sfgpurtm (4.0)
2D prestack GPU-based RTM using effective boundary saving.

        sfgpurtm < vmodl.rsf > imag1.rsf imag2=imag2.rsf fm= dt= nt= ns= ng= jsx= jsz=0 jgx=1 jgz=0 sxbeg= szbeg= gxbeg= gzbeg= order=6 phost=0 csdgather=y vmute=1500 tdmute=2.0/(fm*dt)

Some basic descriptions of this code are in order.
1) Coordinate configuration of seismic data:

o--------------> x (2nd dim: *.y)
z (1st dim: *.x)
1st dim: i1=threadIdx.x+blockDim.x*blockIdx.x;
2nd dim: i2=threadIdx.y+blockDim.y*blockIdx.y;
(i1, i2)=i1+i2*nnz;

2) stability condition:
min(dx, dz)>sqrt(2)*dt*max(v) (NJ=2)
numerical dispersion condition:
max(dx, dz) max(dx, dz)
3) This code doesn't save the history of forward time steps. We
just save the least boundaries (referred to as effective boundary
in our work) of every time step and the two final steps of the
wavefield. Using this information, we can easily reconstruct
the exact wavefield in the reverse time steps. It is noteworthy
that to implement large scale seismic imaging, pinned memory is
employed to save the boundaries of each step so that all the saved
data can be computed on the device directly.

4) In our implementation, we employ staggered grid based
convolutional PML (CPML) boundary condition. Using 20 points for
CPML is enough to obtain perfect absorbing effect (while commonly
used sponge ABC may need 30 or more). However, we use 32 points on
each side due to the grid alignment reasons. (To make your code
fast, you should consider that the GPU codes implementation unit
is half-warp (16 threads). The thickness of the boundary should be
times of 16.

5) The final images can be two kinds: result of correlation imaging
condition and the normalized one. The normalized correlation imaging
result is preferred due to compensated illumination. Some filters
are popular and effective to remove the low frequency artifacts of
the imaging: the Laplacian filtering, derivative filtering and
the bandpass filtering. In this code, we use laplacian filtering.

bool csdgather=y [y/n]
default, common shot-gather; if n, record at every point
float dt=
time interval
float fm=
dominant freq of ricker
int gxbeg=
x-begining index of receivers, starting from 0
int gzbeg=
z-begining index of receivers, starting from 0
file imag2=
auxiliary output file name
int jgx=1
receiver x-axis jump interval
int jgz=0
receiver z-axis jump interval
int jsx=
source x-axis jump interval
int jsz=0
source z-axis jump interval
int ng=
total receivers in each shot
int ns=
total shots
int nt=
total modeling time steps
int order=6
order of finite difference, order=2,4,6,8,10
float phost=0
phost% points on host with zero-copy pinned memory, the rest on device
int sxbeg=
x-begining index of sources, starting from 0
int szbeg=
z-begining index of sources, starting from 0
int tdmute=2.0/(fm*dt)
number of deleyed time samples to mute
float vmute=1500
muting velocity to remove the low-freq artifacts, unit=m/s

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