sfcram2 (4.0)
2-D angle-domain Kirchhoff migration based on escape tables.

        sfcram2 < esct.rsf data=data.rsf vz=vz.rsf > oimag.rsf imap=oimap.rsf smap=osmap.rsf dipagath=dimag.rsf dipimap=dimap.rsf dipsmap=dsmap.rsf full=fimag.rsf mute=n sqsmb=n oazmin=180.0 oazmax=180.0 dazmin=180.0 dazmax=180.0 ts=3 th=5 vconst=1.5 smax=10*fabsf (ds) hmax=20*fabsf (dh)

string data=
Processed prestack data (auxiliary input file name)
float dazmax=180.0
Maximum allowed dip angle (abs.value) at z max
float dazmin=180.0
Maximum allowed dip angle (abs.value) at z min
string dipagath=
Dip angle gathers (angle, z, x) (auxiliary output file name)
string dipimap=
Dip gathers illumination (angle, z, x) (auxiliary output file name)
string dipsmap=
Dip gathers semblance (angle, z, x) (auxiliary output file name)
string full=
Full image (scattering angle, dip angle, z, x) (auxiliary output file name)
float hmax=20*fabsf (dh)
Maximum allowed width of the receiver ray branch
string imap=
Scattering gathers illumination (angle, z, x) (auxiliary output file name)
bool mute=n [y/n]
y - mute signal in constant z plane before stacking
float oazmax=180.0
Maximum allowed scattering angle at z max
float oazmin=180.0
Maximum allowed scattering angle at z min
string smap=
Scattering gathers semblance (angle, z, x) (auxiliary output file name)
float smax=10*fabsf (ds)
Maximum allowed width of the shot ray branch
bool sqsmb=n [y/n]
y - output energy traces instead of semblance
int th=5
Tapering length at the edges of the receiver direction
int ts=3
Tapering length at the edges of the source direction
float vconst=1.5
Constant velocity, if vz= is not used
string vz=
Velocity model for amplitude weights (auxiliary input file name)

Used In
