from rsf.proj import * from import server as private segy = 'sgr.sgy' Fetch(segy,'hongliu',private) Flow('sgr tsgr sgr.asc sgr.bin',segy, 'segyread tfile=${TARGETS[1]} hfile=${TARGETS[2]} bfile=${TARGETS[3]}') Flow('sgr3','sgr', ''' intbin xk=iline yk=xline ''') Flow('trace','sgr3','window n2=1 n3=1 f2=150 f3=200') Plot('trace', ''' graph title="Seismic Trace" plotfat=3 plotcol=7 label1=Time unit1=s label2=Amplitude labelsz=8 titlesz=12 wheretitle=t wherexlabel=b font=2 labelfat=2 titlefat=4 ''') Flow('tracespec','sgr3','window n2=1 n3=1 f2=150 f3=200 | spectra') Plot('tracespec', ''' graph labelsz=8 titlesz=12 wanttitle=n plotcol=7 plotfat=5 label1="Frequency" unit1="Hz" label2="" unit2= min1=0 max1=120 min2=0 max2=15000 labelfat=2 font=2 ''') nc1 = 1 # number of components Flow('rick tracema1 tracema2', 'tracespec', 'rickerfit n=%d verb=y ma1=${TARGETS[1]} ma2=${TARGETS[2]}' % nc1) Plot('rick', ''' graph symbol=o labelsz=8 titlesz=12 symbolsz=8 plotfat=8 title="Spectrum and Its Estimation with %g Components" label2="Amplitude" label1="" unit2= unit1= min1=0 max1=120 min2=0 max2=15000 font=2 titlefat=4 labelfat=2 ''' % nc1) Plot('check1', 'rick tracespec', 'Overlay') nc2 = 4 Flow('rick2 tracema1 tracema2', 'tracespec', 'rickerfit n=%d verb=y ma1=${TARGETS[1]} ma2=${TARGETS[2]}' % nc2) Plot('rick2', ''' graph symbol=o labelsz=8 titlesz=12 symbolsz=8 plotfat=8 title="Spectrum and Its Estimation with %g Components" label2="Amplitude" label1="" unit2= unit1= min1=0 max1=120 min2=0 max2=15000 font=2 titlefat=4 labelfat=2 ''' % nc2) Plot('check2', 'rick2 tracespec', 'Overlay') nc3 = 7 Flow('rick3 tracema1 tracema2', 'tracespec', 'rickerfit n=%d verb=y ma1=${TARGETS[1]} ma2=${TARGETS[2]}' % nc3) Plot('rick3', ''' graph symbol=o labelsz=8 titlesz=12 symbolsz=8 plotfat=8 title="Spectrum and Its Estimation with %g Components" label2="Amplitude" label1="" unit2= unit1= min1=0 max1=120 min2=0 max2=15000 font=2 titlefat=4 labelfat=2 ''' % nc3) Plot('check3', 'rick3 tracespec', 'Overlay') nc4 = 9 Flow('rick4 tracema1 tracema2', 'tracespec', 'rickerfit n=%d verb=y ma1=${TARGETS[1]} ma2=${TARGETS[2]}' % nc4) Plot('rick4', ''' graph symbol=o labelsz=8 titlesz=12 symbolsz=8 plotfat=8 title="Spectrum and Its Estimation with %g Components" label2="Amplitude" label1="" unit2= unit1= min1=0 max1=120 min2=0 max2=15000 font=2 titlefat=4 labelfat=2 ''' % nc4) Plot('check4', 'rick4 tracespec', 'Overlay') Plot('est1','check1 check2','SideBySideAniso') Plot('est2','check3 check4','SideBySideAniso') Result('estimation','est1 est2','OverUnderAniso') Result('sgr334','sgr3', ''' bandpass fhi=37 flo=31 | put o1=1.800 d1=0.001928375 o2=150 d2=2.82392 o3=1100 d3=1.25 | byte gainpanel=all | grey3 frame1=182 frame2=150 frame3=52 flat=y point1=0.7 point2=0.7 color=G font=2 titlefat=4 labelfat=2 titlesz=8 labelsz=6 pclip=100 title="Component Peak Frequency 34 Hz" wanttitle=n label2=Inline maxval=100 minval=-100 bar=y ''') Result('sgr330','sgr3', ''' window j3=2 | bandpass fhi=32 flo=28 | put o1=1.800 d1=0.001928375 o2=150 d2=2.82392 o3=1100 d3=1.25 | byte gainpanel=all | grey3 frame1=182 frame2=150 frame3=26 flat=y point1=0.7 point2=0.7 color=G font=2 titlefat=4 labelfat=2 titlesz=8 labelsz=6 pclip=100 title="Component Peak Frequency 30 Hz" wanttitle=n label2=Inline maxval=100 minval=-100 bar=y ''') Result('sgr317','sgr3', ''' window j3=2 | bandpass fhi=19 flo=15 | byte gainpanel=all | put o1=1.800 d1=0.001928375 o2=150 d2=2.82392 o3=1100 d3=1.25 | grey3 frame1=182 frame2=150 frame3=26 flat=y point1=0.7 point2=0.7 color=G font=2 titlefat=4 labelfat=2 titlesz=8 labelsz=6 pclip=100 maxval=100 minval=-100 bar=y title="Component Peak Frequency 17 Hz" wanttitle=n label2=Inline ''') Result('sgr321','sgr3', ''' window j3=2 | bandpass fhi=23 flo=19 | byte gainpanel=all | put o1=1.800 d1=0.001928375 o2=150 d2=2.82392 o3=1100 d3=1.25 | grey3 frame1=182 frame2=150 frame3=26 flat=y point1=0.7 point2=0.7 color=G font=2 titlefat=4 labelfat=2 titlesz=8 labelsz=6 pclip=100 title="Component Peak Frequency 21 Hz" wanttitle=n label2=Inline maxval=100 minval=-100 bar=y ''') nc2 = 3 Flow('sgrspec','sgr3','spectra all=y') Flow('sgrspecfit ma1 ma2','sgrspec','rickerfit n=%d verb=y ma1=${TARGETS[1]} ma2=${TARGETS[2]}' % nc2) Plot('sgrspec', ''' graph labelsz=10 titlesz=16 wanttitle=y plotcol=7 title="(b)" plotfat=8 label1="Frequency" unit1="Hz" label2="Amplitude" unit2= min1=0 max1=120 min2=0 max2=10000 labelfat=2 font=2 ''') Plot('sgrspecfit', ''' graph labelsz=10 titlesz=16 wanttitle=y symbol=o labelsz=10 titlesz=16 symbolsz=6 plotfat=8 label1="Frequency" unit1="Hz" label2="Amplitude" unit2= min1=0 max1=120 min2=0 max2=10000 labelfat=2 font=2 title="(b)" ''') Plot('spec','sgrspec sgrspecfit','Overlay') # spectrum recomposition for c in range(nc2): comp = 'comp%d' % c freq = 'freq%d' % c ampl = 'ampl%d' % c Flow(freq,'ma1','window n1=1 f1=%d | spray axis=1 n=501 d=0.25 o=0' % c) Flow(ampl,'ma2','window n1=1 f1=%d | spray axis=1 n=501 d=0.25 o=0' % (c)) Flow(comp,[freq,ampl],'math m2=${SOURCES[0]} a=${SOURCES[1]} output="a*exp(-x1*x1/m2)*x1*x1/m2" ') Flow('c'+comp,comp,'rtoc') Plot(comp, ''' math output="abs(input)" | window | window n1=480 | graph title="(a)" plotfat=6 label1="Frequency" label2=Amplitude unit2= font=2 labelsz=10 titlesz=16 labelfat=2 titlefat=4 wanttitle=y plotcol=7 min1=0 max1=120 min2=0 max2=10000 ''') Plot('spectrum','comp0 comp1 comp2','Overlay') # the component summation equals the estimation Flow('specsum','comp0 comp1 comp2','add ${SOURCES[1:%d]}' % nc2) # value of specsum is the same as rick Plot('specsum', ''' graph title="Spectrum" font=2 titlesz=16 labelsz=12 titlefat=4 labelfat=2 plotfat=6 label2=Amplitude unit2= min1=0 max1=120 min2=0 max2=10000 ''') Result('recomp','spectrum spec','OverUnderAniso') End() |
sfsegyread sfintbin sfwindow sfgraph | sfspectra sfrickerfit sfbandpass sfput | sfbyte sfgrey3 sfspray sfmath | sfrtoc sfadd |