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Madagascar tutorial: Field data processing [pdf 1.6M]
Maurice the Aye-Aye
In this tutorial, you will learn about multiple attenuation using parabolic Radon transform (Hampson, 1986). You will first go through an example that explains the process step by step. You will be asked to change some parameters and add missing few lines. In the next part of the tutorial, you will be asked to apply the same workflow to another CMP gather. The CMP gathers used in the tutorial are from the Canterbury data set (Lu et al., 2003). By the end of this tutorial, you should have learned to:
  1. apply NMO and inverse NMO for a CMP gather,
  2. apply forward and inverse parabloic Radon transform,
  3. design a mute function that preserves multiples in the Radon domain,
  4. subtract multiples from the data,
  5. create a semblance scan for a CMP gather.

Seismic Imaging Tutorial: ``exploding reflector'' modeling/migration [pdf 2.7M]
Paul Sava
This document demonstrates how reproducible numeric experiments constructed using the MADAGASCAR  software package can be integrated into a document generated using the ypesetting program. I use a simple modeling/migration exercise based on the exploding reflector model to illustrate reproducible document generation.
Madagascar tutorial [pdf 1012K]
Maurice the Aye-Aye
In this tutorial, you will go through different steps required for writing a research paper with reproducible examples. In particular, you will
  1. identify a research problem,
  2. suggest a solution,
  3. test your solution using a synthetic example,
  4. apply your solution to field data,
  5. write a report about your work.

Guide to Madagascar programs [pdf 432K]
Sergey Fomel
This guide introduces some of the most used madagascar programs and illustrates their usage with examples.
Guide to RSF format [pdf 192K]
Sergey Fomel
This guide explains the RSF file format.
Revisiting SEP tour with Madagascar and SCons [pdf 300K]
Sergey Fomel
Many appreciative users were introduced to SEPlib (Claerbout, 1991) by an excellent article of Dellinger and Tálas (1992). In this paper, I show how to create a similar experience using Madagascar and SCons.
Guide to RSF API [pdf 236K]
Sergey Fomel
This guide explains the RSF programming interface.
Guide to programming using RSF [pdf 284K]
Paul Sava
This guide demonstrates a simple time-domain finite-differences modeling code in RSF.
Reproducible computational experiments using SCons [pdf 924K]
Sergey Fomel and Gilles Hennenfent
SCons (from Software Construction) is a well-known open-source program designed primarily for building software. In this paper, we describe our method of extending SCons for managing data processing flows and reproducible computational experiments. We demonstrate our usage of SCons with a couple of simple examples.

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