| |
bool allpos=n [y/n] | if y, assume positive data
string bar= | file for scalebar data
bool barreverse=n [y/n] | if y, go from small to large on the bar scale
float bias=0. | value mapped to the center of the color table
string color= | color scheme (default is i)
string gainpanel= | gain reference: 'a' for all, 'e' for each, or number
int gainstep=0.5+n1/256. | subsampling for gpow and clip estimation
float gpow=1 | raise data to gpow power for display
float maxval= | maximum value for scalebar (default is the data maximum)
bool mean=n [y/n] | if y, bias on the mean value
float minval= | minimum value for scalebar (default is the data minimum)
int nreserve=8 | reserved colors
float pclip= | data clip percentile (default is 99)
float phalf= | percentage for estimating gpow
bool polarity=n [y/n] | if y, reverse polarity (white is high by default)
bool scalebar=n [y/n] | if y, draw scalebar
bool symcp=n [y/n] | if y, assume symmetric color palette of 255 colors
bool transp=y [y/n] | if y, transpose the display axes
bool verb=n [y/n] | verbosity flag
bool wantframenum=(bool) (n3 > 1) [y/n] | if y, display third axis position in the corner
bool xreverse=n [y/n] | if y, reverse the horizontal axis
bool yreverse=y [y/n] | if y, reverse the vertical axis