up [pdf]
from rsf.proj import *

xmi = 575        # Easting of bottom-left corner of grid (km)
ymi = 4710       # Northing of bottom-left corner (km)
SL = 0.6         # Source line interval (km)
RL = 0.6         # Receiver line interval (km)
si = 0.1         # Source point interval (km)
ri = 0.1         # Receiver point interval (km)
x = 3            # x extent of survey (km)
y = 1.8          # y extent of survey (km)

# Calculate the number of receiver and source lines.
rlines = int(y/RL) + 1
slines = int(x/SL) + 1

# Calculate the number of points per line (add 2 to straddle the edges). 
rperline = int(x/ri) + 2
sperline = int(y/si) + 2

# Offset the receiver points.
shiftx = -si/2.
shifty = -ri/2.

# Find x and y coordinates of receivers and sources.
     math type=complex output="x1+I*x2"
     n1=%d o1=%g d1=%g label1=X unit1=km
     n2=%d o2=%g d2=%g label2=Y unit2=km
     ''' % (rperline,xmi+shiftx,ri,rlines,ymi-shifty,RL))

     math type=complex output="x2+I*x1"
     n1=%d o1=%g d1=%g label1=X unit1=km
     n2=%d o2=%g d2=%g label2=Y unit2=km
     ''' % (sperline,ymi,si,slines,xmi,SL))

minmax = ' min1=574.5 max1=578.5 min2=4709.75 max2=4712.1'

Plot('rcv','graph symbol=* symbolsz=8 wanttitle=n plotcol=5' + minmax)
Plot('src','graph symbol=* symbolsz=8 wanttitle=n plotcol=2 wantaxis=n' + minmax)

Plot('survey','rcv src','Overlay')

     math type=complex output="(x1+x4)/2+I*(x2+x3)/2"
     n1=%d o1=%g d1=%g 
     n2=%d o2=%g d2=%g 
     n3=%d o3=%g d3=%g 
     n4=%d o4=%g d4=%g |
     put n1=%d n2=%d n3=1 n4=1 label1=X unit1=km label2=Y unit2=km
     ''' % (rperline,xmi+shiftx,ri,rlines,ymi-shifty,RL,

Plot('cmp','graph symbol=. symbolsz=5 wanttitle=n plotcol=4' + minmax)

Result('survey','cmp survey','Overlay')

