| |
file datum= | auxiliary input file name
float delay= | time delay for rule=lmo
int dens=1 | axis stretching factor
int extend=4 | trace extension
bool half=y [y/n] | if y, the second axis is half-offset instead of full offset
float hdelay= | offset delay for rule=rad
bool inv=n [y/n] | if y, do inverse stretching
float maxstr=0 | maximum stretch
int nout=dens*n1 | output axis length (if inv=n)
string rule= | Stretch rule:
n - constant-velocity normal moveout (nmostretch), default
l - linear moveout (lmostretch)
L - logarithmic stretch (logstretch)
2 - t^2 stretch (t2stretch)
c - t^2 chebyshev stretch (t2chebstretch)
r - radial moveout (radstretch)
d - datuming (datstretch)
s - s*t scaling stretch (scalestretch)
float scale= | scaling factor for rule=scale
float tdelay= | time delay for rule=rad
float v0= | moveout velocity
bool verb=y [y/n] | verbosity flag