Month: July 2007

Are there any hidden parameters that apply to all Madagascar programs?

July 11, 2007 FAQ No comments

Two of the hidden parameters (datapath= and out=) are described in the Guide to RSF file format. Other parameters like that include

  • readwrite= (yes or no, the default is no) for designating all auxiliary files to be available for both reading and writing.
  • tmpdatapath= (the default is the same as datapath, similar rules apply) for setting a separate directory for temporary data files.

One year

July 11, 2007 Celebration No comments

In one year of public existence, Madagascar has been showing a good rate of spreading. More than 1200 copies of the stable version were downloaded from Sourceforge, with the record activity in the last four months. The number of registered developers went from 2 to 16. Needless to say, many important deficiencies remain and will require a community effort to get overcome. Several new issues were pointed out by developers of OpendTect working on integrating Madagascar tools with their product through a graphical user interface.
Recent presentations on Madagascar are available on the Conferences web page.