up [pdf]
# Nonlinear estimation of von Karman autocorrelation in 1D Fourier domain for synthetic fGn-fBm
# November 2007
# Thomas Jules Browaeys 
# Bureau of Economic Geology
# University of Texas at Austin
# mailto:jules.browaeys@beg.utexas.edu

from rsf.proj import *
from math import pi

# ----------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------

# nx = number of points in X
# dx = space data step sampling

# fpx = 1/dx        = frequency space periodicity (Hz)
# lx  = nx*dx       = space period
# dfx = 1/lx        = frequency step
# fmx = 1/dx - 1/lx = maximum frequency
# fnx = 1/(2*dx)    = nx/(2*lx) = Nyquist frequency

# Signal X detecting content (Hz) =  dfx < fx < fnx

# Spatial grid (m)
pgrid = {'nx':4056, 'ox':1., 'dx':0.25}

# Create spatial grid
Flow('spacegrid',None,'spike nsp=1 mag=1 n1=%(nx)d d1=%(dx)g o1=%(ox)g | put label1=z unit1=m' % pgrid)

# ----------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------

# Fractal exponent and constant
# -----------------------------
# nu  = H exponent > -0.5   = -0.25  0.25   0.5  0.75   1.0
# ca  = H spectrum constant = -1.311 0.5991 1.0  1.3317 1.57

# Parameters values suggestion
# ----------------------------
# H= -0.25, ca =-1.311,  b=10,   wdd=0.2,   wsd = 727 (317,741)
# H = 0.25, ca = 0.5991, b = 5,  wdd = 0.3, wsd = 317 (647) 
# H = 0.5,  ca = 1.0,    b = 5,  wdd = 0.3, wsd = 213
# H = 0.75, ca = 1.3317, b = 10, wdd = 0.4, wsd = 317

# Signal parameters (Gaussian white noise mean and range)
psyn = {'wmu':0.0, 'wrn':1.0}

# Windowing and plots (maximum depth (m), maximum white noise spectrum plot amplitude)
wdcp = {'xmax':1000.,  'wnsmax':2.}

for hnux in ('M025','025','05'):

    if hnux == 'M025':

        # Fractional Gaussian noise fGn (nu < 0)
            'b':10.,       # correlation length (m)
            'nu':-0.25,    # H exponent
            'ca':-1.311,   # H spectrum constant
            'wdd':0.2,     # Gaussian white noise standard deviation
            'wsd':727      # random generator seed
        # Minimum and maximum graph amplitude
        # Titles and plot options
        titlevkc = 'title="fGn spectrum" format2=%3.1f'
        pplotsig = 'title="Fractional Gaussian noise\k100 \k100 \F5 H\F2 \k60 =\k60 \F15 8\F2 0.25" n2tic=7 o2num=-3.0 d2num=1. format2=%3.1f'
        titlefit = 'title="fGn spectrum b=10m H=-0.25"'
        titlelli = 'title="Estimation on synthetic\k100 \k100 \F5 H\F2 \k60 =\k60 \F15 8\F2 0.25"'
        optp = 'parallel2=n n2tic=7 o2num=-3.0 d2num=1.0 format2=%3.1f'

    elif hnux == '025':

        # Fractional Brownian motion fBm (nu > 0)
            'b':5.,        # correlation length (m)
            'nu':0.25,     # H exponent
            'ca':0.5991,   # H spectrum constant
            'wdd':0.3,     # Gaussian white noise standard deviation
            'wsd':317      # random generator seed
        # Minimum and maximum graph amplitude
        # Titles
        titlevkc = 'title="fBm spectrum" format2=%3.1f'
        pplotsig = 'title="Fractional Brownian motion\k100 \k100 \F5 H\F2 \k60 =\k60 0.25" n2tic=5 o2num=-1.0 d2num=0.5 format2=%3.1f'
        titlefit = 'title="fBm spectrum b=5m H=0.25"'
        titlelli = 'title="Estimation on synthetic\k100 \k100 \F5 H\F2 \k60 =\k60 0.25"'
        optp = 'parallel2=n n2tic=5 o2num=-1.0 d2num=0.5 format2=%3.1f'

    elif hnux == '05':

        # Fractional Brownian motion fBm (nu > 0)
            'b':5.,        # correlation length (m)
            'nu':0.5,      # H exponent
            'ca':1.0,      # H spectrum constant
            'wdd':0.3,     # Gaussian white noise standard deviation
            'wsd':213      # random generator seed
        # Minimum and maximum graph amplitude
        # Titles
        titlevkc = 'title="fBm spectrum" format2=%3.1f'
        pplotsig = 'title="Fractional Brownian motion\k100 \k100 \F5 H\F2 \k60 =\k60 0.5" n2tic=5 o2num=-1.0 d2num=0.5 format2=%3.1f'
        titlefit = 'title="fBm spectrum b=5m H=0.5"'
        titlelli = 'title="Estimation on synthetic\k100 \k100 \F5 H\F2 \k60 =\k60 0.5"'
        optp = 'parallel2=n n2tic=5 o2num=-1.0 d2num=0.5 format2=%3.1f'


        raise RuntimeError, "Unknown value"

    # Variance of Gaussian white noise
    psyn['wvr'] = psyn['wdd']*psyn['wdd']

    # Generate white noise signal
    wgauss = 'wgauss'+hnux
    Flow(wgauss,'spacegrid','noise mean=%(wmu)g range=%(wrn)g rep=y seed=%(wsd)g type=y var=%(wvr)g' % psyn)

    # Discrete Fourier Transform (fft) (k=0,N-1)

    # S(k*DF) = DL*sum(n=0,N-1) s(n*DL)*exp(-2*i*pi*k*n/N)
    # s  = spatial signal
    # S  = frequency signal
    # N  = points number in space
    # DF = frequency sampling step = 1/L
    # L  = spatial length of signal = 1/DF
    # DL = space sampling step = L/N = 1/(N*DF)
    # FM = maximum frequency = 1/DL - 1/L

    # Symmetry S(-u) = S*(u)
    # Periodicity S(ix+NX) = S(ix)
    # Physical vectors (k=0,N-1)
    # S(N-1) = S(-1) = S*(1)
    # S(N-2) = S(-2) = S*(2)
    # ...
    # S(N/2+1) = S(-N/2-1) = S*(N/2-1)
    # S(N/2)   = S(-N/2)   = S*(N/2)

    # Dimension in Fourier space [0,nx/2] is nx/2+1
    # [fx] = dfx*(-nx/2+1:1:nx/2)

    fwgauss  = 'fwgauss'  + hnux
    vkfilt   = 'vkfilt'   + hnux
    fcgauss  = 'fcgauss'  + hnux
    cgauss   = 'cgauss'   + hnux
    rvkfilt  = 'rvkfilt'  + hnux
    vkcfilt  = 'vkcfilt'  + hnux

    rfcgauss = 'rfcgauss' + hnux

    # Fourier transform of Gaussian noise
    Flow(fwgauss,wgauss,'fft1 sym=y')

    # Von Karman 1D filter in spectral domain
    Flow(vkfilt,fwgauss,'math output="sqrt((%g))*(1.+((%g)*x1)^2)^(%g)"' % (2.*psyn['b']*psyn['ca'],2.*pi*psyn['b'],-0.25-0.5*psyn['nu']))

    if hnux == 'M025':
        # Stochastic process von Karman 1D filtering
        Flow(fcgauss,[vkfilt,fwgauss],'math r=${SOURCES[0]} p=${SOURCES[1]} type=complex output="r*p"')

        # Stochastic process von Karman 1D filtering and integration
        Flow(fcgauss,[vkfilt,fwgauss],'math r=${SOURCES[0]} p=${SOURCES[1]} type=complex output="-I*r*p"')

    Flow(cgauss,fcgauss,'fft1 sym=y inv=y | put label1=Depth unit1=m')

    # Multiply by amplitude
    Flow(rvkfilt,vkfilt,'add abs=y | real | put label1=f unit1=1/m | math output="input*(%(wdd)g)"' % psyn)
    Flow(rfcgauss,fcgauss,'add abs=y | real | put label1=f unit1=1/m')

    # Plot signal and spectrum

         graph label1=Depth min1=0. max1=%g min2=%g max2=%g title="White Gaussian noise" %s
         ''' % (wdcp['xmax'],wdcp['smin'],wdcp['smax'],optp))
    Plot(fwgauss,'add abs=y | real | put label1=f unit1=1/m | graph min1=0. max1=%(wnsmax)g min2=0. title="White noise spectrum"'% wdcp)
    Plot(vkcfilt,[rfcgauss, rvkfilt],
         cat ${SOURCES[0:2]} axis=2 |
         graph min1=0. max1=2. min2=0. parallel2=n plotfat=1,9 %s
         ''' % titlevkc,stdin=0)
    Plot(cgauss,'graph label1=Depth min1=0. max1=%(xmax)g min2=%(smin)g max2=%(smax)g title="Fractional Gaussian noise"'% wdcp)

    Result('panel1'+hnux,[wgauss, fwgauss, vkcfilt, cgauss],'TwoRows',vppen='xsize=10 ysize=10')

           graph label1=Depth min1=0. label2="Dimensionless amplitude" max1=%g min2=%g max2=%g parallel2=n %s font=2
           ''' % (wdcp['xmax'],wdcp['smin'],wdcp['smax'],pplotsig))

    # Logarithmic plot of spectrum and spectral filter

    llbfilt  = 'llbfilt'  + hnux
    lvkfilt  = 'lvkfilt'  + hnux
    lfcgauss = 'lfcgauss' + hnux
    llfilt   = 'llfilt'   + hnux
    llgauss  = 'llgauss'  + hnux
    llgaussf = 'llgaussf' + hnux

    Flow(llbfilt,rvkfilt,'math output="log(1.+((%g)*x1)^2)"' % (2.*pi*psyn['b']))
    Flow(lvkfilt,rvkfilt,'math output="log(input)"')
    Flow(lfcgauss,rfcgauss,'math output="log(input)"')
    Flow(llfilt,[llbfilt, lvkfilt],'cmplx ${SOURCES[0:2]}',stdin=0)
    Flow(llgauss,[llbfilt, lfcgauss],'cmplx ${SOURCES[0:2]}',stdin=0)

    Plot(llgaussf,[llgauss, llfilt],
         cat ${SOURCES[0:2]} axis=2 |
         put label1='Ln[1+(kb)\^2\_]' unit1= label2='Ln[F(k)]' |
         graph min1=0. max1=8. title="Spectral logarithm filter"

    # ------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------

    irfcgauss  = 'irfcgauss' + hnux
    lifcgauss  = 'lifcgauss' + hnux
    illgauss   = 'illgauss'  + hnux
    lligauss   = 'lligauss'  + hnux
    fitfilt    = 'fitfilt'   + hnux
    fitfiltb   = 'fitfiltb'  + hnux

    # Separable least squares for exponent and amplitude
    # Newton algorithm on nonlinear parameter b*b

    Flow(irfcgauss,rfcgauss,'karman verb=y niter=100 x0=1.')

    # Logarithmic plots
    Flow(lifcgauss,irfcgauss,'math output="log(input)"')
    Flow(illgauss,[llbfilt, lifcgauss],'cmplx ${SOURCES[0:2]}',stdin=0)

    Plot(lligauss,[llgauss, illgauss],
         cat ${SOURCES[0:2]} axis=2 |
         put label1='Ln[1+(kb)\^2\_]' unit1= label2='Ln[F(k)]' |
         graph min1=0. max1=8. title="Estimation of spectral logarithm filter"

    Plot(fitfilt,[rfcgauss, irfcgauss],
         cat ${SOURCES[0:2]} axis=2 |
         put label1=f unit1=1/m | graph min1=0. max1=2. min2=0. title="Spectrum estimation"

    Result('panel2'+hnux,[llgaussf, vkcfilt, lligauss, fitfilt],'TwoRows',vppen='xsize=10 ysize=10')

    Result('lligaussf'+hnux,[llgauss, illgauss],
           cat ${SOURCES[0:2]} axis=2 |
           graph min1=0. max1=8. max2=2. min2=-8.
           label1="Ln[1+(k\F5 b\F2 )\^2\_ ]" unit1= label2="Ln[F(k)]"
           parallel2=n plotfat=1,5 %s font=2
           ''' % titlelli, stdin=0)

    Result(fitfiltb,[rfcgauss, irfcgauss],
           cat ${SOURCES[0:2]} axis=2 |
           put label1=f unit1=1/m |
           graph min1=0. min2=0. max1=1. max2=2.5
           parallel2=n plotfat=1,5 n2tic=6 o2num=0.0 d2num=0.5 %s
           ''' % (titlefit + ' format2=%3.1f'),stdin=0)

