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3D TTI model

I use a homogeneous TTI model to illustrate the separation of P-, SV-, and SH-modes. The model has parameters $ V_{P0}=3.5$  km/s, $ V_{S0}=1.75$  km/s, $ \rho=2.0$  g/cm$ ^3$ , $ \epsilon=0.4$ , $ \delta=0.1$ , $ \gamma=0.0$ , $ \nu=30^\circ$ , and $ \alpha=45^\circ$ . Figure 14 shows a snapshot of the elastic wavefields in the $ z$ , $ x$ , and $ y$ directions. A displacement source located at the center of the model and oriented at tilt 45$ ^\circ$ and azimuth 45$ ^\circ$ is used to excite the wavefield. Figure 15 shows successfully separated P-, SV-, and SH-modes. In this model, the parameter $ \gamma$ , which characterizes the anisotropy of SH-mode, is set to zero so that the SH-mode propagation is isotropic. For this homogeneous model, a spherical wavefront in the SH-panel indicates successful separation of SV- and SH-modes.

Because this model is homogeneous, the separation is implemented in the wavenumber domain to reduce computation cost. For heterogeneous models, 3D non-stationary filtering is necessary to separate different wave-modes. I do not perform wave-mode separation in 3D heterogeneous models because of the high computational cost, which will be discussed in more detail in the following section.

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Figure 14.
A snapshot of the elastic wavefield in the $ z$ , $ x$ and $ y$ directions for a 3D VTI model. The model has parameters $ V_{P0}=3.5$  km/s, $ V_{S0}=1.75$  km/s, $ \rho=2.0$  g/cm$ ^3$ , $ \epsilon=0.4$ , $ \delta=0.1$ , and $ \gamma=0.0$ . A displacement source oriented at 45$ ^\circ$ to the vertical direction and located at coordinates $ x=11$  km and $ z=1$  km is used to simulate the elastic anisotropic wavefield.
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Figure 15.
Separated P-, SV- and SH-wave-modes for the elastic wavefields shown in Figure 14. P, SV, and SH are well separated from each other.
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