| Elastic wave-vector decomposition in heterogeneous anisotropic media | |
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For the wave-vector decomposition method, we focus on equation 14 and transform it to the space domain using the inverse Fourier transform as follows (Cheng and Fomel, 2014):
(15) |
denotes the unseparated wavefield in the Fourier domain and
denotes the decomposed wavefield of
wave mode in the space domain. Equation 15 indicates that the unseparated wavefield is projected onto polarization vector
wave mode in the Fourier domain and subsequently transformed back to the space domain for the final decomposed wavefield. The elements of matrix
are given by
(16) |
denoting different components.
Applying the low-rank approximation approach (Fomel et al., 2013), each element of
for a specified
wave mode in equation 15 and 16 can be approximated as follows (Cheng and Fomel, 2014):
(17) |
are mixed-domain matrices with reduced wavenumber and spatial dimensions respectively;
is a
matrix with
representing the rank of this low-rank decomposition.
One can view
as a submatrix of
consisting of columns associated with
, and
as a submatrix of
consisting of rows associated with
. Physically, this process means that we only consider a selected few representative spatial locations (
) and representative wavenumbers (
), where
is the size of the model, to build an effective approximation.
As a result, the low-rank approximation reduces computational cost by transforming the Fourier integral operator in equation 15 for each component
components to
(18) |
The computational cost of applying equation 18 is equivalent to the cost of
inverse fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) (Cheng and Fomel, 2014).
| Elastic wave-vector decomposition in heterogeneous anisotropic media | |
Next: qS-wave polarization vectors in
Up: Review of wave-mode separation
Previous: Elastic wave-vector decomposition