from rsf.proj import *
for file in rawsegy :
Flow([file, file+'.bin', file+'.asc', 't'+file],
segyread bfile=${TARGETS[1]} hfile=${TARGETS[2]}
Flow('line',rawsegy,'cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1:3]}')
Flow('tline',map(lambda x: 't'+x,rawsegy),
'cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1:3]}')
headermath output=fldr | mask min=157 max=157 |
add add=-1 | add scale=-1
Flow('shots','line shotmask',
headerwindow mask=${SOURCES[1]} |
put n2=101 n3=67 |
window n2=96 f3=10 n3=56 |
o3=44 d3=0.44 label3=Shot unit3=kft
o2=-5.225 d2=0.11 label2=Offset unit2=kft
Flow('tshots','tline shotmask',
headerwindow mask=${SOURCES[1]} |
put n2=101 n3=67 |
window n2=96 f3=10 n3=56 |
o3=44 d3=0.44 label3=Shot unit3=kft
o2=-5.225 d2=0.11 label2=Offset unit2=kft
Plot('shots','grey title=Shots gainpanel=all pclip=90',view=0)
def plotshots(title):
return '''
byte gainpanel=all pclip=90 |
grey3 frame1=1000 frame2=55 frame3=30 title="%s"
flat=n point1=0.7 point2=0.7
''' % title
def plotshotspow(title):
return '''
pow pow1=1.5 | byte gainpanel=all pclip=90 |
grey3 frame1=1000 frame2=55 frame3=30 title="%s"
flat=n point1=0.7 point2=0.7
''' % title
88 80.5
89 80.7
90 80.5
91 81.2
92 81.6
93 82.4
94 84.2
95 83.7
96 84
97 84.1
98 87.8
99 92.6
100 99.8
106 100.6
113 103.6
118 95.5
124 98.4
130 96.5
136 111.1
142 109
149 120.5
155 115.1
156 112.8
157 115.3
158 113.4
159 113.5
160 113.3
161 106.7
163 108.2
164 108.2
165 108.2
166 108.1
167 80.1
n1=2 in=$TARGET data_format=ascii_float n1=2 n2=33
Flow('spelev','spelev.asc','dd form=native')
dd type=complex |
window |
graph wanttitle=n wantaxis=n symbol=o plotcol=5
min2=75 max2=125 min1=85 max1=172
'transp | linear o1=85 d1=1 n1=88 rect=2 niter=100')
graph title=Elevation
label1=Shot label2=Elevation unit2=ft
min2=75 max2=125 min1=85 max1=172
Result('elev','elev spelev','Overlay')
window n1=1 |
math output="(x2-44)/0.44+111" | put n1=5376 n2=1
Flow('selev','elev spoint',
'inttest1 coord=${SOURCES[1]} interp=lag nw=2')
window n1=56 j1=96 |
put o1=44 d1=0.44 label1=Shot unit1=kft |
graph title="Shot Elevation" label2=Elevation unit2=ft
mask max=123 | dd type=float |
math output="82.5*input+67.5*(1-input)"
Flow('gpoint','shots spoint',
window n1=1 |
math output="(x1+x2-44)/0.44+111" | put n1=5376 n2=1
Flow('gelev','elev gpoint',
'inttest1 coord=${SOURCES[1]} interp=lag nw=2')
vnear = 10000
Flow('estat','selev sdepth gelev',
add scale=1,-1,1 ${SOURCES[1:3]} | scale dscale=%g |
put n1=96 n2=56 o2=44 d2=0.44
label2=Shot unit2=kft label1=Offset unit1=kft
''' % (1.0/vnear))
grey color=j mean=y scalebar=y barlabel=Time barunit=s
title="Elevation Statics"
Flow('eshots','shots estat','datstretch datum=${SOURCES[1]}')
Result('eshots',plotshots('Shots After Elevation Statics'))
Flow('gshots gain','eshots',
pow pow1=1 | put d3= |
mutter half=n v0=10 tp=0 | put d3=0.44 |
shapeagc rect1=250 gain=${TARGETS[1]}
Result('gshots',plotshots('Shots After Gain and Mute'))
Flow('shot','gshots','window n3=1 f3=23')
Plot('shot','grey title="Selected Shot" clip=2')
Flow('fft','shot','fft1 | fft3')
window max1=100 | math output="abs(input)" | real |
grey allpos=y title="Fourier Transform"
Plot('shotfilt','fft','dipfilter v1=0.000001 v2=0.001 v3=10 v4=11 pass=n | fft3 inv=y | fft1 inv=y | grey')
Result('shotcp','shotori shotfilt','SideBySideAniso')
Flow('ffts','gshots','fft1 | fft3')
dipfilter v1=0.000001 v2=0.001 v3=10 v4=11 pass=n | fft3 inv=y | fft1 inv=y
''', split=[3,'omp'])
plotshots('Shots After Ground-Roll Atenuation'))
Flow('rshots','fshots gain',
div ${SOURCES[1]} | pow pow1=-1 | put d3= |
mutter half=n v0=10 tp=0 | put d3=0.44
Result('rshots',plotshots('Shots After Reversed Gain'))
'mul $SOURCE | stack axis=1 | math output="log(input)" ')
Flow('arms2','arms','smooth rect1=5 | add scale=-1,1 $SOURCE')
Result('arms2','grey title=Log-Amplitude clip=1.13')
Flow('ishot','arms2','math output="(x2-44)/0.44" ')
Flow('ioffset','arms2','math output="(x1+5.225)/0.11" ')
Flow('ireceiver','arms2','math output="(x1+x2-44+5.225)/0.11" ')
Flow('icmp','arms2','math output="(x1/2+x2-44+5.225/2)*2/0.11" ')
nx = 96
ns = 56
nt = nx*ns
Flow('index','ishot ioffset ireceiver icmp',
cat axis=3 ${SOURCES[1:4]} | dd type=int |
put n1=%d n2=4 n3=1
''' % nt)
Flow('arms1','arms2','put n2=1 n1=%d' % nt)
Flow('i1 i2 i3 i4 scarms','arms1 index',
sc index=${SOURCES[1]} out2=${TARGETS[1]} out3=${TARGETS[2]} out4=${TARGETS[3]} pred=${TARGETS[4]}
math output="exp(-input/2)" |
spray axis=1 n=3000 d=0.002 o=0 |
n3=56 o3=44 d3=0.44 label3=Shot unit3=kft
n2=96 o2=-5.225 d2=0.11 label2=Offset unit2=kft
Flow('ashots','rshots ampl','mul ${SOURCES[1]}')
'mul $SOURCE | window n1=1500 f1=1499 | stack axis=1 | mask min=1e-20 max=3e11 | spray axis=1 n=3000 d=0.002 o=0 | dd type=float')
Flow('ashotscut','ashots maskbadshot',''' mul ${SOURCES[1]} ''')
Result('ashots',plotshotspow('Shots After Surface-Consistent'))
Result('ashotscut',plotshotspow('Shots After Surface-Consistent with mask'))
Flow('cmps mask','ashots',
'shot2cmp half=n mask=${TARGETS[1]} | pow pow1=2')
'mul $SOURCE | stack axis=1 | mask min=1e-20 max=1e14')
Flow('mask1','mask maskbad',' mul ${SOURCES[1]} | spray axis=1 n=1')
Flow('vscans','cmps mask1',
vscan semblance=y half=n nv=151 v0=7 dv=0.1
Flow('vpicks','vscans','pick rect1=100 rect2=20')
grey color=j scalebar=y barreverse=y mean=y
title="Picked NMO Velocity"
Flow('vscansmute','vscans','mutter inner=y t0=1.5 x0=7 v0=6')
Flow('vpicksmute','vscansmute','pick rect1=100 rect2=20')
grey color=j scalebar=y barreverse=y mean=y
title="Picked NMO Velocity with muting"
Flow('maskall','mask maskbad',' mul ${SOURCES[1]} | spray axis=1 n=3000 d=0.002 o=0 | dd type=float')
Flow('cmpscut','cmps maskall',''' mul ${SOURCES[1]} ''')
byte gainpanel=all pclip=95 | transp plane=23 memsize=5000 |
grey3 frame1=500 frame2=100 point1=0.8 point2=0.8
title="CMPs" movie=3
label3=Velocity unit3=kft/s
Flow('nmos','cmpscut vpicks','nmo velocity=${SOURCES[1]} half=n')
Plot('nmos','''pow pow1=1.5 | transp plane=23 | byte gainpanel=all pclip=90 |
grey3 title="Shots After NMO" frame1=1000 frame2=1 frame3=6 movie=2
flat=y point1=0.7 point2=0.7 ''',view=1)
Flow('nmosmute','cmpscut vpicksmute','nmo velocity=${SOURCES[1]} half=n')
Plot('nmosmute','''pow pow1=1.5 | transp plane=23 | byte gainpanel=all pclip=90 |
grey3 title="Shots After NMO" frame1=1000 frame2=1 frame3=6 movie=2
flat=y point1=0.7 point2=0.7 ''',view=1)
Plot('stack0','grey title="First Stack" labelsz=8 titlesz=10 titlefat=2 labelfat=2 screenratio=0.8 screenht=9')
Flow('stack1','stack0','despike2 wide2=10 ')
Plot('stack1','grey title="Median-Filtered Stack" labelsz=8 titlesz=10 titlefat=2 labelfat=2 screenratio=0.8 screenht=9')
Plot('stack0mute','grey title="First Stack Muted" labelsz=8 titlesz=10 titlefat=2 labelfat=2 screenratio=0.8 screenht=9')
Flow('stack1mute','stack0mute','despike2 wide2=10 ')
Plot('stack1mute','grey title="Median-Filtered Stack Muted" labelsz=8 titlesz=10 titlefat=2 labelfat=2 screenratio=0.8 screenht=9')
stacks half=n v0=7 nv=151 dv=0.1
Flow('stackst','stacks','costaper nw3=100')
byte gainpanel=all pclip=95| transp plane=23 memsize=5000 |
grey3 frame1=1000 frame2=200 frame3=50 point1=0.8 point2=0.8
title="Constant-Velocity Stacks" label3=Velocity unit3=kft/s
Flow('cosft','stackst','pad n3=2401 | cosft sign1=1 sign3=1')
math output="x1/sqrt(1+0.25*x3*x3*x1*x1/(x2*x2))" |
cut n2=1
Flow('fowler','transp map','iwarp warp=${SOURCES[1]} | transp',
Flow('dmo','fowler','cosft sign1=-1 sign3=-1 | window n3=543')
byte gainpanel=all pclip=95 | transp plane=23 memsize=5000 |
grey3 frame1=500 frame2=100 frame3=30 point1=0.8 point2=0.8
title="Constant-Velocity DMO Stacks"
label3=Velocity unit3=kft/s
Flow('envelope','dmo','despike2 wide2=10 | envelope | scale axis=2',split=[3,'omp'])
Flow('vpickdmo','envelope','pick rect1=300 rect2=75 vel0=8')
math output="input^2" | window f2=20 n2=500 | grey color=j scalebar=y mean=y
title="Migration velocity from Fowler's DMO" barlabel="v\^2\_" barunit="kft/s"
labelsz=10 titlesz=12 titlefat=6 labelfat=6 screenratio=0.5
Flow('slice','dmo vpickdmo','slice pick=${SOURCES[1]} | agc rect1=200 rect2=30 | despike2 wide2=10 ')
Plot('slice','grey title="Alaska DMO Stack" labelsz=10 titlesz=12 titlefat=6 labelfat=6 ')
dix rect1=200 rect2=40 | put d3=1 o3=0
time2depth velocity=$SOURCE intime=y twoway=y nz=869 dz=0.04
put label1=Depth unit1=kft
Flow('vz','dixdepth','window n2=1 f2=271 | spray axis=2 n=543 o=41.3875 d=0.055')
Flow('dv2dt0','dix','math output="input^2" | smoothder')
Flow('dv2dx0','dix','math output="input^2" | transp | smoothder | transp')
Flow('beta','dv2dt0 dix',
time2depth velocity=${SOURCES[1]} intime=y twoway=y nz=869 dz=0.04 |
put label1=Depth unit1=kft
Flow('alpha','dv2dx0 dix',
time2depth velocity=${SOURCES[1]} intime=y twoway=y nz=869 dz=0.04 |
put label1=Depth unit1=kft
window max1=20 f2=20 n2=500 | grey color=j scalebar=y title="dw\_d\^/dx\_0" pclip=100
labelsz=15 titlesz=16 titlefat=10 labelfat=6
screenratio=0.75 screenht=9 barlabel="dw\_d\^/dx\_0\^" barunit="kft/s\^2"
window max1=20 f2=20 n2=500 | grey color=j scalebar=y title="dw\_d\^/dt\_0" pclip=100
labelsz=15 titlesz=16 titlefat=10 labelfat=6 allpos=y
screenratio=0.75 screenht=9 barlabel="dw\_d\^/dt\_0\^" barunit="kft\^2\_/s\^3"
Flow('refdix','dixdepth','math output="input^2" | put label1=Depth unit1=kft')
Flow('refvz','vz','math output="input^2" ')
window max1=20 f2=20 n2=500 | grey color=j scalebar=y title="Ref w\_dr\^(x,z)"
labelsz=15 titlesz=16 titlefat=10 labelfat=6 allpos=y bias=64 clip=216 minval=64 maxval=280
screenratio=0.75 screenht=9 barlabel="v\^2" barunit="kft\^2\_/s\^2"
grey color=j scalebar=y title="Ref w\_r\^(z)"
labelsz=15 titlesz=16 titlefat=10 labelfat=6 allpos=y bias=55
screenratio=0.75 screenht=9 barlabel="v\^2" barunit="kft\^2\_/s\^2"
Result('input-alaska','refdix alpha beta','OverUnderAniso')
for i in ['refdix','refvz','alpha','beta']:
Flow('depth dx0 dt0 dv','refdix_remap refvz_remap alpha_remap beta_remap',
time2depthweak zsubsample=30 nsmooth=200 smoothlen=50
velocity=$SOURCE refvelocity=${SOURCES[1]} dvdx0=${SOURCES[2]} dvdt0=${SOURCES[3]}
outdx0=${TARGETS[1]} outdt0=${TARGETS[2]} outdv=${TARGETS[3]}
Flow('finalv','refvz dv','math est=${SOURCES[1]} output="sqrt(input+est)" | put d3=1 o3=0 ')
grey color=j scalebar=y title=" v\_dr\^(x,z)"
labelsz=15 titlesz=16 titlefat=10 labelfat=6
label1=Depth unit1=kft label2=Distance unit2=kft barunit=kft/s bias=8 clip=12 minval=8 maxval=20
allpos=y screenratio=0.75 screenht=9 barlabel="v" barunit="kft/s"
window max1=20 f2=20 n2=500 |
grey color=j scalebar=y title=" Estimated interval v(x,z)" allpos=y
label1=Depth unit1=kft label2=Distance unit2=kft barunit=kft/s bias=8.5 clip=8 minval=8 maxval=16.5
labelsz=10 titlesz=12 titlefat=6 labelfat=6 barlabel="v" barunit="kft/s"
Flow('diff','finalv dixdepth','math est=${SOURCES[1]} output="input-est" | put d3=1 o3=0 ')
window max1=20 f2=20 n2=500 | grey color=j scalebar=y title=" Estimated interval velocity v(x,z) - v\_dr\^(x,z) " allpos=y
label1=Depth unit1=kft label2=Distance unit2=kft barunit=kft/s bias=-0.05 clip=0.95 minval=-0.05 maxval=0.9
labelsz=10 titlesz=12 titlefat=6 labelfat=6 barlabel="v" barunit="kft/s"
Flow('reft0','refvz','math output="2*1/sqrt(input)*0.04" | causint')
Flow('finalt0','reft0 dt0','math dt=${SOURCES[1]} output="input+dt"')
Flow('refx0','refvz','math output="x2"')
Flow('finalx0','refx0 dx0','math dx=${SOURCES[1]} output="input+dx" ')
Flow('finalcoord','finalt0 finalx0',
cat axis=3 ${SOURCES[1]} |
transp plane=23 | transp plane=12
Flow('finalmapd','slice finalcoord','inttest2 interp=spline nw=8 coord=${SOURCES[1]} | window min2=45 max2=70')
agc rect1=200 | grey title="Time -> Depth (Proposed)"
label1=Depth unit1=kft label2=Distance unit2=kft
labelsz=10 titlesz=12 titlefat=6 labelfat=6
Result('finalvcompare-alaska','finalv diff','OverUnderAniso')
Result('finalcompare-alaska','finalmapd dmigfinalv','OverUnderAniso')
Flow('flatvz','refvz','math output="sqrt(input)"| window | put d3=1 o3=0')
Flow('ys',None,'math n1=56 o1=44 d1=0.44 output=x1')
Flow('zs','ys','math output=0')
Flow('sht','zs ys','cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1]} ${SOURCES[0]} | transp')
Flow('yr',None,'math n1=316 o1=38.775 d1=0.11 output=x1')
Flow('zr','yr','math output=0')
Flow('rcv','zr yr','cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1]} ${SOURCES[0]} | transp')
for modl in ('flatvz','dixdepth','finalv'):
Flow('l'+modl,modl,'window n2=1 f2=0 | spray axis=2 n=49 d=0.055 o=38.7475')
Flow('r'+modl,modl,'window n2=1 f2=542 | spray axis=2 n=42 d=0.055 o=71.1975')
cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1]} ${SOURCES[2]} |
transp plane=12 | spline o1=38.7475 d1=0.011 n1=3170 | transp plane=12 | transp plane=34
eikods shotfile=${SOURCES[1]} tdl1=${TARGETS[1]} tds1=${TARGETS[2]} b1=2 b2=2 |
put o4=44 d4=0.44 | window
eikods shotfile=${SOURCES[1]} tdl1=${TARGETS[1]} tds1=${TARGETS[2]} b1=2 b2=2 |
put o4=38.775 d4=0.11 | window
kirmigsr aperture=5 antialias=1 cig=y
stable=${SOURCES[1]} sderiv=${SOURCES[2]}
rtable=${SOURCES[3]} rderiv=${SOURCES[4]}
window j2=5 | stack axis=3 norm=n | window min2=45 max2=70|
agc rect1=200 | grey title="Prestack Kirchhoff Depth Migration"
label1=Depth unit1=km label2=Distance unit2=km
labelsz=10 titlesz=12 titlefat=6 labelfat=6
End() |