from rsf.proj import *
def section(title,label1='Time',unit1='s',min1=5.8,max1=8.0,extra=" "):
return '''
window min1=%g max1=%g |
grey title="%s"
label1="%s" unit1="%s" label2=Distance unit2=m %s
''' % (min1,max1,title,label1,unit1,extra)
Flow('shots tshots','',
suread suxdr=y tfile=${TARGETS[1]}
Flow('stackd tstackd','',
suread suxdr=y tfile=${TARGETS[1]}
Flow('stack-win','stackd','window min1=5')
window min2=900 max2=1300 | put label2=CMP
Plot('stackd','window j1=2 j2=2 | grey title=Stack label2=CMP')
window j2=2 | grey title="Stack (Window)" label2=CMP
window min2=900 max2=1300 |
grey title="Part of stack corresponding to the shot file"
stack axis=1 | spray axis=1 n=5500 o=0.0 d=0.002
Flow('shotsdc','shots mean','add scale=1,-1 ${SOURCES[1]}')
Flow('shotsf','shotsdc','bandpass flo=10 fhi=125')
Flow('mask0','shotsf','mul $SOURCE | stack axis=1 | mask min=1e-20')
Flow('shots0','shotsf mask0','headerwindow mask=${SOURCES[1]}')
Flow('tshots0','tshots mask0','headerwindow mask=${SOURCES[1]}')
'mul $SOURCE | stack axis=1 | math output="log(input)"')
Flow('indexshot','tshots0','window n1=1 f1=2')
headermath output=offset | dd type=float | window
math output="abs(input) - 170" | dd type=int
Flow('midpoint','tshots0','window n1=1 f1=5')
headermath output=cdp | dd type=float |
math output="input*16.667" | window
Flow('recv','cmps4index offsets4index',
add scale=1,0.5 ${SOURCES[1]} |
math output="input - 13799" | dd type=int
Flow('index','indexshot offsetindex',
cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1]}
Flow('extindex','index midpoint',
cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1]}
Flow('extindrecv','extindex recv',
cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1]}
def plot(title):
return '''
spray axis=1 n=1 |
intbin head=${SOURCES[1]} yk=fldr xk=tracf | window |
grey title="%s" label2="Shot Number" unit2=
label1="Offset Number" unit1= scalebar=y
''' % (title)
def plotb(title,bias=-5):
return '''
spray axis=1 n=1 |
intbin head=${SOURCES[1]} yk=fldr xk=tracf | window |
grey title="%s" label2="Shot Number" unit2=
label1="Offset Number" unit1= scalebar=y clip=3 bias=%g
''' % (title,bias)
Flow('varms','arms tshots0',
spray axis=1 n=1 |
intbin head=${SOURCES[1]} yk=fldr xk=tracf | window
Flow('sht ofs rcv cmp recvscarms','arms extindrecv',
sc index=${SOURCES[1]} niter=150 pred=${TARGETS[4]}
out2=${TARGETS[1]} out3=${TARGETS[2]} out4=${TARGETS[3]}
Result('recvvscarms','recvscarms tshots0',
plotb('Source, Offset, CDP, Recv S-C Log(A)'))
Flow('recvadiff','arms recvscarms','add scale=1,-1 ${SOURCES[1]}')
Result('recvadiff','recvadiff tshots0',plot('s,h,cdp,r difference'))
for case in ('sht','ofs','rcv','cmp'):
graph title="%s Term"
label1="%s Number" unit1= label2=Amplitude unit2=
''' % (case.capitalize(),case.capitalize()))
'math output="exp(-input/2)" | spray axis=1 n=5500 d=0.002 o=0')
Flow('shots-preproc','shots0 ampl','mul ${SOURCES[1]}')
window n2=100 |
grey min1=6.0 max1=8.0 title="Shots Preproc"
window n2=100 |
grey min1=6.0 max1=8.0 title="Shots Raw"
bandpass fhi=125 | window j1=2
Flow('shots2','subsamples tshots0',
intbin xk=tracf yk=fldr head=${SOURCES[1]}
Flow('smask','shots2','mul $SOURCE | stack axis=1 | mask min=1e-20')
window n1=1 f1=11 squeeze=n | dd type=float |
intbin head=$SOURCE xk=tracf yk=fldr
Flow('mask','smask','window n2=1 min2=%g' % shot)
Flow('shot','shots2 mask',
window n3=1 min3=%g squeeze=n |
headerwindow mask=${SOURCES[1]}
''' % shot)
Flow('offset','offsets mask',
window n3=1 min3=%g squeeze=n |
headerwindow mask=${SOURCES[1]}
''' % shot)
window min1=5.8 max1=8.5 |
grey title="Selected Shot" clip=2
Flow('cmps maskcmp','subsamples tshots0',
intbin head=${SOURCES[1]} mask=${TARGETS[1]}
xk=tracf yk=cdp |
pow pow1=2
Flow('cmask','cmps','mul $SOURCE | stack axis=1 | mask min=1e-20')
window n1=1 f1=11 squeeze=n | dd type=float |
intbin xk=tracf yk=cdp head=$SOURCE
Flow('mask1','cmask','window n2=1 min2=1280')
Flow('cmp1','cmps mask1',
window n3=1 min3=1280 | headerwindow mask=${SOURCES[1]}
Flow('off','offs mask1',
window n3=1 min3=1280 squeeze=n | headerwindow mask=${SOURCES[1]}
Plot('cmp1','cmp1 off',
window min1=5.8 max1=8.5 |
wiggle xpos=${SOURCES[1]} title="CMP 1280"
yreverse=y transp=y poly=y label2=Offset unit2=m
wherexlabel=t wheretitle=b
Flow('vscan','cmp1 off mask1',
vscan half=n offset=${SOURCES[1]}
v0=1400 nv=101 dv=10 semblance=y
window min1=5.8 max1=8.5 |
grey color=j allpos=y title="Velocity Scan" unit2=m/s
mutter inner=y half=n t0=5 x0=1400 v0=75 |
pick v0=1500 rect1=25
window min1=5.8 max1=8.5 |
graph transp=y yreverse=y plotcol=7 plotfat=3
pad=n min2=1400 max2=2400 wanttitle=n wantaxis=n
Plot('vscanp','vscan pick','Overlay')
Flow('nmo','cmp1 off mask1 pick',
nmo half=n offset=${SOURCES[1]}
window min1=5.8 max1=8.5 |
grey title="CMP 1280" labelsz=12 titlesz=18
window min1=5.8 max1=8.5 |
grey title="Normal Moveout" labelsz=12 titlesz=18
Flow('cmask2','cmask','transp plane=23 | transp plane=21')
Flow('vscans','cmps offs cmask2',
vscan half=n offset=${SOURCES[1]} mask=${SOURCES[2]}
v0=1400 nv=101 dv=10 semblance=y nb=5
mutter inner=y half=n t0=5 x0=1400 v0=75 |
pick v0=1500 rect1=25 rect2=10
Flow('nmos','cmps offs cmask picks',
nmo half=n offset=${SOURCES[1]} mask=${SOURCES[2]}
Flow('stacks','cmps offs maskcmp',
stacks half=n v0=1400 nv=%g dv=20
offset=${SOURCES[1]} mask=${SOURCES[2]}
'''%nv, split=[3,'omp'])
Flow('stackst','stacks','costaper nw3=20')
put d3=16.667 o3=0 label2=Distance unit2=m |
cosft sign1=1 sign3=1
math output="x1/sqrt(1+0.25*x3*x3*x1*x1/(x2*x2))" |
cut n2=1
Flow('fowler','transp map','iwarp warp=${SOURCES[1]} | transp')
Flow('map2','fowler','math output="sqrt(x1*x1+0.25*x3*x3*x2*x2)" ')
Flow('stolt','fowler map2','iwarp warp=${SOURCES[1]} inv=n',split=[3,'omp'])
Flow('mig','stolt','cosft sign1=-1 sign3=-1 ')
Flow('dmo','fowler','cosft sign1=-1 sign3=-1')
Flow('envelope','dmo','envelope | scale axis=2')
Flow('envelope2','mig','envelope | scale axis=2',split=[3,'omp'])
mutter v0=130 x0=1300 t0=4.0 half=n inner=n |
mutter x0=1400 v0=20 t0=5.0 half=n inner=y |
mutter v0=2500 x0=1400 t0=5.8 half=n inner=n |
mutter v0=500 x0=1400 t0=7.0 half=n inner=y |
pick rect1=80 rect2=20 vel0=1400
mutter v0=130 x0=1300 t0=4.0 half=n inner=n |
mutter x0=1400 v0=20 t0=5.0 half=n inner=y |
mutter v0=2500 x0=1400 t0=5.8 half=n inner=n |
mutter v0=500 x0=1400 t0=7.0 half=n inner=y
mutter v0=130 x0=1300 t0=4.0 half=n inner=n |
mutter x0=1400 v0=20 t0=5.0 half=n inner=y |
mutter v0=2500 x0=1400 t0=5.8 half=n inner=n |
mutter v0=500 x0=1400 t0=7.0 half=n inner=y |
pick rect1=80 rect2=20 vel0=1400
mutter v0=130 x0=1300 t0=4.0 half=n inner=n |
mutter x0=1400 v0=20 t0=5.0 half=n inner=y |
mutter v0=2500 x0=1400 t0=5.8 half=n inner=n |
mutter v0=500 x0=1400 t0=7.0 half=n inner=y
Flow('slice','dmo vpick',
slice pick=${SOURCES[1]} |
put d2=1 o2=900 unit2= label2="CMP Number"
Flow('slicew','slice','put d2=16.667 o2=0')
window min1=5 max1=9|grey title="Stacked section"
label1=Time unit1=s label2=Distance unit2=m label2=Distance
labelsz=15 titlesz=16 titlefat=8 labelfat=6 screenratio=0.75 screenht=9
Flow('weight','envelope vpick2','slice pick=${SOURCES[1]}')
Flow('vdix','vpick2 weight',
'dix rect1=25 rect2=50 weight=${SOURCES[1]}')
'put d1=0.002 | put label1=Time unit1=s')
time2depth velocity=$SOURCE intime=y nz=2750 z0=0 dz=5 twoway=y |
put label1=Depth unit1=km
Flow('slice2','mig vpick2',
slice pick=${SOURCES[1]} |
bandpass flo=5
Result('slice2','window min1=5 max1=8|grey title="Prestack Time Migration"')
Plot('slice2','window min1=5 max1=8|grey title="Prestack Time Migration"')
Flow('topw',None,'spike n1=900 n2=401 d1=0.004 d2=16.667 mag=1500')
Flow('botw','vdix','window n1=1850 f1=900 n2=401 d1=0.004 d2=16.667')
Flow('veltestw','topw botw','cat axis=1 ${SOURCES[1]} | smooth rect1=3')
Flow('top',None,'spike n1=900 n2=401 d1=5 d2=16.667 mag=1500')
Flow('bot','vofz','window n1=1850 f1=900 n2=401 d1=5 d2=16.667')
Flow('veltest','top bot','cat axis=1 ${SOURCES[1]} | smooth rect1=3')
Flow('kpstm','slice vpick2','put d2=16.667 o2=0|kirchnew velocity=${SOURCES[1]}')
Plot('kpstm','window min1=5 max1=8 max2=6000|grey title="Kirchhoff Post stack time migration"')
Flow('vz','veltest','window n2=1 f2=200 | spray axis=2 n=401 o=0 d=16.667')
Flow('dv2dt0','veltestw','math output="input^2" | smoothder')
Flow('dv2dx0','veltestw','math output="input^2" | transp | smoothder | transp')
Flow('beta','dv2dt0 veltestw',
time2depth velocity=${SOURCES[1]} intime=y twoway=y nz=2750 dz=5 |
put label1=Depth unit1=m
Flow('alpha','dv2dx0 veltestw',
time2depth velocity=${SOURCES[1]} intime=y twoway=y nz=2750 dz=5 |
put label1=Depth unit1=m
grey color=j scalebar=y title="dw\_d\^/dx\_0" pclip=100
labelsz=15 titlesz=16 titlefat=10 labelfat=6
screenratio=0.75 screenht=9 barlabel="dw\_d\^/dx\_0\^" barunit="kft/s\^2"
grey color=j scalebar=y title="dw\_d\^/dt\_0" pclip=100
labelsz=15 titlesz=16 titlefat=10 labelfat=6 allpos=y
screenratio=0.75 screenht=9 barlabel="dw\_d\^/dt\_0\^" barunit="kft\^2\_/s\^3"
Flow('refdix','veltest','math output="input^2" | put label1=Depth unit1=kft')
Flow('refvz','vz','math output="input^2" ')
grey color=j scalebar=y title="Ref w\_dr\^(x,z)"
labelsz=15 titlesz=16 titlefat=10 labelfat=6 allpos=y
screenratio=0.75 screenht=9 barlabel="v\^2" barunit="kft\^2\_/s\^2"
grey color=j scalebar=y title="Ref w\_r\^(z)"
labelsz=15 titlesz=16 titlefat=10 labelfat=6 allpos=y
screenratio=0.75 screenht=9 barlabel="v\^2" barunit="kft\^2\_/s\^2"
Result('input-nankai','refdix alpha beta','OverUnderAniso')
for i in ['refdix','refvz','alpha','beta']:
Flow('depth dx0 dt0 dv','refdix_remap refvz_remap alpha_remap beta_remap',
time2depthweak zsubsample=30 nsmooth=200 smoothlen=50
velocity=$SOURCE refvelocity=${SOURCES[1]} dvdx0=${SOURCES[2]} dvdt0=${SOURCES[3]}
outdx0=${TARGETS[1]} outdt0=${TARGETS[2]} outdv=${TARGETS[3]}
Flow('finalv','refvz dv','math est=${SOURCES[1]} output="sqrt(input+est)" | put d3=1 o3=0 ')
grey color=j scalebar=y title=" v\_dr\^(x,z)"
labelsz=15 titlesz=16 titlefat=10 labelfat=6
label1=Depth unit1=kft label2=Distance unit2=kft barunit=kft/s
allpos=y screenratio=0.75 screenht=9 barlabel="v" barunit="kft/s"
grey color=j scalebar=y title=" Estimated interval v(x,z)" allpos=y
label1=Depth unit1=kft label2=Distance unit2=kft barunit=kft/s
labelsz=10 titlesz=12 titlefat=6 labelfat=6 barlabel="v" barunit="kft/s"
Flow('diff','finalv vofz','math est=${SOURCES[1]} output="input-est" | put d3=1 o3=0 ')
grey color=j scalebar=y title=" Estimated interval velocity v(x,z) - v\_dr\^(x,z) " allpos=y
label1=Depth unit1=kft label2=Distance unit2=kft barunit=kft/s
labelsz=10 titlesz=12 titlefat=6 labelfat=6 barlabel="v" barunit="kft/s"
Flow('reft0','refvz','math output="2*1/sqrt(input)*5" | causint')
Flow('finalt0','reft0 dt0','math dt=${SOURCES[1]} output="input+dt"')
Flow('refx0','refvz','math output="x2"')
Flow('finalx0','refx0 dx0','math dx=${SOURCES[1]} output="input+dx" ')
window min1=3000 max1=7000 max2=6000|contour labelsz=10 titlesz=11 titlefat=5 labelfat=4 screenht=6 screenwd=20 wanttitle=y plotcol=5 wantaxis=y title="Image Rays "
label1=Depth unit1=km label2=Distance unit2=m unit1=m n2tic=20 allpos=y
window min1=3000 max1=7000 max2=6000|contour labelsz=10 titlesz=11 titlefat=5 labelfat=4 screenht=6 screenwd=20 wantaxis=n wanttitle=n n2tic=20 plotcol=6 unit1=m unit2=m
Result('imageraysnan','finalt0 finalx0','Overlay')
Flow('finalcoord','finalt0 finalx0',
cat axis=3 ${SOURCES[1]} |
transp plane=23 | transp plane=12
Flow('dixcoord','reft0 refx0',
cat axis=3 ${SOURCES[1]} |
transp plane=23 | transp plane=12
Flow('dixmapd','kpstm dixcoord','inttest2 interp=spline nw=8 coord=${SOURCES[1]} | window min2=45 max2=70')
Flow('finalmapd','wetm1 finalcoord','inttest2 interp=spline nw=8 coord=${SOURCES[1]}')
grey title="Time -> Depth (Proposed)"
label1=Depth unit1=m label2=Distance unit2=m
labelsz=10 titlesz=12 titlefat=4 labelfat=4
Flow('topw',None,'spike n1=900 n2=401 d1=0.004 d2=16.667 mag=1500')
Flow('botw','vdix','window n1=1850 f1=900 n2=401 d1=0.004 d2=16.667')
Flow('veltestw','topw botw','cat axis=1 ${SOURCES[1]} | smooth rect1=3')
Flow('one','veltestw','math output=1 | transp')
Flow('zero','veltestw','math output=0 | transp')
Flow('dfft','veltestw','transp |fft1| fft3 axis=2 pad=1')
Flow('dright dleft','veltestw dfft one zero',
transp | scale dscale=0.5 |
anisolr2 seed=2016 dt=0.002
eta=${SOURCES[3]} theta=${SOURCES[3]}
fft=${SOURCES[1]} left=${TARGETS[1]}
Flow('wetm wsnaps','slice dleft dright',
put d2=16.667 o2=0|spline n1=5500 o1=0 d1=0.002 |
reverse which=1 |
transp |
fftexp0 mig=y snap=10 snaps=${TARGETS[1]}
left=${SOURCES[1]} right=${SOURCES[2]}
nz=2750 dz=5
Flow('wetm1','wetm','put d1=0.004')
Result('wetm','window min1=6000 max1=10000|grey title="Wave Equation Time Migration"')
Plot('wetm','window min1=6000 max1=10000|grey title="Wave Equation Time Migration" label2=Midpoint label1=Time unit1=sec')
window min1=5 max1=9 max2=6000|grey title="Wave Equation Time Migration"
label1=Time unit1=s label2=Distance unit2=m
labelsz=15 titlesz=16 titlefat=8 labelfat=6 screenratio=0.75 screenht=9
Flow('vpick21','vpick2','pad beg1=900 | math output="1500" | window n1=900 | put o1=0')
Flow('vpick22','vpick2','window n1=1850 f1=900 n2=401 d1=0.004 d2=16.667')
Flow('vpickk','vpick21 vpick22','cat ${SOURCES[1:2]} axis=1')
Flow('kpstm2','slice vpickk','put d2=16.667 o2=0|kirchnew velocity=${SOURCES[1]}')
Plot('kpstm2','window min1=5 max1=8 max2=6000|grey title="Kirchhoff Post stack time migration"')
Flow('topsf',None,'spike n1=900 n2=401 d1=5 d2=16.667 mag=1500')
Flow('botsf','finalv','window n1=1850 f1=900 n2=401 d1=5 d2=16.667')
Flow('veltestsf','topsf botsf','cat axis=1 ${SOURCES[1]} | smooth rect1=3')
Flow('fftsf','veltestsf','transp | fft1 | fft3 axis=2 pad=1')
Flow('rightsf leftsf','veltestsf fftsf',
transp | scale dscale=0.5 |
isolr2 seed=2016 dt=0.002 npk=50
fft=${SOURCES[1]} left=${TARGETS[1]}
Flow('rtmsf snapssf','slice leftsf rightsf',
put d2=16.667 o2=0|spline n1=5500 o1=0 d1=0.002 |
reverse which=1 |
transp |
fftexp0 mig=y snap=10 snaps=${TARGETS[1]}
left=${SOURCES[1]} right=${SOURCES[2]}
nz=2750 dz=5
echo %s n1=2 n2=5 data_format=ascii_float in=$TARGET
''' % ' '.join(map(str,(min1,min2,max1,min2,
dd form=native type=complex | window |
graph transp=y yreverse=y min1=5 max1=8 min2=0 max2=6683.476
wanttitle=n plotfat=5 plotcol=6 wantaxis=n
Result('box1','slicew box1','Overlay')
for i in range (3):
zoom = case + '-zoom'
window min1=%g max1=%g min2=%g max2=%g
''' % (min1,max1,min2,max2))
Plot(zoom,'grey title=%s grid=n gridcol=5 label2=Distance unit2=m label1=Time unit1=s labelsz=15 titlesz=15 titlefat=6 labelfat=6' % ('abc'[i]))
Result('zoom','slicew-zoom kpstm2-zoom wetm1-zoom','SideBySideIso')
echo %s n1=2 n2=5 data_format=ascii_float in=$TARGET
''' % ' '.join(map(str,(min12,min22,max12,min22,
dd form=native type=complex | window |
graph transp=y yreverse=y min1=5 max1=8 min2=0 max2=6683.476
wanttitle=n plotfat=5 plotcol=6 wantaxis=n
Result('box12','slicew box12','Overlay')
for i in range (3):
zoom2 = case + '-zoom2'
window min1=%g max1=%g min2=%g max2=%g
''' % (min12,max12,min22,max22))
Plot(zoom2,'grey title=%s grid=n gridcol=5 label2=Distance unit2=m label1=Time unit1=s labelsz=15 titlesz=15 titlefat=6 labelfat=6' % ('abc'[i]))
Result('zoom2','slicew-zoom2 kpstm2-zoom2 wetm1-zoom2','SideBySideIso')
put d2=16.667 o2=0|window min1=5 max1=9 max2=6000|grey title="Stacked section"
label1=Time unit1=s label2=Distance unit2=m
labelsz=10 titlesz=11 titlefat=5 labelfat=4 screenht=6 screenwd=20
put d2=16.667 o2=0|window min1=5 max1=9 max2=6000|grey title="Picked Migration Velocity"
color=j scalebar=y barreverse=y mean=y barlabel=Velocity
label1=Time unit1=s label2=Distance unit2=m barunit=m/s n1tic=25 n2tic=25
labelsz=10 titlesz=11 titlefat=5 labelfat=4 screenht=6 screenwd=20
put d2=16.667 o2=0|window min1=5 max1=9 max2=6000| grey title="Dix Velocity"
color=j scalebar=y barreverse=y barlabel=Velocity
label1=Time unit1=s label2=Distance unit2=m barunit=m/s mean=y n1tic=25 n2tic=25
labelsz=10 titlesz=11 titlefat=5 labelfat=4 screenht=6 screenwd=20
window min1=5 max1=9 max2=6000|grey title="Time Migration"
label1=Time unit1=s label2=Distance unit2=m
labelsz=10 titlesz=11 titlefat=5 labelfat=4 screenht=9 screenwd=20
window min1=5 max1=9 max2=6000|grey title="Wave Equation Time Migration"
label1=Time unit1=s label2=Distance unit2=m
labelsz=10 titlesz=11 titlefat=5 labelfat=4 screenht=9 screenwd=20
window min1=3000 max1=7000 max2=6000|grey color=j scalebar=y title="Ref w\_dr\^(x,z)"
allpos=y n1tic=30 n2tic=20 bias=4500000 label2=Distance unit2=m unit1=m
labelsz=10 titlesz=11 titlefat=5 labelfat=4 screenht=6 screenwd=20 barlabel="v\^2" barunit="m\^2\_/s\^2"
sfsmooth rect1=10 rect2=10|window min1=3000 max1=7000 max2=6000|grey color=j scalebar=y title="dw\_d\^/dx\_0" pclip=100
n1tic=30 n2tic=20 unit1=m unit2=m
labelsz=10 titlesz=11 titlefat=5 labelfat=4 screenht=6 screenwd=20 barlabel="dw\_d\^/dx\_0\^" barunit="m/s\^2"
sfsmooth rect1=10 rect2=10|window min1=3000 max1=7000 max2=6000|grey color=j scalebar=y title="dw\_d\^/dt\_0" pclip=100
allpos=y n1tic=30 n2tic=20 minval=-25000000 maxval=2900000 unit1=m unit2=m
labelsz=10 titlesz=11 titlefat=5 labelfat=4 screenht=6 screenwd=20 barlabel="dw\_d\^/dt\_0\^" barunit="m\^2\_/s\^3"
window min1=3000 max1=7000 max2=6000|grey color=j scalebar=y title=" Estimated interval v(x,z)" allpos=y
label1=Depth unit1=m label2=Distance unit2=m barunit=m/s bias=2000
labelsz=10 titlesz=11 titlefat=5 labelfat=4 screenht=6 screenwd=20 barlabel="v" barunit="m/s"
window min1=3000 max1=7000 max2=6000|grey color=j scalebar=y title=" Estimated interval velocity v(x,z) - v\_dr\^(x,z) " mean=y
label1=Depth unit1=m label2=Distance unit2=m barunit=m/s
labelsz=10 titlesz=11 titlefat=5 labelfat=4 screenht=6 screenwd=20 barlabel="v" barunit="m/s"
window min1=3000 max1=7000 max2=6000|grey title="Wave Equation Time Migration -> Depth"
label1=Depth unit1=m label2=Distance unit2=m
labelsz=10 titlesz=11 titlefat=5 labelfat=4 screenht=9 screenwd=20
window min1=3000 max1=7000 max2=6000| grey title="Depth Migration"
label1=Depth unit1=m label2=Distance unit2=m
labelsz=10 titlesz=11 titlefat=5 labelfat=4 screenht=9 screenwd=20
End() |