.5 axisfat=5 axiscol=7 labelsz=10 ''') End() |
sfsegyread sfscale sfput sfmath | sfcat sfdd sfheadermath sfmask | sfwindow sfgrey sfresamp sftti2devectorlrsvd_double | sftti2devectorlrsvdkspace_double sftti2de sftti2delrdec |