Theory of differential offset continuation |
A simplified version of the ray method technique (Babich, 1991; Cervený, 2001)
can allow us to prove the theoretical validity of
equation (1) for all offsets and reflector dips by
deriving two equations that describe separately wavefront (traveltime)
and amplitude transformation. According to the formal ray theory,
the leading term of the high-frequency asymptotics for a reflected
wave recorded on a seismogram takes the form
Equation (4) describes the transformation of traveltime curve geometry in the OC process analogously to how the eikonal equation describes the front propagation in the classic wave theory. What appear to be wavefronts of the wave motion described by equation (1) are traveltime curves of reflected waves recorded on seismic sections. The law of amplitude transformation for high-frequency wave components related to those wavefronts is given by equation (5). In terms of the theory of partial differential equations, equation (4) is the characteristic equation for (1).
Theory of differential offset continuation |