sfgenshots (4.0)
Generate shots for FWI using Enquist absorbing boundary condition

        sfgenshots < vinit.rsf > shots.rsf time=time.rsf check=check.rsf amp=1000 fm=10 dt= nt= ns= ng= jsx= jsz=0 jgx=1 jgz=0 sxbeg= szbeg= gxbeg= gzbeg= csdgather=n chk=n kt=100

Note: You can try other complex boundary condition but we do not
recommend to do so. The main reason is that FWI is to recover
the low-frequency information of the earth model. Low-freq
means that exact absorbing is not necessarilly needed. The
result will be improved with the optimization procedure.
Furthermore, complex boundary condition (such as sponge ABC or
PML) implies more computational cost, which will degrade the
efficiency of FWI.

float amp=1000
maximum amplitude of ricker
file check=
auxiliary output file name
bool chk=n [y/n]
check whether GPU-CPU implementation coincide with each other or not
bool csdgather=n [y/n]
default, common shot-gather; if n, record at every point
float dt=
time interval
float fm=10
dominant freq of ricker
int gxbeg=
x-begining index of receivers, starting from 0
int gzbeg=
z-begining index of receivers, starting from 0
int jgx=1
receiver x-axis jump interval
int jgz=0
receiver z-axis jump interval
int jsx=
source x-axis jump interval
int jsz=0
source z-axis jump interval
int kt=100
check it at it=100
int ng=
total receivers in each shot
int ns=
total shots
int nt=
total modeling time steps
int sxbeg=
x-begining index of sources, starting from 0
int szbeg=
z-begining index of sources, starting from 0
file time=
auxiliary output file name

Used In
