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Mixed-domain extrapolation

Mixed-domain solutions to the one-way wave equation consist of decompositions of the extrapolation wavenumber defined in equation 13 in terms computed in the Fourier domain for a reference of the extrapolation medium, followed by a finite-differences correction applied in the space-domain. For equation 13, a generic mixed-domain solution has the form:
k_\tau \approx {k_\tau }_0+ \omega \left (a-a_0\right )+
...{\mu-\rho \left ( \frac{ k_\gamma }{ \omega } \right )^2} \;,
\end{displaymath} (13)

where $a_0$ and $b_0$ are reference values for the medium characterized by the parameters $a$ and $b$, and the coefficients $\mu$, $\nu$ and $\rho $ take different forms according to the type of approximation. As for usual Cartesian coordinates, ${k_\tau }_0$ is applied in the Fourier domain, and the other two terms are applied in the space domain. If we limit the space-domain correction to the thin lens term, $\omega \left (a-a_0\right )$, we obtain the equivalent of the split-step Fourier (SSF) method (Stoffa et al., 1990) in Riemannian coordinates.

Appendix A details the derivations for two types of expansions known by the names of pseudo-screen (Huang et al., 1999), and Fourier finite-differences (Biondi, 2002; Ristow and Ruhl, 1994). Other extrapolation approximations are possible, but are not described here, for simplicity.

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