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sfcmplx: Create a complex dataset from its real and imaginary parts.

sfcmplx < real.rsf > cmplx.rsf real.rsf imag.rsf
There has to be only two input files specified and no additional parameters.

sfcmplx simply creates a complex dataset from its real and imaginary parts. The reverse operation can be accomplished with sfreal and sfimag.

Example of sfcmplx:

bash$ sfspike n1=2 n2=3 > one.rsf
bash$ sfin one.rsf
    esize=4 type=float form=native
    n1=2           d1=0.004       o1=0          label1="Time" unit1="s"
    n2=3           d2=0.1         o2=0          label2="Distance" unit2="km"
        6 elements 24 bytes
bash$ sfcmplx one.rsf one.rsf > cmplx.rsf
bash$ sfin cmplx.rsf
    esize=8 type=complex form=native
    n1=2           d1=0.004       o1=0          label1="Time" unit1="s"
    n2=3           d2=0.1         o2=0          label2="Distance" unit2="km"
        6 elements 48 bytes

