from rsf.proj import *
n1 = 501
d1 = .008
pad = 20
sigmoid n1=%i n2=%i d1=%g d2=%g reflectivity=y |
window n2=1 f2=%i |
scale axis=1 | scale dscale=2
ncycles = 1
period = (n1-1)*d1/(2*3.14159*ncycles)
shmx = 20
Flow('shifts-ideal','refl-m','math output="%g*sin(x1/%g)"'%(shmx,period))
Flow('refl-r','refl-m shifts-ideal','dtw-apply shifts=${SOURCES[1]}')
noiserng = .7
freq = 20
trlst = ['m','r']
titlest = ['Matching','Reference']
dashlst = [0,1]
plotcol = [1,2]
scrht = 6
scrwd = 14
titlesz = 6.5
labelsz = 5
for i in range(len(trlst)):
item = trlst[i]
Flow('trace-%s'%item,'refl-%s'%item,'pad beg1=%i end1=%i | ricker1 frequency=%g| noise range=%g | bandpass fhi=40'%(pad,pad,freq,noiserng))
window f1=%i n1=%i|
graph title= label2=%s
unit2= min2=-1.1 max2=1.1
min1=%g max1=%g
window f1=%i n1=%i|
graph title=%s
unit2= min2=-1.3 max2=1.3
min1=%g max1=%g screenht=%g screenwd=%g titlesz=%g labelsz=%g wheretitle=top label2=Amplitude
Plot('refl-%s'%item,'graph title="%s Reflectivity" '%(titlest[i]))
maxshift = shmx * 1.5
strain = .25
exp = 2
Flow('warped accum error shifts','trace-m trace-r',
exp=%g strain=%g maxshift=%i
acumbias = 14.9
crowd1 = .759
screenratio = .72
barwidth = .275
window n2=%i f2=%i |
put unit1=s d1=%g o1=%g unit2=s d2=%g label2=Time|
grey color=j allpos=y title="Matching and Reference Signal Alignment Errors"
scalebar=y barwidth=%g barlabel="Alignment Error" barunit="ampl\^2\_" wheretitle=top wherexlabel=bottom
screenht=%g screenwd=%g titlesz=%g labelsz=%g
window n2=%i f2=%i |
put unit1=s d1=%g o1=%g unit2=s d2=%g label2=Time|
grey color=j allpos=y title="Matching and Reference Signal Alignment Error" crowd1=%g screenratio=%g
scalebar=y barwidth=%g barlabel="Alignment Errors" barunit="ampl\^2\_" wheretitle=top wherexlabel=bottom
window n2=%i f2=%i |
put unit1=s d1=%g o1=%g unit2=s d2=%g label2=Time|
grey color=j allpos=y bias=%g title="Matching and Reference Signal Accumulated Errors"
scalebar=y barwidth=%g barlabel="Accumulated Error" barunit="ampl\^2\_ samples" wheretitle=top wherexlabel=bottom
screenht=%g screenwd=%g titlesz=%g labelsz=%g
graph title= plotfat=6
max2=%g min2=%g max1=%g min1=%g plotcol=1
n1tic=0 n2tic=0 label1= unit1= label2= unit2=
scalebar=y barwidth=%g barlabel= wheretitle=top wherexlabel=bottom
screenht=%g screenwd=%g titlesz=%g labelsz=%g
graph title= dash=1 plotcol=4 plotfat=6
max2=%g min2=%g max1=%g min1=%g
n1tic=0 n2tic=0 label1= unit1= label2= unit2=
scalebar=y barwidth=%g barlabel= wheretitle=top wherexlabel=bottom
screenht=%g screenwd=%g titlesz=%g labelsz=%g
window n2=%i f2=%i |
put unit1=s d1=%g o1=%g unit2=s d2=%g label2=Time|
grey color=j allpos=y bias=%g title="Matching and Reference Signal Accumulated Error" crowd1=%g screenratio=%g
scalebar=y barwidth=%g barlabel="Accumulated Errors" barunit="ampl\^2\_ spls" wheretitle=top wherexlabel=bottom
graph title= plotfat=10
max2=%g min2=%g max1=%g min1=%g plotcol=1
n1tic=0 n2tic=0 label1= unit1= label2= unit2= crowd1=%g screenratio=%g
scalebar=y barwidth=%g barlabel= wheretitle=top wherexlabel=bottom
graph title= dash=1 plotcol=4 plotfat=10
max2=%g min2=%g max1=%g min1=%g
n1tic=0 n2tic=0 label1= unit1= label2= unit2= crowd1=%g screenratio=%g
scalebar=y barwidth=%g barlabel= wheretitle=top wherexlabel=bottom
Plot('accum-sh','accum shifts shifts-ideal','Overlay')
Result('dtw-accum-sh','accum-a shifts-a shifts-ideal-a','Overlay')
Result('dtw-er-accum-sh','error accum-sh','OverUnderAniso')
End() |