up [pdf]
from rsf.proj import *
from rsf.recipes.beg import server

def igrey(custom):
    return '''
    grey color=j labelsz=5 titlesz=6 %s
    ''' %(custom)

def grey(custom):
    return '''
    grey labelsz=5 titlesz=6 %s
    ''' %(custom)


Flow('vel','vp.asc',' csv2rsf | put d1=12.5 d2=12.5 o1=0 o2=0 | transp plane=12 | expand top=40 left=0 right=0 bottom=0')
Flow('q','qp.asc',' csv2rsf | put d1=12.5 d2=12.5 o1=0 o2=0 | transp plane=12 | expand top=40 left=0 right=0 bottom=0')

Result('vel','grey allpos=y color=j bias=1500 title="Marmousi Velocity Model" scalebar=y barreverse=y wanttitle=y label1=Depth label2=Distance unit1=m unit2=m barlabel=Velocity barunit="m/s" labelfat=3 titlefat=3')
Result('q','grey allpos=y color=j bias=0 title="Marmousi Attenuation (Q) Model" scalebar=y barreverse=y wanttitle=y label1=Depth label2=Distance unit1=m unit2=m barlabel=Q barunit="" labelfat=3 titlefat=3')

     '''depth2time velocity=$SOURCE nt=2000 dt=0.004 |
     ai2refl | ricker1 frequency=20 |
     time2depth velocity=$SOURCE
     '''depth2time velocity=$SOURCE nt=2000 dt=0.004 |
     ai2refl | ricker1 frequency=20 | envelope hilb=y order=500 |
     time2depth velocity=$SOURCE
Flow('cref','ref iref','cmplx ${SOURCES[1]}')

# set up parameters
par = {
    # constant-Q
    'w0' : 1500,    # reference frequency for constant-Q model
    # model pars
    'nx' :  961,    # velocity model length 
    'nz' :  251,    # velocity model depth
    'nt' :  4001,   # record time length
    'dx' :  12.5,   # sampling in x
    'dz' :  12.5,   # sampling in z
    'dt' :  0.002,  # sampling in time
    'labelx': "Distance",
    'labelz': "Depth",
    'unitx' : "m",
    'unitz' : "m",
    'shtbgn': 2,    # 1 imaged shot starting location on mesh
    'shtend': 961,  # 961 shot ending location on mesh 
    'sintv' : 15,  # shot interval on mesh, 15
    'spz'   : 5,    # shot depth on mesh
    'gpz'   : 5,    # receiver depth on mesh
    'gpl'   : 150,  # receiver length of single shot
    'snpint': 1,    # snapshot interval
    'pad1'  : 1,    # fft pading on the first axis
    # abc parameters 
    'top'   : 50,  # padding length
    'bot'   : 50,
    'lft'   : 50,
    'rht'   : 50,
    'dcz'   : 0.005, # decay coefficient
    'dcx'   : 0.005,
    'srcbgn'  : 60, # source begin time
    'frq'     : 17.5  # peak frequency of ricker wavelet (in Hz)

Ffvel = 'vel'
Fbvel= 'bvel'
Fq = 'q'
Fbq = 'bq'
Fimga = 'imga'
Fimgv = 'imgv'
Fimgc = 'imgc'
Fimgn = 'imgn'
Ffvelabc = Ffvel+'x'
Fbvelabc = Fbvel+'x'
Fqabc = Fq+'x'
Fbqabc = Fbq+'x'
Ffft = 'fft'
Fref = 'cref'
Fleft = 'left'
Fright = 'right'
Ffleft = 'fleft'
Ffright = 'fright'
Faleft = 'aleft'
Faright = 'aright'
Fcleft = 'cleft'
Fcright = 'cright'
Ftmpwf =  'tmpwf'
Ftmpbwf = 'tmpbwf'
Frcd = 'shots'
Frcdv = 'shotsv'
Frcdvn = 'shotsvn'

Flow(Fsrc,None,'spike n1=%(nt)d d1=%(dt)g k1=%(srcbgn)d | imagsrc frequency=%(frq)g | rtoc' %par)
Flow(Fbvel, Ffvel, 'smooth rect1=8 rect2=8 repeat=2')
Flow(Fbq, Fq, 'smooth rect1=8 rect2=8 repeat=2')

# Pad the boundary
for m in [Ffvel,Fbvel,Fq,Fbq]:
    ext  = m+'x'
    Flow(ext,m, '''
         expand left=%(lft)d right=%(rht)d 
                top=%(top)d  bottom=%(bot)d

# Lowrank decomposition
Flow(Ffft,Ffvelabc,'rtoc | fft3 axis=1 pad=1 | fft3 axis=2 pad=1')

## Acoustic forward modelling with muting 
#  Lowrank decomposition for stratigraphic velocity
      zfraclr2 seed=2010 npk=50 eps=1.e-4
      fft=${SOURCES[1]} q=${SOURCES[2]} left=${TARGETS[1]}
      mode=3 rev=n sign=0
      dt=%(dt)g w0=%(w0)g
      nbt=%(top)d nbb=%(bot)d nbl=%(lft)d nbr=%(rht)d 
      ct=%(dcz)g cb=%(dcz)g cl=%(dcx)g cr=%(dcx)g
      compen=n cutoff=100 vmax=4700 taper=0.4

Flow([Frcd, Ftmpwf],[Fref,Ffvelabc,Fleft,Fright,Fleft,Fright,Fsrc],
      mpirtmop tmpwf=${TARGETS[1]}
      vel=${SOURCES[1]} left=${SOURCES[2]} right=${SOURCES[3]}
      leftb=${SOURCES[4]} rightb=${SOURCES[5]} src=${SOURCES[6]} 
      verb=y pad1=1 justrec=y adj=n roll=n
      shtbgn=%(shtbgn)d shtend=%(shtend)d shtint=%(sintv)d
      spz=%(spz)g gpz=%(gpz)g gpl=%(gpl)g snapinter=%(snpint)d
      top=%(top)d bot=%(bot)d lft=%(lft)d  rht=%(rht)d
      rectz=2 rectx=2 repeat=1 srctrunc=0.4
      wantwf=y illum=n
      vref=1500 wd=120

## Acoustic RTM
#  Lowrank decomposition for migration velocity (smooth)
      zfraclr2 seed=2010 npk=50 eps=1.e-4
      fft=${SOURCES[1]} q=${SOURCES[2]} left=${TARGETS[1]}
      mode=3 rev=n sign=0
      dt=%(dt)g w0=%(w0)g
      nbt=%(top)d nbb=%(bot)d nbl=%(lft)d nbr=%(rht)d 
      ct=%(dcz)g cb=%(dcz)g cl=%(dcx)g cr=%(dcx)g
      compen=n cutoff=100 vmax=4700 taper=0.4

Flow([Fimga, Ftmpbwf],[Frcd,Ffvelabc,Faleft,Faright,Faleft,Faright,Fsrc],
      mpirtmop tmpwf=${TARGETS[1]}
      vel=${SOURCES[1]} left=${SOURCES[2]} right=${SOURCES[3]}
      leftb=${SOURCES[4]} rightb=${SOURCES[5]} src=${SOURCES[6]} 
      verb=y pad1=1 justrec=n adj=y roll=n
      shtbgn=%(shtbgn)d shtend=%(shtend)d shtint=%(sintv)d
      spz=%(spz)g gpz=%(gpz)g gpl=%(gpl)g snapinter=%(snpint)d
      top=%(top)d bot=%(bot)d lft=%(lft)d  rht=%(rht)d
      rectz=2 rectx=2 repeat=1 srctrunc=0.4
      wantwf=y illum=n

## Visco-acoustic forward modelling with muting 
#  Lowrank decomposition for stratigraphic velocity
      zfraclr2 seed=2010 npk=50 eps=1.e-4
      fft=${SOURCES[1]} q=${SOURCES[2]} left=${TARGETS[1]}
      mode=0 rev=n sign=0
      dt=%(dt)g w0=%(w0)g
      nbt=%(top)d nbb=%(bot)d nbl=%(lft)d nbr=%(rht)d 
      ct=%(dcz)g cb=%(dcz)g cl=%(dcx)g cr=%(dcx)g
      compen=n cutoff=100 vmax=4700 taper=0.4

      vel=${SOURCES[1]} left=${SOURCES[2]} right=${SOURCES[3]}
      leftb=${SOURCES[4]} rightb=${SOURCES[5]} src=${SOURCES[6]} 
      verb=y pad1=1 justrec=y adj=n roll=n
      shtbgn=%(shtbgn)d shtend=%(shtend)d shtint=%(sintv)d
      spz=%(spz)g gpz=%(gpz)g gpl=%(gpl)g snapinter=%(snpint)d
      top=%(top)d bot=%(bot)d lft=%(lft)d  rht=%(rht)d
      rectz=2 rectx=2 repeat=1 srctrunc=0.4
      wantwf=n illum=n
      vref=1500 wd=120

## Acoustic RTM (of visco-acoustic data)
      vel=${SOURCES[1]} left=${SOURCES[2]} right=${SOURCES[3]}
      leftb=${SOURCES[4]} rightb=${SOURCES[5]} src=${SOURCES[6]} 
      verb=y pad1=1 justrec=n adj=y roll=n
      shtbgn=%(shtbgn)d shtend=%(shtend)d shtint=%(sintv)d
      spz=%(spz)g gpz=%(gpz)g gpl=%(gpl)g snapinter=%(snpint)d
      top=%(top)d bot=%(bot)d lft=%(lft)d  rht=%(rht)d
      rectz=2 rectx=2 repeat=1 srctrunc=0.4
      wantwf=n illum=n

## Q-compensated RTM
#  Lowrank decomposition for migration velocity with Q-compensation
      zfraclr2 seed=2010 npk=50 eps=1.e-4
      fft=${SOURCES[1]} q=${SOURCES[2]} left=${TARGETS[1]}
      mode=0 rev=n sign=0
      dt=%(dt)g w0=%(w0)g
      nbt=%(top)d nbb=%(bot)d nbl=%(lft)d nbr=%(rht)d 
      ct=%(dcz)g cb=%(dcz)g cl=%(dcx)g cr=%(dcx)g
      compen=y cutoff=100 vmax=4700 taper=0.4
      vel=${SOURCES[1]} left=${SOURCES[2]} right=${SOURCES[3]}
      leftb=${SOURCES[4]} rightb=${SOURCES[5]} src=${SOURCES[6]} 
      verb=y pad1=1 justrec=n adj=y roll=n
      shtbgn=%(shtbgn)d shtend=%(shtend)d shtint=%(sintv)d
      spz=%(spz)g gpz=%(gpz)g gpl=%(gpl)g snapinter=%(snpint)d
      top=%(top)d bot=%(bot)d lft=%(lft)d  rht=%(rht)d
      rectz=2 rectx=2 repeat=1 srctrunc=0.4
      wantwf=n illum=n

## Add noise to data (snr = 1.2/1.5 = 0.8)
Flow('noiser',Frcdv, 'real | noise rep=y var=1.5e-12 seed=2010')
Flow('noisei',Frcdv, 'imag | noise rep=y var=1.5e-12 seed=2010')
Flow('noise','noiser noisei','cmplx ${SOURCES[1]}')
Flow(Frcdvn,[Frcdv,'noise'],'add ${SOURCES[1]}')

# Q-RTM of noisy data
      vel=${SOURCES[1]} left=${SOURCES[2]} right=${SOURCES[3]}
      leftb=${SOURCES[4]} rightb=${SOURCES[5]} src=${SOURCES[6]} 
      verb=y pad1=1 justrec=n adj=y roll=n
      shtbgn=%(shtbgn)d shtend=%(shtend)d shtint=%(sintv)d
      spz=%(spz)g gpz=%(gpz)g gpl=%(gpl)g snapinter=%(snpint)d
      top=%(top)d bot=%(bot)d lft=%(lft)d  rht=%(rht)d
      rectz=2 rectx=2 repeat=1 srctrunc=0.4
      wantwf=n illum=n

Result('acuimg','imga','real | laplac | window f1=40 | put o1=0 | grey clip=3.29048e-06 scalebar=n wanttitle=y label1=Depth label2=Distance unit1=m unit2=m title="Acoustic RTM Image" color=G')
Result('visimg','imgv','real | laplac | window f1=40 | put o1=0 | grey clip=3.29048e-06 scalebar=n wanttitle=y label1=Depth label2=Distance unit1=m unit2=m title="Conventional RTM Image" color=G')
Result('comimg','imgc','real | laplac | window f1=40 | put o1=0 | grey clip=3.29048e-06 scalebar=n wanttitle=y label1=Depth label2=Distance unit1=m unit2=m title="Q-compensated RTM Image" color=G')
Result('comimg-n','imgn','real | laplac | window f1=40 | put o1=0 | grey clip=3.29048e-06 scalebar=n wanttitle=y label1=Depth label2=Distance unit1=m unit2=m title="Conventional RTM Image" color=G')

Flow('acutrace1','imga','real | laplac | window f1=40 f2=550 n2=1 | put o1=0 ')
Flow('vistrace1','imgv','real | laplac | window f1=40 f2=550 n2=1 | put o1=0 ')
Flow('comtrace1','imgc','real | laplac | window f1=40 f2=550 n2=1 | put o1=0 ')
Flow('comtrace1-n','imgn','real | laplac | window f1=40 f2=550 n2=1 | put o1=0 ')

Flow('compare1','acutrace1 vistrace1 comtrace1 comtrace1-n','cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1:4]} | scale axis=2')
Plot('compare1','graph transp=y yreverse=y dash=0,4,1,3 plotcol=6,5,7,4 plotfat=3 label1=Depth unit1=m label2="Normalized Amplitude" unit2= wanttitle=n labelfat=4 labelsz=5.5 screenwd=4 screenht=11.5')

Plot('acuzoom','imga','real | laplac | window min1=1000 max1=3500 min2=6000 max2=8000 | put o1=500 o2=6000 | grey clip=2.21363e-06 scalebar=n title="Reference RTM Image" wanttitle=y screenht=11 screenwd=14.3 label1=Depth unit1=m label2=Distance unit2=m labelfat=3 titlefat=3 color=G')
Plot('viszoom','imgv','real | laplac | window min1=1000 max1=3500 min2=6000 max2=8000 | put o1=500 o2=6000 | grey clip=2.21363e-06 scalebar=n title="Conventional RTM Image" wanttitle=y screenht=11 screenwd=14.3 label1=Depth unit1=m label2=Distance unit2=m labelfat=3 titlefat=3 color=G')
Plot('comzoom','imgc','real | laplac | window min1=1000 max1=3500 min2=6000 max2=8000 | put o1=500 o2=6000 | grey clip=2.21363e-06 scalebar=n title="Q-RTM Image" wanttitle=y screenht=11 screenwd=14.3 label1=Depth unit1=m label2=Distance unit2=m labelfat=3 titlefat=3 color=G')
Plot('comzoom-n','imgn','real | laplac | window min1=1000 max1=3500 min2=6000 max2=8000 | put o1=500 o2=6000 | grey clip=2.21363e-06 scalebar=n title="Q-RTM Image with Noise" wanttitle=y screenht=11 screenwd=14.3 label1=Depth unit1=m label2=Distance unit2=m labelfat=3 titlefat=3 color=G')

Flow('compare3','acutrace1 comtrace1','cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1:2]} | window min1=510 max1=3000 | scale axis=2')
Plot('compare3','graph transp=y yreverse=y dash=0,4 plotcol=6,5 plotfat=3 label1= unit1= label2="Normalized Amplitude" unit2= wanttitle=n labelsz=5.5 screenwd=3 screenht=11 wantaxis=n labelfat=3 titlefat=3')

Flow('compare4','acutrace1 vistrace1','cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1:2]} | window min1=510 max1=3000 | scale axis=2')
Plot('compare4','graph transp=y yreverse=y dash=0,0 plotcol=6,7 plotfat=3 label1= unit1= label2="Normalized Amplitude" unit2= wanttitle=n labelsz=5.5 screenwd=3 screenht=11 wantaxis=n labelfat=3 titlefat=3')

Flow('compare5','acutrace1 comtrace1-n','cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1:2]} | window min1=510 max1=3000 | scale axis=2')
Plot('compare5','graph transp=y yreverse=y dash=0,4 plotcol=6,4 plotfat=3 label1= unit1= label2="Normalized Amplitude" unit2= wanttitle=n labelsz=5.5 screenwd=3 screenht=11 wantaxis=n labelfat=3 titlefat=3')

Result('visacu','viszoom compare4','SideBySideIso')
Result('comacu','comzoom compare3','SideBySideIso')
Result('comacu-n','comzoom-n compare5','SideBySideIso')

Flow('normvis','vistrace1','scale axis=1')
Flow('normacu','acutrace1','scale axis=1')
Flow('comnorm','normacu normvis','cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1:2]} | scale axis=2 | window f1=51')
Result('comnorm','graph transp=y yreverse=y dash=0,0 plotcol=6,7 plotfat=3 label1=Depth unit1=m label2="Normalized Amplitude" unit2= wanttitle=n labelfat=4 labelsz=5.5 screenwd=4 screenht=11.5')

Plot('acushots','shots','window max1=5 n3=1 f3=32 | real | grey clip=1.18437e-05 scalebar=n title="Acoustic Data" wanttitle=y label1=Time unit1=s label2=Distance unit2=m labelfat=3 titlefat=3 color=i screenht=11 screenwd=14.2')
Plot('visshots','shotsv','window max1=5 n3=1 f3=32 | real | grey clip=1.18437e-05 scalebar=n title="Viscoacoustic Data" wanttitle=y label1=Time unit1=s label2=Distance unit2=m labelfat=3 titlefat=3 color=i screenht=11 screenwd=14.2')
Plot('visshots-n','shotsvn','window max1=5 n3=1 f3=32 | real | grey clip=1.18437e-05 scalebar=n title="Viscoacoustic Data with Noise" wanttitle=y label1=Time unit1=s label2=Distance unit2=m labelfat=3 titlefat=3 color=i screenht=11 screenwd=14.2')

Plot('acushot-trace','shots','window max1=5 n3=1 f3=32 n2=1 f2=350 | real | graph plotfat=1 max2=2e-5 min2=-3e-5 transp=y yreverse=y wanttitle=n labelsz=5.5 screenwd=3 screenht=11 wantaxis=n labelfat=3 label2=Amplitude')
Plot('visshot-trace','shotsv','window max1=5 n3=1 f3=32 n2=1 f2=350 | real | graph plotfat=1 max2=2e-5 min2=-3e-5 transp=y yreverse=y wanttitle=n labelsz=5.5 screenwd=3 screenht=11 wantaxis=n labelfat=3 label2=Amplitude')
Plot('visshot-trace-n','shotsvn','window max1=5 n3=1 f3=32 n2=1 f2=350 | real | graph plotfat=1 max2=2e-5 min2=-3e-5 transp=y yreverse=y wanttitle=n labelsz=5.5 screenwd=3 screenht=11 wantaxis=n labelfat=3 label2=Amplitude')

Result('acudata','acushots acushot-trace','SideBySideIso')
Result('visdata','visshots visshot-trace','SideBySideIso')
Result('visdata-n','visshots-n visshot-trace-n','SideBySideIso')

#Flow('line1',None,'math n1=161 d1=12.5 o1=1000 output="6875" ')
#       '''
#       graph max1=3000 min1=1000 transp=y
#       max2=8000 min2=6000 dash=3 plotcol=0 plotfat=2
#       wanttitle=n wantaxis=n screenht=11.5 screenwd=14.33
#       ''')
#Plot('viszm','viszoom line1','Overlay')


# Script to run LSRTM
# <shots.rsf sfcconjgrad ./lsrtm2.sh mod=img.rsf src=csource.rsf vel=velx.rsf left=fleft.rsf right=fright.rsf leftb=bleft.rsf rightb=bright.rsf verb=n pad1=1 roll=n shtbgn=1 shtend=398 shtint=5 spz=5 gpz=5 gpl=0 snapinter=1 top=30 bot=30 lft=30 rht=30 rectz=2 rectx=2 repeat=1 srctrunc=0.4 wantwf=n wantrecord=y illum=n roll=n > kinv10.rsf niter=10
