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Understanding iterative thresholding as shaping regularization

Note that at each iteration soft thresholding is the only nonlinear operation corresponding to the $ \ell_1$ constraint for the model $ x$ , i.e., $ R(x)=\Vert x\Vert _1$ . Shaping regularization (Fomel, 2007,2008) provides a general and flexible framework for inversion without the need for a specific penalty function $ R(x)$ when a particular kind of shaping operator is used. The iterative shaping process can be expressed as

$\displaystyle x^{k+1}=S(x^{k}+B(d_{obs}-Fx^{k})),$ (9)

where the shaping operator $ S$ can be a smoothing operator (Fomel, 2007), or a more general operator even a nonlinear sparsity-promoting shrinkage/thresholding operator (Fomel, 2008). It can be thought of a type of Landweber iteration followed by projection, which is conducted via the shaping operator $ S$ . Instead of finding the formula of gradient with a known regularization penalty, we have to focus on the design of shaping operator in shaping regularization. In gradient-based Landweber iteration the backward operator $ B$ is required to be the adjoint of the forward mapping $ F$ , i.e., $ B=F^*$ ; in shaping regularization however, it is not necessarily required. Shaping regularization gives us more freedom to choose a form of $ B$ to approximate the inverse of $ F$ so that shaping regularization enjoys faster convergence rate in practice. In the language of shaping regularization, the updating rule in Eq. (7) becomes

$\displaystyle \left\{ \begin{array}{l} r^{k}\leftarrow d_{obs}-Md^{k}, \\ d^{k+1}\leftarrow \Phi S(\Phi^{*}(d^{k}+r^{k})), \end{array} \right.$ (10)

where the backward operator is chosen to be the inverse of the forward mapping.

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