| |
bool both=n [y/n] | if y, compute both left and right predictions
bool drift=n [y/n] | if shift filter
float eps=0.0f | regularization
string idip= | initial in-line dip (auxiliary input file name)
int liter=20 | number of linear iterations
string mask= | auxiliary input file name
int n4=2 | what to compute in 3-D. 0: in-line, 1: cross-line, 2: both
int niter=5 | number of iterations
int nj1=1 | in-line antialiasing
int nj2=1 | cross-line antialiasing
int order=1 | accuracy order
float p0=0. | initial in-line dip
float pmax=+FLT_MAX | maximum inline dip
float pmin=-FLT_MAX | minimum inline dip
float q0=0. | initial cross-line dip
float qmax=+FLT_MAX | maximum cross-line dip
float qmin=-FLT_MAX | minimum cross-line dip
int rect1=1 | dip smoothness on 1st axis
int rect2=1 | dip smoothness on 2nd axis
int rect3=1 | dip smoothness on 3rd axis
bool verb=n [y/n] | verbosity flag
string xdip= | initial cross-line dip (auxiliary input file name)