Iterative deblending with multiple constraints based on shaping regularization |
Figure 2. Simulated synthetic example. (a) Unblended data. (b) Blended data. |
Figure 3. Simulated synthetic example. (a) Deblended data using the proposed approach. (b) Deblended data using seislet domain thresholding. (c) Deblended data using domain thresholding. (d) Deblended data using deconvolution. |
Figure 4. Simulated synthetic example. (a) Estimation error section using the proposed approach. (b) Estimation error section using seist domain thresholding. (c) Estimation error section using domain thresholding. (d) Estimation error section using deconvolution. |
Figure 5. Zoomed section comparisons of the simulated synthetic example. (a) Unblended data. (b) Blended data. (c) Deblended data using the proposed approach. (d) Deblended data using seislet domain thresholding. (e) Deblended data using domain thresholding. (f) Deblended data using deconvolution. |
Figure 6. (a) Comparison of signal-to-noise ratio of the simulated synthetic example. "@" refers to the proposed approach. "+" refers to seislet thresholding. "*" refers to deconvolution. "o" refers to thresholding. (b) Comparison of the amplitude between 1.35s and 1.38s of the 25th trace in the simulated synthetic data example. Black solid line denotes the unblended trace (true trace). Blue double dot line corresponds to the proposed approach. Red dot dash line corresponds to seislet thresholding. Green dash line corresponds to thresholding. Yellow long dash line corresponds to deconvolution. |
Iterative deblending with multiple constraints based on shaping regularization |