GEO 365N/384S Seismic Data Processing Computational Assignment 5 |
In the first part of the assignment, we will revisit the groundroll attenuation problem in the Alaska data and will try to solve it using the linear Radon transform (slant stack).
scons -cto remove (clean) previously generated files.
Figure 1. Signal and noise separation using (a) Fourier method from Assignment 2, (b) Radon method from this assignment. |
scons signal.view
Figure 2. From left to right: input shot gather, its Radon transform, data reconstructed by the inverse transform. |
To reproduce the figure on your screen, run
scons radon.view
Can you spot ellipses in the Radon transform domain in Figure 2?
Figure 3. Separating noise from signal in the Radon domain. From left to right: the Radon transform, separated noise components, noise reconstructed by the inverse transform. |
scons radon-cut.view
scons signal2.viewor compare it with the Fourier-domain result by running
sfpen Fig/signal.vpl Fig/signal2.vpl
from rsf.proj import * # Download one shot gather Fetch('shot.HH','alaska') Flow('shot','shot.HH','dd form=native') Plot('shot','grey title="Selected Shot" clip=2') # Previous method: Fourier transform #################################### Flow('fft','shot','fft1 | fft3') Plot('fft', ''' window max1=100 | math output="abs(input)" | real | grey allpos=y title="Fourier Transform" ''') v1=9 v2=11 # Program from Emc-Hammer prog = Program('filter.c') Flow('filter','fft %s' % prog[0], './${SOURCES[1]} logis=30 v1=%g v2=%g type=1' % (v1,v2)) Result('filter', ''' window max1=100 | math output="abs(input)" | real | grey allpos=y title="Filtered" ''') Flow('mute','fft %s' % prog[0], ''' math output=1 | ./${SOURCES[1]} v1=%g v2=%g | real ''' % (v1,v2)) Result('mute','window max1=100 | grey allpos=y tile="Mute"') Flow('signal','filter','fft3 inv=y | fft1 inv=y') Plot('signal','grey title=Signal clip=2') Flow('noise','shot signal','add scale=1,-1 ${SOURCES[1]}') Plot('noise','grey title=Noise clip=2') Result('signal','shot signal noise','SideBySideAniso') # New method: Radon transform ############################# # slope sampling pmax=0.4 np=401 dp=2*pmax/(np-1) Flow('radon','shot', 'radon adj=y spk=n p0=%g dp=%g np=%d' % (-pmax,dp,np)) Plot('radon', ''' grey title="Radon Transform" label2=Slope unit2=s/kft clip=0.1 ''') Flow('inv','radon','radon adj=n nx=96 dx=0.11 ox=-5.225') Plot('inv','grey title="Inverse Radon Transform" clip=2') Result('radon','shot radon inv','SideBySideAniso') # minimum and maximum slope for the noise p1=0.15 p2=0.3 Flow('cut','radon', ''' math output=1 | cut min2=%g max2=%g | cut max2=%g | cut min2=%g ''' % (-p1,p1,-p2,p2)) Flow('radon-cut','radon cut','mul ${SOURCES[1]}') Plot('radon-cut', ''' grey title="Noise Radon Transform" label2=Slope unit2=s/kft clip=0.1 ''') Flow('noise2','radon-cut','radon adj=n nx=96 dx=0.11 ox=-5.225') Plot('noise2','grey title=Noise clip=2') Result('radon-cut','radon radon-cut noise2','SideBySideAniso') Flow('signal2','shot noise2','add scale=1,-1 ${SOURCES[1]}') Plot('signal2','grey title=Signal clip=2') Result('signal2','shot signal2 noise2','SideBySideAniso') End() |
GEO 365N/384S Seismic Data Processing Computational Assignment 5 |