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Hyperbolic and nonhyperbolic CRS

If $ P(t,m,h)$ represents the prestack seismic data as a function of time $ t$ , midpoint $ m$ and half-offset $ h$ , then conventional stacking can be described as

$\displaystyle S(t_0,m_0) = \int P\left(\theta(h;t_0),m_0,h\right) d h\;,$ (1)

where $ S(t,m)$ is the stack section, and $ \theta(h;t_0)$ is the moveout approximation, which may take a form of a hyperbola

$\displaystyle \theta(h;t_0) = \sqrt{t_0^2 + \frac{4 h^2}{v^2}}$ (2)

with $ v$ as an effective velocity parameter or, alternatively, a more complicated non-hyperbolic functional form, which involves other parameters (Fomel and Stovas, 2010).

The MF or CRS stacking takes a different form,

$\displaystyle \widehat{S}(t_0,m_0) = \iint P\left(\widehat{\theta}(m-m_0,h;t_0),m,h\right) d m d h\;,$ (3)

where the integral over midpoint $ m$ is typically carried out only over a limited neighborhood of $ m_0$ . The multifocusing approximation of Gelchinsky et al. (1999a) takes the form

$\displaystyle \widehat{\theta}_{MF}(d,h;t_0) = t_0 + T_{(+)}(d,h) + T_{(-)}(d,h)\;,$ (4)

where, in the notation of Tygel et al. (1999),

$\displaystyle T_{(\pm)} = \frac{\sqrt{1+2 K_{(\pm)} (d \pm h) \sin{\beta} + K_{(\pm)}^2 (d \pm h)^2}-1}{V_0 K_{(\pm)}}\;,$ (5)

$\displaystyle K_{(\pm)} = \frac{K_N \pm \sigma K_{NIP}}{1 \pm \sigma}\;,$ (6)


$\displaystyle \sigma(d,h) = \frac{h}{d + K_{NIP} \sin{\beta}(d^2-h^2)}\;.$ (7)

The four parameters $ \{K_N,K_{NIP},\beta,V_0\}$ have clear physical interpretations in terms of the wavefront and ray geometries (Gelchinsky et al., 1999a). $ V_0$ represents the velocity at the surface and is typically assumed known and constant around the central ray. One important property of the MF approximation is that, in a constant velocity medium with velocity $ V_0$ , it can accurately describe both reflections from a plane dipping interfaces and diffractions from point diffractors.

The CRS approximation (Jäger et al., 2001) is

$\displaystyle \widehat{\theta}_{CRS}(d,h;t_0) = \sqrt{F(d) + b_2 h^2}\;,$ (8)

where $ F(d) = (t_0 + a_1 d)^2 + a_2 d^2$ , and the three parameters $ \{a_1,a_2,b_2\}$ are related to the multifocusing parameters as follows:
$\displaystyle a_1$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac{2 \sin{\beta}}{V_0}\;,$ (9)
$\displaystyle a_2$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac{2 \cos^2{\beta} K_N t_0}{V_0}\;,$ (10)
$\displaystyle b_2$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac{2 \cos^2{\beta} K_{NIP} t_0}{V_0}\;.$ (11)

Equation (8) is equivalent to a truncated Taylor expansion of the squared traveltime in equation (4) around $ d=0$ and $ h=0$ . In comparison with MF, CRS possesses a fundamental simplicity, which makes it easy to extend the method to 3-D. However, it looses the property of accurately describing diffractions in a constant-velocity medium.

We propose the following modification of approximation (8):

$\displaystyle \widehat{\theta}(d,h;t_0) = \sqrt{\frac{F(d) + c h^2 + \sqrt{F(d-h) F(d+h)}}{2}}\;,$ (12)

where $ c=2 b_2+a_1^2-a_2$ . Equation (12), which we call non-hyperbolic common reflection surface, is derived in Appendix A. A truncated Taylor expansion of the squared traveltime from equation (12) around $ d=0$ and $ h=0$ is equivalent to equation (8).

There are two important special cases:

  1. If $ a_2=0$ or $ K_N=0$ , equation (12) becomes equivalent to equation (8), with $ F(d) = (t_0 + a_1 d)^2$ . In a constant-velocity medium, this case corresponds to reflection from a planar reflector.
  2. If $ a_2=b_2$ or $ K_{NIP}=0$ , equation (12) becomes equivalent to

    $\displaystyle \widehat{\theta}(d,h;t_0) = \frac{\sqrt{F(d-h)}+\sqrt{F(d+h)}}{2}\;.$ (13)

    In a constant-velocity medium, this case corresponds to a point diffractor.

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