up [pdf]
from rsf.proj import *
import math
import sftthrgen
import sftthrgen3
import sftthrgenp

# modelling parameters

gradz = 1.0#0.5#1.0#0.5

numshots = 501

noisevar = 1e-08

# create inclined reflections
# shifted by 0.2 in comparison
# to random-experiment 

z = (1.0,1.2,1.4,1.6,1.8)
a = (0.0,5,10,15,20)

for ref in range(5):
    a0 = a[ref]*math.pi/180

    rdip = 'rdip%d' % ref
         spike n1=1501 d1=0.02 o1=-1 label1=Distance mag=%g
         ''' % math.tan(a0))

    refl = 'refl%d' % ref
         'math output="%g+x1*input"' % z[ref])

    ampl = 'ampl%d' % ref

    Flow(ampl,rdip,'math output=0.25')

Flow('rdipi','rdip0 rdip1 rdip2 rdip3 rdip4','cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1:5]}')
Flow('refli','refl0 refl1 refl2 refl3 refl4','cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1:5]}')
Flow('ampli','ampl0 ampl1 ampl2 ampl3 ampl4','cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1:5]}')
#     '''
#     graph min2=0 max2=3 yreverse=y plotfat=5 pad=n
#     ''')

### Kirchhoff modeling of inclined reflections #######################################

Flow('data-i0','refli rdipi ampli',
     kirmod nt=800 dt=0.004 freq=25 dip=${SOURCES[1]} refl=${SOURCES[2]}
     nh=1  dh=0.05 h0=0  
     ns=%d ds=0.02 s0=0.0 cmp=y
     vel=%g gradz=%g type=%c

Flow('data-i','data-i0','put label2=Offset unit2=km label3=Midpoint unit3=km | window | pow pow1=1 | costaper nw1=100 | costaper nw2=100')

# create diffractions
# create horizontal reflectors for velocity analysis

     spike n1=1501 o1=-10 d1=0.02 n2=5
     nsp=5 k2=1,2,3,4,5 mag=0.8,1.4,2,3,4

     spike n1=1501 n2=5 nsp=5 k2=1,2,3,4,5

Flow('mod1','modl','window min1=0')

     pad n2=100 | noise rep=y seed=112012
     type=n mean=2.0 range=1

Flow('depth','rmodl','pad n2=100 | math output="1.0 + (1/5)*x2"')


Flow('amodl','modl rmodl','cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1]}')

     pad n2=100 | noise rep=y type=y seed=122012 |
     math output="input^9"

Flow('prefl','rrefl','clip2 lower=9000 | math output="(input-9000)^(1/9)"')

# d1 controls inline spacing, d2 - time spacing 
Flow('diffractivity-sparse','prefl','math output="1.0" | cut d1=1.0 d2=2.5 | math output="1.0 - input"')

Flow('diffractivity-dense-e','prefl','math output="1.0" | cut d1=0.4 d2=0.9 | math output="1.0 - input"')

Flow('diffractivity-dense-o','prefl','math output="1.0" | cut f1=10 f2=5 d1=0.4 d2=0.9 | math output="1.0 - input"')

Flow('diffractivity-dense','diffractivity-dense-e diffractivity-dense-o','add scale=1.0,1.0 ${SOURCES[1]} | cut max1=6.5 | sfcut min1=7.5')

# input/4 to achieve 40% noise level with noise variance specified at the top
Flow('diffractivity','diffractivity-dense diffractivity-sparse','add scale=1.0,1.0 ${SOURCES[1]} | math output="input/4"')

Flow('mrefl','rrefl','clip2 upper=-10')

Flow('drefl','prefl mrefl','add scale=0.01,0.00 ${SOURCES[1]}')

Flow('arefl','refl drefl','cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1]}')

Flow('unif','mod1','unif2 n1=101 d1=0.02 v00=5,6,8,10,15')

Flow('mod2','unif','math output=1.5+2*x1')

### Kirchhoff modeling of diffractions

Flow('diffr0','depth diffractivity',
     kirmod nt=800 dt=0.004 freq=25 refl=${SOURCES[1]}
     nh=1  dh=0.05 h0=0  
     ns=%d ds=0.02 s0=0.0 cmp=y
     vel=%g gradz=%g type=%c

Flow('diffr','diffr0','put label2=Offset unit2=km label3=Midpoint unit3=km | window | pow pow1=1 | costaper nw1=100 | costaper nw2=100')

### Kirchhoff modeling of horizontal reflections #####################################
# for velocity analysis purposes (extracting RMS velocity distribution)

#!# True velocity is estimated by
#!# Conventional velocity analysis on
#!# Four horizontal reflectors

Flow('data-velan0','modl refl',
     kirmod nt=800 dt=0.004 freq=25 refl=${SOURCES[1]}
     nh=51  dh=0.05 h0=0  
     ns=%d ds=0.02 s0=0 cmp=y
     vel=%g gradz=%g type=%c

Flow('data-velan','data-velan0','put label2=Offset unit2=km label3=Midpoint unit3=km | window | pow pow1=1 | costaper nw1=100 | costaper nw3=100')

step2consider = 0.01
numberofvels = 301
v1_2consider = 2.8
vl_2consider = 2.8 + numberofvels*step2consider
        window n3=1 min3=5.0 |
        vscan semblance=y half=n v0=%g nv=%d dv=%g |
        mutter v0=0.6 x0=3.3 inner=y |
        mutter v0=2.1 x0=3.65 t0=0.72 inner=y |
        mutter v0=2.5 x0=3.9 t0=0.95 inner=y |
        mutter v0=2.5 x0=4.4 t0=1.34 inner=y

""" # scanning for gradz=0.5
        window n3=1 min3=5.0 |
        vscan semblance=y half=n v0=%g nv=%d dv=%g |
        mutter v0=0.85 x0=3.0 inner=y |
        mutter v0=2.2 x0=3.3 t0=1.25 inner=y 

"""# muting for gradz=0.5 - we seem to have less artifacts but they r still present
        mutter v0=2.1 x0=3.65 t0=0.72 inner=y |
        mutter v0=2.5 x0=3.9 t0=0.95 inner=y |
        mutter v0=2.5 x0=4.4 t0=1.34 inner=y
        window n3=1 min3=5.0 |
        vscan semblance=y half=n v0=%g nv=%d dv=%g |
        grey allpos=n color=j title="Semblance Scan" scalebar=n bias=0.8 clip=0.4

Plot('vscan','grey allpos=n color=j title="Semblance Scan" scalebar=n bias=0.8 clip=0.4')
Flow('pick-true','vscan','scale axis=2 | pick rect1=20 vel0=3.2')

     graph pad=n transp=y yreverse=y plotcol=7 plotfat=3 wantaxis=n wanttitle=n min2=%g max2=%g

Result('vscan','vscan pick-true','Overlay')
Flow('vtrue-ch','data-velan','window n2=1 | math output="%g*sqrt((exp((x1+0.0001)*%g)-1.0)/((x1+0.0001)*%g) + 0.06)" '%(vel,gradz,gradz))

#     '''
#     graph pad=n transp=y yreverse=y plotcol=7 plotfat=3 wantaxis=n wanttitle=n min2=%g max2=%g plotcol=3
#     '''%(v1_2consider,vl_2consider))

#Result('vscan-ext','vscan-nm pick-true vtrue-ch','Overlay')

Flow('veltrue-pick','pick-true','spray axis=2 n=%d d=0.02'%numshots)

Flow('vtrue','veltrue-pick','window n2=1')

# need to spray v(z) - mig2 takes two-dim velocity field as an input 

Flow('vtrue2d','vtrue','spray axis=2 n=%d d=0.02 o=0'%numshots)

### lets migrate with this velocity and check if diffractions are focused

Flow('mig','diffr vtrue','kirchnew velocity=${SOURCES[1]}')

Flow('mig-ch','diffr vtrue-ch','kirchnew velocity=${SOURCES[1]}')

Flow('mig-n','diffr-n vtrue','kirchnew velocity=${SOURCES[1]}')

Flow('mig-fw','data vtrue','kirchnew velocity=${SOURCES[1]}')

### combining models: reflections and diffractions

Flow('data','diffr data-i','add scale=1,1 ${SOURCES[1]}')

Result('data','grey pclip=99 title="Zero-offset Section"')

Result('diffr','grey pclip=99 title="Diffractions"')

### Creating a mask to reduce edge effects

        math output="exp(-0.3*(x2-5)*(x2-5))" |
        mask min=0.01 | dd type=float | smooth rect2=10 repeat=3        

### Creating reflectivity:
### diffractions and inclined reflections

taperfilter = ' | costaper nw1=100 | costaper nw2=100 | bandpass flo=5 fhi=50'

Flow('diffr-irefl','data-i diffr mask','math K=${SOURCES[2]} output="input*K" | add scale=1,1 ${SOURCES[1]} | costaper nw1=100 | costaper nw2=100')

Flow('diffr-irefl-n','diffr-irefl noise','add scale=1,1 ${SOURCES[1]} | costaper nw1=100 | costaper nw2=100')

### adding noise to diffractions (model has changed so we need to double check it)
#!# we need to filter the noise so that it has the same
#!# frequency range 
#!# adding noise to modelled data but not here
#!# noisevar = 1e-08
#!# gives 40% noise
#!# percentage is estimated as (highest-noise-value/highest diffraction value) 

Flow('diffr-n','diffr','noise seed=100101 var=%g | bandpass flo=5 fhi=50 | costaper nw1=100 | costaper nw2=100'%noisevar)

Flow('noise','diffr','noise seed=100101 var=%g rep=y | bandpass flo=5 fhi=50'%noisevar)

Flow('diffr-nf','diffr','noise seed=100101 var=%g'%noisevar)

#Result('diffr-n','diffr-n','grey pclip=99 title="Diffractions"')

#Result('diffr-nf','diffr-nf','grey pclip=99 title="Diffractions nf"')

Plot('diffr','fft1 | math output="abs(input)" | real | stack | scale axis=1 | graph min2=0.0 max2=1.0 title=')

Plot('diffr-nf','fft1 | math output="abs(input)" | real | stack | scale axis=1 | graph plotcol=7 min2=0.0 max2=1.0 title=')

Plot('diffr-n','fft1 | math output="abs(input)" | real | stack | scale axis=1 | graph plotcol=3 min2=0.0 max2=1.0 title=')

#Result('filtering','diffr diffr-nf diffr-n','Overlay')

### Drawing Weighting Functions ######################################################

### single gaussian

dv_ch = 0.01
va_ch = 3.0
vb_ch = 5.0
nv_ch = (vb_ch - va_ch)/(dv_ch)
v0_ch = 4.0
beta_ch = 30

Flow('gpi-graph',None,'spike n1=%g d1=%g o1=%g | math output="exp(-(%g)*(%g - x1)^2)"'%(nv_ch,dv_ch,va_ch,beta_ch,v0_ch))

Result('gpi-graph','graph wanttitle=n label1=Velocity unit1=km/s')

#Plot('gpi-graph','graph wanttitle=n label1=Velocity unit1=km/s')

### tapered gaussian

va_l = 3.0
vb_l = 3.5
nv_l = (vb_l - va_l)/(dv_ch)
v0_l = vb_l
beta_l = 27

# left taper
Flow('left-graph',None,'spike n1=%g d1=%g o1=%g | math output="exp(-(%g)*(%g - x1)^2)"'%(nv_l,dv_ch,va_l,beta_l,v0_l))

va_r = 5.0
vb_r = 5.5
nv_r = (vb_r - va_r)/(dv_ch) + 1
v0_r = va_r
beta_r = 27

# right taper
Flow('right-graph',None,'spike n1=%g d1=%g o1=%g | math output="exp(-(%g)*(%g - x1)^2)"'%(nv_r,dv_ch,va_r,beta_r,v0_r))

nv_f = (va_r - vb_l)/(dv_ch)

# central part
Flow('flat-graph',None,'spike n1=%g d1=%g o1=%g'%(nv_f,nv_ch,vb_l))

Flow('gpi-tap-graph','left-graph flat-graph right-graph','cat axis=1 ${SOURCES[1]} ${SOURCES[2]}')

Result('gpi-tap-graph','graph wanttitle=n label1=Velocity unit1=km/s')

#Plot('gpi-tap-graph','graph wanttitle=n label1=Velocity unit1=km/s')

### Compute regular GPI ##############################################################

Flow('fft-t2','diffr','t2warp | fft1 | fft3 axis=2')

Flow('gpi-fft-t2','fft-t2','gpi3dzo v_a=%g v_b=%g v_0=%g beta=%g'%(va_ch,vb_ch,v0_ch,beta_ch))

Flow('gpi','gpi-fft-t2','fft3 axis=2 inv=y | fft1 inv=y | t2warp inv=y')

       grey title="GPS Filtered Image"

#       '''
#       grey title="GPI Filtered Image"
#       ''')

#Result('nt-gpi-with-graph','gpi gpi-graph','OverUnderIso')

### Compute tapered GPI ##############################################################

Flow('left-taper-fft','diffr','t2warp pad=1000 | fft1 | fft3 axis=2 | gpi3dzo v_0=%g v_a=%g v_b=%g beta=%g'%(v0_l,va_l,vb_l,beta_l))
Flow('right-taper-fft','diffr','t2warp pad=1000 | fft1 | fft3 axis=2 | gpi3dzo v_0=%g v_a=%g v_b=%g beta=%g'%(v0_r,va_r,vb_r,beta_r))
Flow('flat-fft','diffr','t2warp pad=1000 | fft1 | fft3 axis=2 | gpi3dzo v_0=1.0 v_a=%g v_b=%g beta=0.0'%(vb_l,va_r))

                  fft3 axis=2 inv=y |
                  fft1 inv=y |
                  t2warp inv=y
                  fft3 axis=2 inv=y |
                  fft1 inv=y |
                  t2warp inv=y
                  fft3 axis=2 inv=y |
                  fft1 inv=y |
                  t2warp inv=y

#Result('left','grey title="left"')
#Result('right','grey title="right"')
#Result('flat','grey title="flat"')

# combine all the parts

Flow('gpi-taper','left flat right','add scale=1,1 ${SOURCES[1]} | add scale=1,1 ${SOURCES[2]}')
#       '''
#       grey pclip=99 
#       title="(v_a=%g,v_b=%g,beta=%g)(v_a=%g,v_b=%g)(v_a=%g,v_b=%g,beta=%g)"
#       '''%(va_l,vb_l,beta_l,vb_l,va_r,va_r,vb_r,beta_r))

Result('gpi-taper','grey pclip=99 title="gpi taper = left + flat + right"')
#Result('gpi-with-graph','gpi-taper gpi-tap-graph','OverUnderIso')

### Windowing parameters for
### l2-norm data misfit estimation 
l2min1 = 0.6
l2max1 = 0.9 # this might be cheating but I exclude finite support of the model 
l2min2 = 1.5
l2max2 = 8.5

norm = [l2min1,l2max1,l2min2,l2max2]

norm2 = [l2min1,l2max1,l2max2,2*l2max2]

### finalx displaying parameters

display = [minx1,maxx1,minx2,maxx2]


### full chain inversion PI PWD L ####################################################

# starting model filled with zeroes
Flow('mig000','diffr','math output="0.0"')

eps=0.001 # damper
pad=1000  # t2warp pad

# velocities integration limits
v_1_sftthr = 3.0
v_2_sftthr = 3.5
v_3_sftthr = 5.0
v_4_sftthr = 5.5

# rect2 should be removed from the prog
rad_sftthr = 100

# sflinmig2 is used as Kirchhoff modeling operator in this case 
# parameters for it are provided below:

# migration aperture 150 is optimal
# check 501 - full aperture should be fast with omp  
mig2apt = 150#501

# differentiation in the model domain
dd = 'n'

# amplitude correction
ps = 'y'

# antialiasing: triangular 
mig2aal = 't'

# half differentiation
hd = 'y'

# velocity
mig2vel = 'vtrue2d'

# use OMP: currently is hardcaded to y
doomp = 'y'

# number of iterations for non-regularized least-squares Kirchhoffs
miter = 5

# Dip
dip = 'dip-hor'

Flow('dip-hor','diffr','math output="0.0"')

# dip of inclined reflectors
Flow('idip','diffr-irefl','fdip rect1=10 rect2=50 n4=0')

Flow('ipwd','diffr-irefl idip','pwd dip=${SOURCES[1]}')

Flow('ipwd-n','diffr-irefl-n idip','pwd dip=${SOURCES[1]}')

# high-frequency idip - check for the Null Space
Flow('idip-hf','diffr-irefl','fdip rect1=10 rect2=15 n4=0')

# Kirchhoff modeling operators

adjmig2 = '''
        linmig2 adj=y
        ps=%s hd=%s doomp=%s
        antialias=%s apt=%d dd=%s     

fwdmig2 = '''
        linmig2 adj=n
        ps=%s hd=%s doomp=%s
        antialias=%s apt=%d dd=%s     

cgmig2 = '''
        ps=%s hd=%s doomp=%s
        antialias=%s apt=%d dd=%s

kepend = '  vel=${SOURCES[2]} dip=${SOURCES[3]}'
kepend0 = '  vel=${SOURCES[1]} dip=${SOURCES[2]}'

taper = '| costaper nw1=100 | costaper nw2=100'
taperf = '| costaper nw1=100 | costaper nw2=100 | bandpass fhi=50'

kirchhfwd = (mig2vel,'idip',fwdmig2,kepend,kepend0,taperf)

kirchhcg  = (mig2vel,'idip',cgmig2,kepend,kepend0,taperf)

# idip is not used is kirchhoff and just is a place holder
        %s %s
        niter=%d mod=$SOURCE

Flow('mig2-model-lsq','mig2-model-lsq0','math output="input"' + taperfilter)

# conventional migration
Flow('mig2-mig','diffr vtrue2d',
     %s vel=${SOURCES[1]}

# generating data for "Inverse Theory Crime"

Flow('diffr-mig2',['mig2-model-lsq',mig2vel,'idip'],fwdmig2 + kepend0 + ' | noise seed=100101 var=%g'%noisevar + taperfilter)

# applying conventional migration to double-check

        %s %s

# least-squares Kirchhoff no regularization 

# same but with reflections
# we first create diffractivity using LSQ migration (data is used without noise)
# then we perform modelling using linmig2 operator and add noise
# we found good parameters for ps=n - lets stick to them
        %s %s ps=n
        niter=%d mod=$SOURCE

Flow('both-mig2-model-lsq','both-mig2-model-lsq0','math output="input"' + taperfilter)

# conventional migration
Flow('both-mig2-mig','diffr-irefl vtrue2d',
     %s vel=${SOURCES[1]}

Flow('both-diffr-mig2',['both-mig2-model-lsq',mig2vel,'idip'],fwdmig2 + ' ps=n ' + kepend0 + ' | noise seed=100101 var=%g'%noisevar + taperfilter)

# plane-wave destruction is applied

Flow('both-diffr-mig2-pwd','both-diffr-mig2 idip','pwd dip=${SOURCES[1]}')

# path-summation integral operators

pipwdmig2nsm = '''
        linpipwd2d adj=n
        domod=y sm=n dopi=y
        ps=%s hd=%s doomp=%s
        antialias=%s apt=%d 
        v_1=%g v_2=%g v_3=%g v_4=%g
        pad=%g dd=%s    

pipwdcgmig2nsm = '''
        domod=y sm=n dopi=y
        ps=%s hd=%s doomp=%s
        antialias=%s apt=%d 
        v_1=%g v_2=%g v_3=%g v_4=%g
        pad=%g dd=%s

pepend = '  vel=${SOURCES[2]} dip=${SOURCES[3]}'
pepend0 = '  vel=${SOURCES[1]} dip=${SOURCES[2]}'

pifwd = (mig2vel,'idip',pipwdmig2nsm,pepend,pepend0,taperf)

picg  = (mig2vel,'idip',pipwdcgmig2nsm,pepend,pepend0,taperf)

# smoothing is disabled
        %s domod=n %s

# chain diffractions only + sparsity 3.3e-05
# illustrate that p-s-i image has higher signal amplitudes
# Kirchhoff diffractions only + sparsity 5.3e-05

# make a graph out of it
#sfwindow n1=1 min1=0.575 | sfscale axis=2 | sfgraph min2=-0.1 max2=1.0 | sfpen &

# both - reflections and diffractions

Flow('conv-image','diffr-irefl-n vtrue2d',
     %s vel=${SOURCES[1]}

# dip in the image domain
Flow('dipim','conv-image','fdip rect1=10 rect2=15 n4=0')

Flow('pwd-n-image','conv-image dipim','pwd dip=${SOURCES[1]}')

# smoothing is enabled (PWD)
        %s domod=n sm=y ps=n %s

# smoothing is disabled (PWD)
        %s domod=n sm=n ps=n %s

# putting together the extended model space 
Flow('both-diffr-mig2-0','both-diffr-mig2 both-diffr-mig2',
        math output=0.0 |
        cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1]} |
        put n3=1 o3=0.0 d3=0.1

# extended model (reflections, diffractions) (see above) path-summation integral operators

psn = 'n'

pipwdmig2fwdcase = '''
        pipwdmig2 adj=n
        domod=y sm=y pi=y
        ps=%s hd=%s doomp=%s
        antialias=%s apt=%d
        v_1=%g v_2=%g v_3=%g v_4=%g
        pad=%g dd=%s

pipwdmig2cgcase = '''
        domod=y sm=y pi=y
        ps=%s hd=%s doomp=%s
        antialias=%s apt=%d
        v_1=%g v_2=%g v_3=%g v_4=%g
        pad=%g dd=%s

depend = '  vel=${SOURCES[2]} dip=${SOURCES[3]}'
depend0 = '  vel=${SOURCES[1]} dip=${SOURCES[2]}'

fullchainfwd = (mig2vel,'idip',pipwdmig2fwdcase,depend,depend0,taper)

fullchaincg  = (mig2vel,'idip',pipwdmig2cgcase,depend,depend0,taper)

        %s domod=n %s

# catenate diffraction and reflection models

Flow('data-1','both-idpi-mig2-n','math output="input" | put n3=1 o3=0.0 d3=0.1')

Flow('data-2','both-idpi-mig2-no-pwd-n','math output="input" | put n3=1 o3=0.0 d3=0.1')

Flow('extended-model','mig000 mig000','cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1]} | put n3=1 o3=0.0 d3=0.1')

# window diffractivity from the model and use kirchhoff modelling
fwdmig2dr = '''
        window n2=501 f2=501 |
        put o2=0.0 | ''' + fwdmig2

# outer iterations = 20
# inner iterations = 10
# shaping is therefore applied every 10 iterations
# 200 iterations in total
for case in range(1,21,1):

        radius = 15 # regularization on reflections (spraying radius)
        #thrs = 999999999 # regularization on diffractions (thresholding)
        # is specified by the loop
        innerit = 10 # inner iterations
        outerit = 20 # outer iterations

        thrs = 0.1*case*(1e-04)

        movie = False

        # Since in our opinion this is a reasonable regularization parameter-set we run inversion for it only
        # you can delete the case condition and look at other regularization parameter values
        if case > 0 :#== 10:
""" # Here, applying regularization only every 10 iterations does not lead to sufficient model regularization

# outer iterations = 40 / 100
# inner iterations = 5
# shaping is therefore applied every 5 iterations
# 200 / 500 iterations in total
for case in range(1,21,1):

        radius = 3 # regularization on reflections (spraying radius)
        #!# radius 15 - is way too strong -> noticeable leakage of reflections
        #!# to diffraction model: I believe since smoothing is too strong
        #!# not all the reflections are preserved and some are "smoothed out" 
        #!# take a look at
        #!# <conv-image.rsf sfpwspray ns=3,5,15 reduce=stack dip=dipim.rsf | sfmath K=conv-image.rsf output="K - input" | sfgrey | sfpen &
        #thrs = 999999999 # regularization on diffractions (thresholding)
        # is specified by the loop
        innerit = 5  # inner iterations
        outerit = 100#100 # outer iterations - it does not converge in first 5 iterations
        # but I am using another cascade 

        thrs = 0.1*case*(1e-04)


        movie = False

        if case == 3:

                movie = True


# disabling PWD and restoring reflections

orthogonalize = True
radius1 = 10
radius2 = 35
niter = 20
stopper = False

# disabling PWD
fullchainfwdnsm = (mig2vel,'idip',pipwdmig2fwdcase + ' sm=n',depend,depend0,taper)

fullchaincgnsm  = (mig2vel,'idip',pipwdmig2cgcase + ' sm=n',depend,depend0,taper)

for case in range(1,21,1):

        radius = 5   # regularization on reflections (spraying radius)
        #thrs = 999999999 # regularization on diffractions (thresholding)
        # is specified by the loop
        innerit = 5  # inner iterations
        outerit = 10 # outer iterations - it does not converge in first 5 iterations
        # but I am using another cascade 

        # lets try reflection and diffraction orthogonalization
        orthogon = (orthogonalize,radius1,radius2,niter,stopper)

        reflthrs = 0.0 + (case-1)*(1e-05)

        #reflthrssft = 1e-05 + case*(0.5e-05)

        movie = False

        soft = 0

        if case == 17 or case==18 or case==20:

                movie = True

                # Since in our opinion this is a reasonable regularization parameter-set we run inversion for it only
                # you can delete the case condition and look at other regularization parameter values
                #if ( (case == 17) ): # case 17 is currently optimal for orthogonalization 


Flow('myFirstSimilarity','pipwdmig2-in5-no-pwd-17-result-it-0 pipwdmig2-in5-no-pwd-17-result-it-0Refl',
        window f2=%d |
        similarity niter=%d rect1=%d rect2=%d other=${SOURCES[1]}

Flow('myMiddleSimilarity','pipwdmig2-in5-no-pwd-17-result-it-8 pipwdmig2-in5-no-pwd-17-result-it-8Refl',
        window f2=%d |
        similarity niter=%d rect1=%d rect2=%d other=${SOURCES[1]}

Plot('updateB4OrthFirst','pipwdmig2-in5-no-pwd-17-result-it-0','grey wanttitle=n clip=0.000151452')

# comparing updates to diffractions after orthogon
Plot('updateA4OrthFirst','pipwdmig2-in5-no-pwd-17-result-it-0 pipwdmig2-in5-no-pwd-17-result-it-0DiffO',
        window f2=%d |
        cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1]} |
        grey wanttitle=n clip=0.000151452

        scale axis=2 |
        grey allpos=y color=j wanttitle=n scalebar=y minval=0.0 maxval=1.0

Plot('updateB4OrthMiddle','pipwdmig2-in5-no-pwd-17-result-it-8','grey wanttitle=n clip=0.000151452')

# comparing updates to diffractions after orthogon
Plot('updateA4OrthMiddle','pipwdmig2-in5-no-pwd-17-result-it-8 pipwdmig2-in5-no-pwd-17-result-it-8DiffO',
        window f2=%d |
        cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1]} |
        grey wanttitle=n clip=0.000151452

        grey allpos=y color=j wanttitle=n scalebar=y

# wave-number restoration using conventional LS Kirchhoff migration with mask 
# describing diffraction locations determined through chain inversion  

fwdmig22 = '''
        linpipwd2d adj=n
        domod=y sm=n dopi=n
        ps=n hd=%s doomp=%s
        antialias=%s apt=%d 
        v_1=%g v_2=%g v_3=%g v_4=%g
        pad=%g dd=%s    

cgmig22 = '''
        domod=y sm=n dopi=n
        ps=n hd=%s doomp=%s
        antialias=%s apt=%d 
        v_1=%g v_2=%g v_3=%g v_4=%g
        pad=%g dd=%s    

kirchhfwd2 = (mig2vel,'idip',fwdmig22,depend,depend0,taper)

kirchhcg2  = (mig2vel,'idip',cgmig22,depend,depend0,taper)

# input to wave-number restoration 
#Flow('input-to-wn','pipwdmig2-in5-3-x-it-99','window n2=501 f2=501 | put o2=0.0')

Flow('input-to-wn','pipwdmig2-in5-no-pwd-17-x-it-9','window n2=501 f2=501 | put o2=0.0')

Flow('input-to-wn-refl','pipwdmig2-in5-no-pwd-17-x-it-9','window n2=501 | put o2=0.0')

# just apply a mask since we actually know diffraction locations
        envelope |
        mask min=6.7e-05 |
        dd type=float |
        smooth rect1=2 rect2=2 repeat=5 |
        scale axis=2

# mask min=1.439e-04 |
# | smooth rect1=3 rect2=3

for i in range(10):

        if i == 0:



        modelrefl = 'model-wn-refl-%d'%i

        Flow(modelrefl,['restore-wn-refl-%d-x-it-0'%i,'dipim'],'pwspray dip=${SOURCES[1]} ns=%d reduce=median | costaper nw1=20 nw2=20'%15)

Flow('reflectivity-restored','model-wn-refl-9','math output=input')

Flow('reflections-restored',['reflectivity-restored',mig2vel,'idip'],fwdmig22 + ' vel=${SOURCES[1]} dip=${SOURCES[2]}')

Flow('noise-restored-refl','both-diffr-mig2 reflections-restored','math K=${SOURCES[1]} output="input - K" | bandpass fhi=75')

Flow('noise-restored-refl-orthogon reflections-restoredO','noise-restored-refl reflections-restored',
        ortho rect1=%d rect2=%d niter=%d
        sig=${SOURCES[1]} sig2=${TARGETS[1]} | bandpass fhi=50

for i in range(10):

        if i == 0:




        modela4refl = 'model-wn-a4refl-%d'%i

        Flow(modela4refl,['restore-wn-a4refl-%d-x-it-0'%i,'diffr-locs'],'math K=${SOURCES[1]} output="input*K"')

Flow('diffractivity-restored','model-wn-a4refl-9','math output=input')

#  + '| scale axis=2'
#  + '| window min1=0.5 max1=1.5 min2=2.0 max2=8.0'
Flow('diffractions-restored',['diffractivity-restored',mig2vel,'idip'],fwdmig22 + ' vel=${SOURCES[1]} dip=${SOURCES[2]}')

# scale axis=2 | 
Flow('noise-restored-diffr','diffr-mig2 diffractions-restored','math K=${SOURCES[1]} output="input - K"')

Flow('noise-restored','noise-restored-refl diffractions-restored','math K=${SOURCES[1]} output="input - K"')

Flow('noise-restored-orthogon diffractions-restoredO','noise-restored diffractions-restored',
        ortho rect1=%d rect2=%d niter=%d
        sig=${SOURCES[1]} sig2=${TARGETS[1]}

def plotsect(title='',extra='',mint=0.5,maxt=1.5,minx=2.0,maxx=8.0):
        return '''
        bandpass fhi=50 | window min1=%g max1=%g min2=%g max2=%g | put label2="Midpoint" unit2=km |
        grey wanttitle=n %s screenratio=0.5

def plotsect2(title='',extra='',mint=0.5,maxt=1.5):
        return '''
        bandpass fhi=50 | window min1=%g max1=%g | put label2="Midpoint" unit2=km |
        grey wanttitle=n %s screenratio=0.5

Result('diffr-irefl-n','diffr-irefl-n',plotsect('Zero-Offset Section'))

Result('pi-w-pwd-s','data-1',plotsect('Path-Summation Integral + PWD'))

Result('pi-n-pwd-s','data-2',plotsect('Path-Summation Integral - PWD'))

Result('ref-dif-1','pipwdmig2-in5-3-x-it-99',plotsect2('Ref-Dif + PWD'))

Result('ref-dif-2','pipwdmig2-in5-no-pwd-17-x-it-9',plotsect2('Ref-Dif - PWD'))

nx = 501

ox = 0.0

        window n2=%d | 
         '''%(nx) + plotsect('Reflectivity + PWD'))

        window f2=%d | put o2=%g |
         '''%(nx,ox) + plotsect('diffractivity + PWD'))

        window n2=%d | 
         '''%(nx) + plotsect('Reflectivity - PWD'))

        window f2=%d | put o2=%g |
         '''%(nx,ox) + plotsect('diffractivity - PWD'))

        window n2=501 | put o2=%g |
        '''%ox + plotsect('Update to reflections'))

        window f2=501 | put o2=%g |
        '''%ox + plotsect('Update to diffractions'))

        put o2=%g |
        '''%ox + plotsect('Update to diffractions orthogonalized','clip=0.000139068'))





Result('t-n','noise',plotsect('True Noise','clip=0.000351307'))

Result('t-ds','diffr',plotsect('True Diffractions'))

Result('t-rs','data-i',plotsect('True Reflections'))

Result('lsq-mig2','mig2-n-x-it-19',plotsect('LS Kirchhoff'))

Result('lsq-pi','gen-mig2-ipi-fix-n-nsm0-x-it-19',plotsect('LS P-S I'))

Result('conv-image-diffr2','conv-mig-diffr-mig2',plotsect('Conv Image'))

Result('convergence-synth','a-pipwdmig2-in5-3-movie-l2 a-pipwdmig2-in5-3-movie-l2m','SideBySideAniso')

Result('convergence-no-pwd','a-pipwdmig2-in5-no-pwd-17-movie-l2 a-pipwdmig2-in5-no-pwd-17-movie-l2m','SideBySideAniso')

Result('idpi-mig2-n',plotsect('DPI MIG2 N'))

