Homework 3 |
Figure 2. 2-D synthetic data. |
Figure 3. (a) Synthetic model: curved reflectors in a velocity. | |
Figure 4. Velocity semblance scan. |
Figure 5. RMS velocity (a) and picked NMO velocity (b). |
Figure 6. (a) DMO stack. (b) Zero-offset section. |
Figure 7. Kirchhoff poststack time migration. |
Figure 8. Time migration converted to depth, with reflectors overlaid. | |
Figure 2 shows a synthetic reflection dataset computed from a reflector model shown in Figure 3 and assuming a velocity model with a constant vertical gradient . A small amount of random noise is added to the synthetic data.
Figure 4 shows a conventional velocity semblance scan. Figure 5 compares the RMS velocity with the NMO velocity picked from the scan. Figure 6 compares a DMO stack and the zero-offset section from the data. Finally, Figures 7 and 8 show the result of Kirchhoff time migration before and after conversion from time to depth.
cd hw3/synth
scons viewto generate the figures and display them on your screen. If you are on a computer with multiple CPUs, you can also try
pscons viewto run certain computations in parallel.
from rsf.proj import * # Generate a reflector model layers = ( ((0,2),(3.5,2),(4.5,2.5),(5,2.25), (5.5,2),(6.5,2.5),(10,2.5)), ((0,2.5),(10,3.5)), ((0,3.2),(3.5,3.2),(5,3.7), (6.5,4.2),(10,4.2)), ((0,4.5),(10,4.5)) ) nlays = len(layers) for i in range(nlays): inp = 'inp%d' % i Flow(inp+'.asc',None, ''' echo %s in=$TARGET data_format=ascii_float n1=2 n2=%d ''' % (' '.join(map(lambda x: ' '.join(map(str,x)), layers[i])),len(layers[i]))) dim1 = 'o1=0 d1=0.001 n1=10001' Flow('lay1','inp0.asc', 'dd form=native | spline %s fp=0,0' % dim1) Flow('lay2',None , 'math %s output="2.5+x1*0.1" ' % dim1) Flow('lay3','inp2.asc', 'dd form=native | spline %s fp=0,0' % dim1) Flow('lay4',None ,'math %s output=4.5' % dim1) Flow('lays','lay1 lay2 lay3 lay4', 'cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1:4]}') graph = ''' graph min1=2.5 max1=7.5 min2=0 max2=5 yreverse=y wantaxis=n wanttitle=n screenratio=1 ''' Plot('lays0','lays',graph + ' plotfat=10 plotcol=0') Plot('lays1','lays',graph + ' plotfat=2 plotcol=7') Plot('lays2','lays',graph + ' plotfat=2') # Velocity Flow('vofz',None, ''' math output="1.5+0.36*x1" d2=0.01 n2=1001 d1=0.01 n1=501 label1=Depth unit1=km label2=Distance unit2=km label=Velocity unit=km/s ''') Plot('vofz', ''' window min2=2.5 max2=7.5 | grey color=j allpos=y bias=1.5 title=Model screenratio=1 ''') Result('model','vofz lays0 lays1','Overlay') # Model data Flow('dips','lays','deriv scale=y') Flow('modl','lays dips', ''' kirmod cmp=y dip=${SOURCES[1]} nh=51 dh=0.1 h0=0 ns=201 ds=0.05 s0=0 freq=10 dt=0.004 nt=1501 vel=1.5 gradz=0.36 verb=y | pow pow1=1 | put d2=0.05 label1=Time unit1=s label2=Half-Offset unit2=km label3=Midpoint unit3=km ''',split=[1,10001], reduce='add') # Add random noise Flow('data','modl','noise var=1e-6 seed=101013') Result('data', ''' byte | transp plane=23 | grey3 flat=n frame1=750 frame2=100 frame3=10 title=Data point1=0.8 point2=0.8 ''') # Velocity estimation ##################### Flow('voft','vofz', 'depth2time velocity=$SOURCE dt=0.004 nt=1501') Flow('vrms','voft', ''' add mode=p $SOURCE | causint | math output="sqrt(input*0.004/(x1+0.004))" ''') # Velocity scan Flow('vscan','data', 'vscan v0=1.5 dv=0.02 nv=51 semblance=y', split=[3,201], reduce='cat') Result('vscan', ''' byte allpos=y gainpanel=all | transp plane=23 | grey3 flat=n frame1=750 frame2=100 frame3=25 label1=Time unit1=s color=j label3=Velocity unit3=km/s label2=Midpoint unit2=km title="Velocity Scan" point1=0.8 point2=0.8 ''') # Velocity picking Flow('vnmo','vscan','pick rect1=100 rect2=10') for vel in ('vrms','vnmo'): Plot(vel, ''' grey color=j allpos=y bias=1.5 clip=0.7 scalebar=y barreverse=y barunit=km/s label2=Midpoint unit2=km label1=Time unit1=s title="%s Velocity" ''' % vel[1:].upper()) Result('vnmo','vrms vnmo','SideBySideIso') # Stacking ########## Flow('nmo','data vnmo','nmo velocity=${SOURCES[1]}') Flow('stack','nmo','stack') # Using vrms is CHEATING ######################## Flow('nmo0','data vrms','nmo velocity=${SOURCES[1]}') Flow('dstack','nmo0', ''' window f1=250 | logstretch | fft1 | transp plane=13 memsize=1000 | finstack | transp memsize=1000 | fft1 inv=y | logstretch inv=y | pad beg1=250 | put unit1=s ''') Flow('zoff','data','window n2=1') stacks = { 'stack': 'Stack with NMO Velocity', 'dstack': 'DMO Stack', 'zoff': 'Zero Offset' } for stack in stacks.keys(): Result(stack, ''' window min1=1.5 max1=5 min2=1 max2=9 | grey title="%s" ''' % stacks[stack]) # Kirchhoff Migration ##################### proj = Project() prog = proj.Program('kirchhoff',['kirchhoff.c','aal.c']) exe = str(prog[0]) # Using vrms is CHEATING ######################## Flow('tmig','dstack %s vrms' % prog[0], './${SOURCES[1]} vel=${SOURCES[2]} antialias=0') Result('tmig', ''' window min2=2.5 max2=7.5 | grey title="Time Migration" ''') # Using vofz is CHEATING ######################## Flow('dmig','tmig vofz', 'time2depth velocity=${SOURCES[1]}') Plot('dmig', ''' window max1=5 min2=2.5 max2=7.5 | grey title="Time -> Depth" screenratio=1 label2=Distance label1=Depth unit1=km ''') Result('dmig','Overlay') Result('dmig2','dmig lays2','Overlay') End() |
/* 2-D Post-stack Kirchhoff time migration. */ #include <rsf.h> #include "aal.h" /* antialising routines */ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int nt, nx, nz, ix, iz, iy, i; float *trace, **out, **v; float x,z, dx, ti, tx, t0,dt, z0,dz, vi,aal; sf_file inp, mig, vel; sf_init (argc,argv); inp = sf_input("in"); vel = sf_input("vel"); mig = sf_output("out"); if (!sf_histint(inp,"n1",&nt)) sf_error("No n1="); if (!sf_histint(inp,"n2",&nx)) sf_error("No n2="); if (!sf_histfloat(inp,"o1",&t0)) sf_error("No o1="); if (!sf_histfloat(inp,"d1",&dt)) sf_error("No d1="); if (!sf_histfloat(inp,"d2",&dx)) sf_error("No d2="); if (!sf_getint("nz",&nz)) nz=nt; if (!sf_getfloat("dz",&dz)) dz=dt; if (!sf_getfloat("z0",&z0)) z0=t0; if (!sf_getfloat("antialias",&aal)) aal=1.0; /* antialiasing */ v = sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); sf_floatread(v[0],nz*nx,vel); trace = sf_floatalloc(nt); out = sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); for (i=0; i < nz*nx; i++) { out[0][i] = 0.; } /* loop over input traces */ for (iy=0; iy < nx; iy++) { sf_floatread (trace,nt,inp); aal_doubint(nt,trace); /* loop over output traces */ for (ix=0; ix < nx; ix++) { x = (ix-iy)*dx; /* loop over output time */ for (iz=0; iz < nz; iz++) { z = z0 + iz*dz; vi = v[ix][iz]; /* hypot(a,b) = sqrt(a*a+b*b) */ ti = hypotf(z,2.0*x/vi); /* tx = |dt/dx| */ tx = 4.0*fabsf(x)/(vi*vi*(ti+dt)); out[ix][iz] += aal_pick(ti,tx*dx*aal,trace,nt,dt,t0); } } } sf_floatwrite(out[0],nz*nx,mig); exit(0); } |
Figure 9. 2-D field dataset from the Gulf of Mexico. |
cd hw3/gulf
scons viewto generate the figures and display them on your screen.
from rsf.proj import * # Download data Fetch('beinew.HH','midpts') # Set dimensions Flow('gulf','beinew.HH', ''' dd form=native | put label1=Time unit1=s label2=Half-Offset unit2=km label3=Midpoint unit3=km ''') # Display Result('gulf', ''' byte | transp plane=23 | grey3 flat=n frame1=500 frame2=160 frame3=10 title=Data point1=0.8 point2=0.8 ''') End() |
Homework 3 |