 | Fractal heterogeneities in sonic logs
and low-frequency scattering attenuation |  |
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The energy spectrum,
, of von Kármán's autocorrelation
in equation 7 is real and even:
Values of
defined by equation 22 are
, defined by equation 8, is an increasing function of exponent
and has to be calculated numerically, except for some specific values:
The dispersion relation of equation 21 solves for an explicit solution of attenuation and dispersion:
, the derivation produces simple expressions as detailed in Appendix B.
The use of
with the Kramers-Krönig relation can be used
to determine the real part of
In the context of the second-order approximation,
scattering attenuation in a von Kármán isotropic medium is
![$\displaystyle \frac{1}{Q} = \frac{2\,Im[k]}{Re[k]} = 2~\sigma^2\,k_0b~C^{(1)}_{H}
\left[1-\frac{1}{(1+4\,b^2k_0^2)^{H+\frac{1}{2}}}\right].$](img192.png) |
(31) |
, the scattering attenuation reduces to the Rayleigh diffusion regime:
 | Fractal heterogeneities in sonic logs
and low-frequency scattering attenuation |  |
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