from rsf.proj import * # Download from tgz = 'ModelParams.tar.gz' Fetch(tgz,'BP',top=os.environ.get('DATAPATH'),server='local') pars = Split('epsilon delta vp theta') sgy = {} for par in pars: sgy[par] = os.path.join('ModelParams',par.capitalize() + '_Model.sgy') Flow(sgy.values(),tgz,'zcat $SOURCE | tar -xvf -',stdin=0,stdout=-1) units = { 'epsilon':'', 'delta':'', 'vp':'km/s', 'theta':'degrees' } for par in pars: Flow([par,par+'.asc',par+'.bin'],sgy[par], ''' segyread hfile=${TARGETS[1]} bfile=${TARGETS[2]} read=d | put o2=0 d2=0.00625 label2=Distance unit2=km o1=0 d1=0.00625 label1=Depth unit1=km %s | transp plane=12 ''' % ('','| scale dscale=0.001')[par=='vp']) Result(par, ''' window j1=8 j2=2 | grey color=j barlabel=%s scalebar=y screenwd=12.595 screenht=1.8 labelsz=4 titlesz=5 barreverse=y wanttitle=n allpos=%d bias=%g barunit=%s parallel2=n transp=n ''' % (par.capitalize(), par != 'theta', (0,1.5)[par=='vp'], units[par])) # Assume vs is half vp Flow('vs','vp', ''' math output="0.5*input" ''') Flow('vx','vp epsilon', ''' math e=${SOURCES[1]} output="input*sqrt(1+2*e)" ''') Flow('eta','epsilon delta', ''' math e=${SOURCES[0]} d=${SOURCES[1]} output="(e-d)/(1+2*d)" ''') for par in ('vx','eta'): Result(par, ''' window j1=8 j2=2 | grey color=j barlabel=%s scalebar=y screenwd=12.595 screenht=1.8 labelsz=4 titlesz=6 barreverse=y wanttitle=y allpos=%d bias=%g barunit=%s parallel2=n transp=n title=%s ''' % (par.capitalize(), par != 'theta', (0,1.5)[par=='vx'], ('','km/s')[par=='vx'], par.capitalize())) # Time nt=4300 dt=0.001 # Real source Flow('source',None, ''' spike n1=%d d1=%g k1=200 | ricker1 frequency=15 '''%(nt,dt)) Result('source','graph title="Source Wavelet" ') # Complex source dtt=0.0005 factor=dt/dtt ntt=(nt-1)*factor+1 ktt=0.1/dtt+1 #i/(2*phi)=i/(2|omega|)=i/2 * (hilb) [(int)source] Flow('source1',None, ''' spike n1=%d d1=%g k1=%d | ricker1 frequency=15 '''%(ntt,dtt,ktt)) Flow('real','source1','math "output=0"') Flow('imag','source1','envelope hilb=y | halfint | halfint | math output="input/2" ') Flow('csource1','real imag','cmplx ${SOURCES[1]}') Flow('csource','csource1','window j1=%d'% factor) # Parameter define name = {'vp':'V\_z\^','vx':'V\_x\^','eta':'\F10 h\F3 ','theta':'\F10 q\F3 ','theta0':'\F10 q\F3 ','vs':'V\_s\^','q1':'q\_1\^','q3':'q\_3\^'} Flow('theta0','theta','smooth rect1=100 rect2=100') for par in ('vp','vx','eta','theta','theta0','vs'): Flow(par+'end2',par,'window j1=2 j2=2 | window n1=2048 f1=2761 n2=900 | transp') Result(par+'end2', ''' grey color=j barlabel="%s" scalebar=y screenwd=10.24 screenht=4.5 labelsz=4 titlesz=5 barreverse=y wanttitle=n allpos=%d bias=%g barunit=%s title=%s ''' % (name[par], par != 'theta' and par != 'theta0', (0,1.5)[par=='vp' or par=='vx'], ('','km/s')[par=='vp' or par=='vx'], par.capitalize())) # Calculate and plot q1 and q3 Flow('c33','vpend2','''math output='input*input' ''') Flow('c11','vxend2','''math output='input*input' ''') Flow('c55','vsend2','''math output='input*input' ''') Flow('c13','etaend2 c11 c33 c55',''' math c11=${SOURCES[1]} c33=${SOURCES[2]} c55=${SOURCES[3]} output='sqrt((c11*(c33-c55))/(1+2*input))-c55' ''') Flow('q1','c11 c13 c33 c55',''' math c13=${SOURCES[1]} c33=${SOURCES[2]} c55=${SOURCES[3]} output='(c55*(input-c55)+(c55+c13)*(c55+c13))/(c33*(input-c55))' ''') Flow('q3','c11 c13 c33 c55',''' math c13=${SOURCES[1]} c33=${SOURCES[2]} c55=${SOURCES[3]} output='(c55*(c33-c55)+(c55+c13)*(c55+c13))/(input*(c33-c55))' ''') for par in ('q1','q3'): Result(par, ''' grey color=j barlabel="%s" scalebar=y screenwd=10.24 screenht=4.5 labelsz=4 titlesz=5 barreverse=y wanttitle=n allpos=n bias=1.15 ''' % (name[par])) Flow('refl',None, ''' spike n1=920 d1=0.0125 o1=-0.25 n2=2048 d2=0.0125 o2=34.5125 k1=23 k2=1024 | smooth rect1=2 rect2=2 repeat=3 | window f1=20 ''') Flow('fft','vpend2','rtoc | fft3 axis=1 pad=2 | fft3 axis=2 pad=1') Flow('taper','fft', ''' real | math output="x1*x1+x2*x2" | mask max=900 | dd type=float | smooth rect1=50 rect2=50 repeat=5 ''') Result('taper','grey title="Wavenumber Taper" screenratio=1 allpos=y') Flow('ktaper','taper','rtoc') # Type of method 0 for two-step and others for one-step type = 0 # Two-step################################################################## if type == 0: # Exact Flow('right0 left0','vpend2 vxend2 etaend2 theta0end2 fft vsend2', ''' anisolr2 seed=2013 dt=%g velx=${SOURCES[1]} eta=${SOURCES[2]} theta=${SOURCES[3]} fft=${SOURCES[4]} vels=${SOURCES[5]} left=${TARGETS[1]} npk=60 eps=1e-5 approx=0 ''' % dt) # Flow('wavets0','source refl left0 right0', # ''' # fftwave2taper taper=4 thresh=0.94 cmplx=y pad1=2 ref=${SOURCES[1]} left=${SOURCES[2]} right=${SOURCES[3]} verb=y snap=1 snaps=$TARGET # ''',stdout=0) Flow('wavets0','source refl left0 right0', ''' fftwave2 taper=4 thresh=0.94 cmplx=y pad1=2 ref=${SOURCES[1]} left=${SOURCES[2]} right=${SOURCES[3]} verb=y snap=1 snaps=$TARGET ''',stdout=0) # Zone approximation Flow('right1 left1','vpend2 vxend2 etaend2 theta0end2 fft vsend2', ''' anisolr2 seed=2013 dt=%g velx=${SOURCES[1]} eta=${SOURCES[2]} theta=${SOURCES[3]} fft=${SOURCES[4]} vels=${SOURCES[5]} left=${TARGETS[1]} npk=60 eps=1e-5 approx=1 relation=3 ''' % dt) Flow('wavets1','source refl left1 right1', ''' fftwave2 taper=4 thresh=0.94 cmplx=y pad1=2 ref=${SOURCES[1]} left=${SOURCES[2]} right=${SOURCES[3]} verb=y snap=1 snaps=$TARGET ''',stdout=0) # Acoustic approximation Flow('right2 left2','vpend2 vxend2 etaend2 theta0end2 fft vsend2', ''' anisolr2 seed=2013 dt=%g velx=${SOURCES[1]} eta=${SOURCES[2]} theta=${SOURCES[3]} fft=${SOURCES[4]} vels=${SOURCES[5]} left=${TARGETS[1]} npk=60 eps=1e-5 ''' % dt) Flow('wavets2','source refl left2 right2 ', ''' fftwave2 taper=4 thresh=0.94 cmplx=y pad1=2 ref=${SOURCES[1]} left=${SOURCES[2]} right=${SOURCES[3]} verb=y snap=1 snaps=$TARGET ''',stdout=0) # One-step################################################################## # Exact else: Flow('cright0 cleft0','vpend2 vxend2 etaend2 theta0end2 fft vsend2', ''' canisolr2 seed=2013 dt=%g velx=${SOURCES[1]} eta=${SOURCES[2]} theta=${SOURCES[3]} fft=${SOURCES[4]} vels=${SOURCES[5]} left=${TARGETS[1]} npk=60 eps=1e-4 approx=0 ''' % dt) Flow('waveos0','csource refl cleft0 cright0', ''' cfftwave2 cmplx=n pad1=2 ref=${SOURCES[1]} left=${SOURCES[2]} right=${SOURCES[3]} verb=y ''') # Zone approximation Flow('cright1 cleft1','vpend2 vxend2 etaend2 theta0end2 fft vsend2', ''' canisolr2 seed=2013 dt=%g velx=${SOURCES[1]} eta=${SOURCES[2]} theta=${SOURCES[3]} fft=${SOURCES[4]} vels=${SOURCES[5]} left=${TARGETS[1]} npk=60 eps=1e-4 approx=1 relation=3 ''' % dt) Flow('waveos1','csource refl cleft1 cright1', ''' cfftwave2 cmplx=n pad1=2 ref=${SOURCES[1]} left=${SOURCES[2]} right=${SOURCES[3]} verb=y ''') # Acoustic approximation Flow('cright2 cleft2','vpend2 vxend2 etaend2 theta0end2 fft vsend2', ''' canisolr2 seed=2013 dt=%g velx=${SOURCES[1]} eta=${SOURCES[2]} theta=${SOURCES[3]} fft=${SOURCES[4]} vels=${SOURCES[5]} left=${TARGETS[1]} npk=60 eps=1e-4 ''' % dt) Flow('waveos2','csource refl cleft2 cright2', ''' cfftwave2 cmplx=n pad1=2 ref=${SOURCES[1]} left=${SOURCES[2]} right=${SOURCES[3]} verb=y ''') # Clipping parameters par = dict( c1299_1=2.87e-7, c1299_2=3.79e-7, c2299_1=1.88e-5, c2299_2=2.53e-5, c3299_1=9.9e-5, c3299_2=0.000148, c4299_1=0.00019, #c4299_2=0.000311784 c4299_2=0.002 ) # 0=exact, 1=zone, 2=acoustic (default) for f3 in (1299,2299,3299,4299): F3=str(f3) if type==0: for case in range(3): Flow('snapts%d-%d' % (f3,case),'wavets%d ktaper' % case, ''' window n3=1 f3=%d | rtoc | fft3 axis=1 pad=2 | fft3 axis=2 pad=1 | math t=${SOURCES[1]} output="t*input" | fft3 axis=2 inv=y | fft3 axis=1 inv=y | real''' % f3) Result('snapts%d-%d' % (f3,case), ''' grey label1=Depth label2=Distance wanttitle=n min2=38 max2=56 unit1=km unit2=km screenwd=14.41 screenht=9 clip=0.015 ''') if case > 0: Case=str(case) if case == 1: method = 'proposed approximation' else: method = 'acoustic approximation' Flow('errorts%d-%d' % (f3,case),'snapts%d-0 snapts%d-%d' % (f3,f3,case),'add scale=-1,1 ${SOURCES[1]}') Result('errorts%d-%d' % (f3,case), ''' grey label1=Depth label2=Distance wanttitle=n min2=38 max2=56 unit1=km unit2=km screenwd=14.41 screenht=9 clip=%g scalebar=y allpos=y barlabel="Absolute Error" title="Amplitude error of the %s" labelfat=6 titlefat=6 labelsz=9 titlesz=10 maxval=%g minval=0.0 ''' % (par['c'+F3+'_'+Case],method, par['c'+F3+'_'+Case]) ) else: for case in range(3): Flow('snapos%d-%d' % (f3,case),'waveos%d' % case, ''' window n3=1 f3=%d''' % f3) Result('snapos%d-%d' % (f3,case), ''' grey label1=Depth label2=Distance wanttitle=n min2=38 max2=56 unit1=km unit2=km screenwd=14.41 screenht=9 ''') if case > 0: Case=str(case) if case == 1: method = 'proposed approximation' else: method = 'acoustic approximation' Flow('erroros%d-%d' % (f3,case),'snapos%d-0 snapos%d-%d' % (f3,f3,case),'add scale=-1,1 ${SOURCES[1]}') Result('erroros%d-%d' % (f3,case), ''' grey label1=Depth label2=Distance wanttitle=n min2=38 max2=56 unit1=km unit2=km screenwd=14.41 screenht=9 clip=%g scalebar=y allpos=y barlabel="Absolute Error" title="Amplitude error of the %s" labelfat=6 titlefat=6 labelsz=9 titlesz=10 maxval=%g minval=0.0 ''' % (par['c'+F3+'_'+Case],method, par['c'+F3+'_'+Case]) ) # Sum wavefield and error for one plot if type==0: Flow('snaptssum-0','snapts1299-0 snapts2299-0 snapts3299-0 snapts4299-0','add ${SOURCES[1:-1]}') Flow('snaptssum-1','snapts1299-1 snapts2299-1 snapts3299-1 snapts4299-1','add ${SOURCES[1:-1]}') Flow('snaptssum-2','snapts1299-2 snapts2299-2 snapts3299-2 snapts4299-2','add ${SOURCES[1:-1]}') Flow('errortssum-1','errorts1299-1 errorts2299-1 errorts3299-1 errorts4299-1','add ${SOURCES[1:-1]}') Flow('errortssum-2','errorts1299-2 errorts2299-2 errorts3299-2 errorts4299-2','add ${SOURCES[1:-1]}') Result('snaptssum-0', ''' grey label1=Depth label2=Distance wanttitle=n min2=38 max2=56 unit1=km unit2=km screenwd=14.41 screenht=9 clip=%g scalebar=n title="Exact phase velocity" labelfat=6 titlefat=6 labelsz=9 titlesz=10 maxval=%g minval=0.0 ''' % (0.015,0.015)) Result('snaptssum-1', ''' grey label1=Depth label2=Distance wanttitle=n min2=38 max2=56 unit1=km unit2=km screenwd=14.41 screenht=9 clip=%g scalebar=n title="Proposed approximation" labelfat=6 titlefat=6 labelsz=9 titlesz=10 maxval=%g minval=0.0 ''' % (0.015,0.015)) Result('snaptssum-2', ''' grey label1=Depth label2=Distance wanttitle=n min2=38 max2=56 unit1=km unit2=km screenwd=14.41 screenht=9 clip=%g scalebar=n title="Acoustic approximation" labelfat=6 titlefat=6 labelsz=9 titlesz=10 maxval=%g minval=0.0 ''' % (0.015,0.015)) Result('errortssum-1', ''' grey label1=Depth label2=Distance wanttitle=n min2=38 max2=56 unit1=km unit2=km screenwd=14.41 screenht=9 clip=%g scalebar=y allpos=y barlabel="Absolute Error" title="Amplitude error of the proposed approximation" labelfat=6 titlefat=6 labelsz=9 titlesz=10 maxval=%g minval=0.0 ''' % (par['c4299_2'],par['c4299_2'])) Result('errortssum-2', ''' grey label1=Depth label2=Distance wanttitle=n min2=38 max2=56 unit1=km unit2=km screenwd=14.41 screenht=9 clip=%g scalebar=y allpos=y barlabel="Absolute Error" title="Amplitude error of the acoustic approximation" labelfat=6 titlefat=6 labelsz=9 titlesz=10 maxval=%g minval=0.0 ''' % (par['c4299_2'],par['c4299_2'])) else: Flow('errorossum-1','erroros1299-1 erroros2299-1 erroros3299-1 erroros4299-1','add ${SOURCES[1:-1]}') Flow('errorossum-2','erroros1299-2 erroros2299-2 erroros3299-2 erroros4299-2','add ${SOURCES[1:-1]}') Result('errorossum-1', ''' grey label1=Depth label2=Distance wanttitle=n min2=38 max2=56 unit1=km unit2=km screenwd=14.41 screenht=9 clip=%g scalebar=y allpos=y barlabel="Absolute Error" title="Amplitude error of the proposed approximation" labelfat=6 titlefat=6 labelsz=9 titlesz=10 maxval=%g minval=-0.0 ''' % (par['c4299_2'],par['c4299_2'])) Result('errorossum-2', ''' grey label1=Depth label2=Distance wanttitle=n min2=38 max2=56 unit1=km unit2=km screenwd=14.41 screenht=9 clip=%g scalebar=y allpos=y barlabel="Absolute Error" title="Amplitude error of the acoustic approximation" labelfat=6 titlefat=6 labelsz=9 titlesz=10 maxval=%g minval=0.0 ''' % (par['c4299_2'],par['c4299_2'])) End() |
sfsegyread sfput sftransp sfwindow sfgrey sfscale | sfmath sfspike sfricker1 sfgraph sfenvelope sfhalfint | sfcmplx sfsmooth sfrtoc sffft3 sfreal sfmask | sfdd sfanisolr2 sffftwave2 sfadd |